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Everything posted by rezalt

  1. You can go into options > game options > and then turn aiming deadzone all the way down. Then your crosshair will stay in the middle. :)
  2. rezalt

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Thanks S-M, :) Will try out the program again abit later and see if i can make it jitter less.
  3. rezalt

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hey S-M, thanks for the vid. :) Could you please tell me the settings you use in the program? because it runs quite abit better for you, then it does for me.
  4. rezalt

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    You need to install FaceApi for it to work. (atleast i had to) You can get it here: http://www.seeingmachines.com/product/faceapi/downloads/ Will need to register before you can download it. Seems like a good program btw, will need to find my better webcam though.
  5. Hi, Is there a way to disable sound? as i think the sounds, like footsteps and such, are making my game lag.. like the four legged creatures footsteps did for me in oblivion.. when they ran around. I think it might be that because i have the same kinda of lag on all video settings. When i stand still, things begin to run smooth. '-nosound' in shortcut target doesn't work Win 7 64-bit Core i7 920 @3.6ghz Geforce GTX280 6 gig of ram Sound Hardware: High-Definition 7.1 Performance Audio - Standard (all i have of the soundcard/chip name) Hope someone can help ^_^
  6. rezalt

    How to disable sound?

    Seems a restart fixed it.. Game runs great now :D
  7. rezalt

    How to disable sound?

    Took everything down to the lowest. Drivers are updated. I get almost the exact same fps and lag on all high settings and lowest :/ Never had any texture loading delays though.
  8. Hm.. strange.. tells me "This game will unlock in approximately 1 month, and 1 hour" and under 'coming soon' it says Available: 30 jun 2009
  9. It says 30 jun though. :/
  10. So.. can we buy the steam version in europe?
  11. Maybe you are using some older files that are in the ace directory and that didn't get overwritten by the installer. If i remember correctly Kelly's Heroes server has a addonsync server that uses my tool. What you could do is install my tool to see what files are incorrect and remove/update them. An other option would be to simply remove the ACE folder and re run the ace installer afterwards. Also make sure you are connecting to a server that uses the default ACE files. (if my tool tells you you have the correct files when comparing to Kellys then your installation is correct, but the server's installation is altered) The general "error" you are reporting is exactly what my tool is for. Thanks, it helped alot
  12. Hi, everybody. I've been trying to play A.C.E for awhile now and only two servers have let me in.. The other servers keeps telling me that i have missing keys.. and then it shows me the file names in alphabetical order of all the files in the ace addon folder.. I installed via the exe i downloaded from the  -{GOL}- Mirror Is there a key pack or something i need to install? Â
  13. rezalt

    Xam 1.4 released

    Not sure if it's a bug or becouse you have an illegal version of the game.. i think it's one of the special features against pirates :P
  14. rezalt

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    Go here.. and get XAM 1.4 armaholic