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Everything posted by skadog

  1. You can always play with yourself, get some Co-Op maps with AI and go to town. The AI won't care if you have a microphone, and they wont say rude things about you on the VON. ;) The beauty of Arma is that it can be as serious or light as you like. Even if you want to play with out a mic on most servers it's not a problem, there is always text chat, and map marker to relay information if it comes to that.
  2. skadog

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    We tested out v15.20 last night, and were very pleased with it! One thing we found at the end of the game was that the AI commander didn't build any buildings. Only the MHQ was deployed, as a result the opposition was only able to capture 3 towns by the end of the game. Is this pretty much a TvT map?
  3. :D I see what you did there. All thoughts are in place, all deeds are complete, Play, theme for a jackal play.
  4. skadog

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Other than commanding AI, I really don't see the problem. I think most PC gamers can find the AWDS keys and if you can find those then it's pretty easy to find QERFZXC [Tab] [L.Shift] and etc with out looking ;) Also many people have mice that have several additional buttons (other than M1,M2,M3) as well so that further reduces the dependency of the keyboard. Certianly the UI has room to be improved. I wouldn't mind that at all! However in my opinion the real solution is AI that doesn't need to be micro-managed. Thus further reducing the need to access a complicated set of key combos. For example it sure would be nice if my squad medic would heal injured members with out me having to select him, press action, heal soldier, etc.
  5. Just wondering does anybody know if the grass hinders the AI's vision in Co-Op?
  6. I used VAC before to play Arma 2, it works out pretty well. There is also a free software out there that some people have been using called GlovePIE, it may take a little more work but it's free! Another software I found was something called, Shoot. But I haven't tried it yet. http://glovepie.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1075 http://clans.gameclubcentral.com/shoot/
  7. skadog

    How can i use the Bipod ?

    I'm hopefull for weapon resting and an actual bipod attachment and deployment animation. I have a feeling that it's going to be one of those, "We have bigger fish to fry.. let the modders do it." things. I guess for now you can just lay down and wait to find out. ;)
  8. skadog

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    With regards to having too many controls, I find that voice controls work pretty well to eliminate some of need for complicated key combos and repetitive work. It's a little work to get it setup just right but it works remarkably well, paticularly when dealing with commanding a squad of AI. So I imagine combined with V.R. it would be pretty sweet!
  9. skadog

    Urban Conquest by tvig0r0us

    A Fallujah pack would be would be great! I was wondering also if you could add an ammo crate for each side? More than a few times I've wanted to pick up some other items, packs, etc. Still one of the best set of maps I've played in a while.
  10. skadog

    Urban Conquest by tvig0r0us

    Really enjoying these maps! I was wondering if your planning on releasing a couple of i44 versions?
  11. skadog

    Playing Arma III alone?

    There are a number of ways to play this game. I'm there will be the campaign, many more user made campaigns, then as mentioned lots earlier Co-Op. You can also practice playing and getting familiar with the controls simply go into the editor and place a few items and preview. You might also find that you want to design your own missions. Join an online game that's not as not as PvP centric, or join a server with fewer people on and practice. Get some friends to start playing with you or make some new ones.. not every one here is a hole. :p
  12. skadog

    64-bit executable

    So as it is now the game is CPU hungry and let face it not everyone has or exceeds an i5 CPU. So right there you are already reducing the possible customers as they wont have those required/recommended processors. :p I bet more of these system owners would be willing to spend their time and money to upgrade their OS and RAM rather than motherboard, CPU, PSU, RAM, and etc just to play A3. I know.. It's already been said, it's a business decision.. that means they wont take the time and money to change it. They want to do this as cheaply and quickly as possible and still release a game that is going to sell to the most people they can sell it too. Unfortunately the people in charge are the people looking at the numbers. They don't care if the smallest number of people with the minimum requirements can't run the game well. Only that they can potentially run it.
  13. You have to install steam on another system.. there a sticky with the instructions: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-server-on-a-dedicated-server Also I see someone posted instructions to run it on Linux on Wine.
  14. skadog

    Headless client

    I believe that this one has Headless option in the parameters. Not sure if it's working though. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148637-Release-COOP-Dynamic-War-Sandbox-by-TAW_Zorrobyte-%28AI-load-balancing-FTW%29
  15. Sound good, I can't wait to try this out!
  16. Thanks for the info Zorrobyte, some budies and I were playing your map the other day and had a pretty god time. We tested out the CAS and were surprised to see that they would actually engage the enemy with some success! I guess we are used to AI Air units not being able to use the rocket pods. ;)
  17. I really enjoy this misson but I'm wondering what some of the parameters do. Is there some documentiation for this?
  18. Well I have to say that the AI in the alpha is much better about seeking cover. I was playing some Dynamic War Sandbox and more than a few times when my AI squad came under fire I looked arround and they were hunkered down behind cover. In A2 they might have kneeled down or dropped to their bellies, even if there was some cover right next to them. So even if nothing is implemented or continued improvements made into base game, I'm pretty sure that TPWCAS (TPWC AI Suppression Systemem) will be ported over from A2 and further developed.
  19. skadog

    When will the AI be improved?

    I did a little experiment on last night. First I loaded two AI groups side by side into 2 different vehicles. Then I ordered them to move from the Air Base run way to two different spots. Both destinations were on the road, next to the coastal town Agios to the north, perhaps 100m appart, and near the gas station. One group successfuly was able to navigate arround the air base avaoiding obsticals and quickly made it to the end point. The second group oddly picked a different path. Right through the air base where they became stuck on the corner of a wall and never reached their destination. I think some work is still needed.
  20. skadog

    Testing TPWCAS in A3

    Couple questions since I didn't see it mentioned any where. So are you using CBA A3 with this or just older ver. of CBA, also are you using the debugging during your tests? Visual Debugging: Coloured debug balls can be enabled to assist to visualize TPWCAS suppression functionality: No ball - unsuppressed. Green ball - close friendly fire detected - going crouched Yellow ball - sporadic enemy fire detected - going crouched Red ball - threshold value of enemy fire detected - going prone Black ball - unit is fleeing (fleeing does not mean the unit is running away, but will not be able to be suppressed). * Purple ball - indicates LOS (Line Of sight) was triggered
  21. Where in these 7 layers listed here is the Linux Dedi, server binary or data package?
  22. skadog

    Periodic temporary freezing

    Are you monitoring your CPU while you play? Mine does that as well, and when it happens the CPU is spiked up to 100% utilization. Mostly happens when I'm driving vehicles, turned off PiP in the settings and it helped reduce the occurances but it still happens from time to time. Windows has resource logging built-in. It's called the Performance Monitor. Create a data collector set to start collecting performance data while you play.
  23. I'm not sure why redundant controls that can be remaped to the players taste. The FOV that can probably changed in the configs, and a xbox console controller should warrant any more attention than any other request. Maybe you should wait for the console version to come out. ;) http://feedback.arma3.com/my_view_page.php
  24. skadog

    AI going around walls to keep formation

    Yes, I really wish the formations were more malleable! When ever I see behavior like your video I always think back to Full Spectrum Warrior.. But one thing that could be cool would be able to setup custom formations.
  25. My only really hiccups with preformance have been while driving. At these moments, the CPU will spike up 100%. I'm wondering if it's related to PhysX. To test this I'm wondering if this can be disabled. I didn's see a setting, so maybe there is a switch I can use or a console command.