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About sneekn

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  1. sneekn

    TrackIR Pros & Cons???

    so basically: TIR is GREAT and costs some money. Freelook is great and costs little money but you have to 1) find geek neighbor, relative, or off duty geek squad guy to come by and build it then tweak it twice a day for two months before he gets it to your liking and then must be on call 24/7 in case something happens to it at 2am in the middle of the most bitcheness firefight EVER. 2) after 7 middle of the night calls his mom says no more so your hosed anyway. 3) you get arrested for stalking the little ba$tard cause he stops answering your calls and you cant stand to play without it. Yep I think I will just shell out the dough and play, play, play... IMHO of course Thanks for clearing that up for me guys... now if I could only get Santa to come early this year...
  2. sneekn

    TrackIR Pros & Cons???

    thanks for the input guys! see honey it's not just another piece of crap for my computer that I will use for a week then shelf
  3. sneekn

    TrackIR Pros & Cons???

    Likes? dis-likes? Please let me know if you think its a must have... Thanks in advance, sneekn
  4. Fresh install of OS and game and still crashes to DT trying to start a saved game...
  5. Thanks for the update. Yes I was using the FDF sounds I reinstalled my OS last night thinking it was a reg issue Cheers
  6. Any ideas of why it crashes to the desktop when I try to resume a game?? I have reinstalled once already I use the arma-launcher with sixpack and fdf sounds thanks in advance for you time