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Posts posted by ricbar89

  1. If BIS wants to score a little "easy" money, they should re-release Operation Flashpoint: Elite as ArmA: Elite and sell it on XBLA and PSN.

    Obviously with 1080p resolution, surround sound support, co-op gameplay and the ability to share missions.

    Holy shit yes please.

    A few other optimizations too like draw distance, contruction points etc.

  2. According to this source (watch out! It's in Polish!), Iranians have jammed UAV's radio or whatever it uses to communicate with base. After that, plane's computer decided to perform automatic landing (RQ-170 is said to have such ability, well many UAVs do so), and then Iranians captured it.

    Question of UAV being damaged - on the video we can't see bottom of the plane, probably it landed in rough terrain and could've got damaged.

    But why?

    Would'nt it be better if it nosedived into the groud? Or at least could be pre set depending on its mission.

    If the thing was flying over Iraq or Afganistan where it could be recovered i can see why. But Iran? They would never be able to get it back and they know it. Could'nt they have programmed the thing to do the best job possible of destroying itself?

  3. You also have a PC no matter if you play with it or not. Buying a PC for €300 when you could've gotten a gaming PC for €200 more doesn't ring any bells?

    Well i may just do that when i want a new PC but when will that be? And if i did do it i wouldnt spend as little as £300 odd quid for a PC that can barely run anything now let alone new stuff.

  4. You have to factor in that all of the appliances you use for your console to function like the PC cost money, saying not everyone has had their home burned down is just grasping at straws since you know perfectly well that I was using it as an example to refer to the situation where every piece of hardware has to be paid for. Whether you already have that tv (or any other part) or not, it has to be paid for at some point, and while using it, you are shortening the time until it breaks down.

    Firstly like i already said why do i want my console to function like a PC? I have a PC for that. I just want it to play games.

    Secondly ill buy a TV and use it whether i have a console or not, so no matter what or which way you look at it its got to be paid for anyway. You'll pick up appliances like these anyway so its not a real factor. Im not not going to buy a blueray because my PC can play them, nore am i going to have to buy one if i get a console...

    Yeah and not thinking the house burnt down is a good example is grasping at straws? We Can disagree but i wouldnt call it grasping at straws.

  5. Just out of curiosity, what are the newest games that you have? Do you only buy old ones or something?

    Whats old on a console? Ive got "older" games then ive got never ones. I often get games a few months after they’re out as im rarely in a rush to play them, and im not spending £45 on them.

    Plus consoles answer to directdownload services like steam is preowned. You can get games extremely cheaply at the cost of a potentially crappy box (or get lucky and have a perfect condition game) for half price.

  6. Yeah the problem with all this "total cost" it assumes you buy every game new and want all the crap equal to a PC, which maybe i would just buy a PC if i did. In fact its all based on assumptions. 99.8% (ok thats a guess) of people buying this stuff havent had their house burnt down. Who doesnt already own a TV? Or a PC that can do everything they need. Or even want a blueray. Or need the "most advanced xbox" (they're all about the same apart from HD which is barely an issue for most people).

    I have an xbox. I never buy games at full price anyway, just like loads of people i know.

    If i was to buy a PC, i would have to be spending more money on upgrades long before i ever recouped my savings from game prices. And more often then upgrading to a new console. So no JDB youre going to have to reduce the cost for consoles a lot more then just the cost of a TV.

    The fact is you cant get a PC for the same price as a console or less. And you arent saving anywhere near as much on games unless you're running to the shops and buying every game brand new or buying more games then you healthily should.

  7. He brought up Netbooks, not me.

    He asked where you could get them for $199. I posted a list.

    PC's that can handle games like Arma at reasonable framerates

    so long as you don't go crazy with the settings can be had for

    $500 or less at REAL computer stores and if you dig around places like Craigslist or local used sites.

    Even a lowly Sempron with a 8800GT can handle Arma 2/Arrowhead

    One of my systems is just that and I use it to play MP quit a lot.

    Heavy use of AI in SP batter the CPU into submission but framerates are fine.

    If consoles were sold at the prices it cost to make, promote and ship them

    + a little bit of profit on top of that then they would be the same price or more and you would be getting a LOT LESS.

    The price argument for consoles is bogus. they are loss leaders.

    Well you've totally backtracked from your original post now.

    So there you have it. You cant actually get a decent PC for the same price or cheaper then a console.

  8. You asked about Netbooks for $199 Thats who sells them for $199.

    Just because you can't get PC's that can play games at decent resolutions and FPS rates

    for decent prices where YOU live doesn't mean they don't exist.

    Again..... Xbox360, PS3 are sold BELOW the cost to manufacture, market and ship.

    Also. MS is so desperate to get people buying their overpriced shitty console games

    MS struck a deal with Best buy to give Xbox360's away for FREE with any purchase

    of a Windows PC.

    If you have to give your product away for free or below cost to get people to use it

    means your product sucks.

    The problem is YOU seem to be in the minority here. You've made a claim (the cost of PCs specifically) that few seem to agree with. You've not backed it up and now retreated behind more claims everyone else seems to be living in a land where computers cost much more.

    Again i welcome you to find a PC that can run modern games at decent resolutions and FPS rates for less than $280 CAD. I would be really interested to see it.

  9. To me being a hardcore gamer isn't about some form of elitism, it's more a description of the time and effort many PC gamers put into getting the best experience possible out of their gaming. It's is similar to photography and the idea of an 'hardcore enthusiast' who uses a SLR with various lenses and settings, verses someone who simply uses a compact or a camera phone. The enthusiast cares about higher end hardware, and they spend time and effort researching to get the best out of what they do.

    Hardcore PC gamers do the same, they spend on better hardware, but they also spend time in researching or even developing/adapting mods for games, Skyrim, which is coming with modding tools on the PC, will be a good example no doubt... I recently spent a chunk of time reading forums/sites and testing different mods to get Oblivion to look and play pretty sweet after buying it in the Steam sales for instance.

    Buying expensive hardware and spending time on forums doesnt make you a hardcore gamer.

    I know a few keen mountain bikers, some of them have pretty average bikes they barley keep going but they love to ride the things and ride them to hell. I know some guys who have gone out and bought far more expensive bikes and twinkered with them all day, but they dont spend half as much time out on them.

    So who's more hardcore?

    Buying top hardware, tweaking, optimizing and modding doesnt make you a hardcore gamer. Gaming makes you a hardcore gamer. If you spend a lot of time on a game, you master it, you play it to hell you're more of a gamer then some guy with half as much playtime because he's been spending his time messing around with his PC and making mods. Just like the guy with the better bike he plays with but doesnt spend half as much time on.

  10. Define 'gaming'. If you're talking Alienware, your expectations will be disappointed. If you mean any PC that can play a game, then it's possible. :p


    Pretty much any PC can run any game (OS willing). Whether it can run it at a acceptable framerate is another matter.

    Imho it is not possible to buy a pc for approx. 160€ like the XBox in my example.

    (OS and all peripherial thingys like mouse and keyboard must be included, too ;))

    Even without them it is not possibe.

  11. Unless you're living in some town out in the middle of nowhere it's very easy to get a PC for that price.

    Has been for years and years.

    ---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 PM ----------

    Consoles are a loss leader.

    Kinda like shopping with food stamps or having mommy and daddy give you some of the money to buy it.

    I live in the United Kingdom. I welcome you to find me a modern gaming PC for appox £180.

    You've made a claim but you've yet to back it up.

  12. Ehrm..

    Anyway, consoles aren't something you can really invest in. PCs and PC parts get more mileage for the money you spend (seriously, I have hardware that's gotta be almost 10 or more years old that still gets good use) with the added benefit of filtering out the immature & super-pissed users. Seriously though, I laugh whenever I hear people who exclusively play consoles describe themselves as hardcore gamers.

    If you play a game to hell, master it, put huge amount of time and effort in the platform is irrelevant.

    Someone who will pay the hell out of Skyrim on PC is no more "hardcore" then someone who will play it on xbox/ps3.

    Also elitism in gaming is the lamest form of elitism around.

  13. It is entirely possible to build a PC for about 300€ that will play pretty much any game out there today. You just need to lower the settings to the appropriate values.

    But why would anyone want to do that? Pay the same for a machine that will run a game like GTAIV like crap?

    People make this claim about PC's being cheaper but its BS. They're not. For the same price as a console you'll be far worse off. Plus have a load of hastle like you pointed out too.

  14. Crysis is not the best example of PC gaming. In my opinion, either BIS' games, the STALKER series or Minecraft are the 3 best examples of PC gaming at the moment and they're the ones I tell my friends/prospective gamers about before any others. I would include Half-Life 2, but The Orange Box went to consoles.

    STALKER looks amazing in some areas and butt-ugly in others. The amazing parts come form a lot of the particle and post-processing effects, weather effects and some very cool DirectX 11 features in STALKER: Call of Pripyat like water-logged clothing or objects when it rains. However, it looks really ugly when you only look at the people and creatures as texture, model & animation quality are rather poor. Still, for the kind of game it is and the size of the studio behind it, it's a very big accomplishment in my eyes. The stories of the STALKER games are also quite intriguing and unique, but perhaps nothing overly original.

    Before Crysis, however, nothing of that graphical capability had ever been made into a commercial game. It was a technological landmark if nothing else. It's development also created the technology we now know as Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, or SSAO, used in countless games since then. I believe OA even uses it on the higher post-processing settings. In every other aspect, Crysis was "okay".

    I should point out when i say best example of PC gaming, i mean technically.

    Crysis is the best example of what PC's can do.

    STALKER could be done on consoles without to much issue (i get the impression from STALKER that its one of those games that didnt initially have high system reqs, but then the devs threw a load of bells and whistles on it rather inefficiently at a high cost in system req)

    MineCraft? If its an example of what PC can do then god help them. :p

  15. STALKER does look like a really cool game but i cant say ive played it. Graphics wise its nothing special, and sometimes looks poor going from what ive seen. Gameplay wise i bet it could be on console if the devs wanted, and true to itself (i would say anyway, it has a lot of depth but doenst seem to have ARMA level of complexity).

    Crysis like i said i dont get the fuss over the graphics. Going by how much PC gaming is "apparetly" ahead i would expect way more.

    Minecraft, great game, dont know how its an example of PC gaming though. Doesnt look very great and could be done on console, and will be soon enough.

    And Total War? Well ive played them all, hard to be amazed by something you've followed. Shogun looks fantastic but nothing breathtaking. Gameplay wise console games will never have something like it.

    Still if PC gaming is so far ahead why is Cryisis still the best example? An why wasnt it that far ahead when it came out?

  16. Add loads of blur and overexpose every scene like it's the surface of the sun. That's most of the work done already.

    Nope. PC games do obviously look better but these kind of claims are usually nonsense.

    Im yet to find a PC exclusive game that actually amazes me. Strangely the best examples seem to be by modders. I could understand if they were modding multiplat games but even PC benchmark games like Crysis looked "good" but nothing amazing until modders get their hands on them. Funnily enough usually the thing i notice most about them then is the fact their overexposed as hell by the people who mod them.

    GTAIV being another example. Every amazing photorealistic screenshot i see seems to have been taken in Dubai rather then Liberty city. That or Niko seems to have died and gone to heaven.
