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Posts posted by Rg

  1. @Ateryu82,

    I'm really not sure at this point.



    I don't think there is anything I can do about making a widescreen version, since default arma apparently doesn't fully use widescreen in loading screens and the mission editor. Plus, the screenshots I took/take are 4:3, since I don't own a widescreen monitor.


    Yea... Im not so sure this is compatible with the 1.09b patch, you can read about it in the 1.09b troubleshooting thread...
    Quote[/b] ]@TrueView Folder, the 'dta/bin.pbo' is what is causing the problem...

    Any news on a new update? : )

    "TrueMods" works entirely with 1.09b. "TrueView" does not. From my first post in this thread - (In red) "PLEASE delete all old TrueView and TrueMods and use only this new release. Thank you."

    DO NOT use TrueView. TrueView was replaced by TrueFov-Original. It's the same as TrueView, but updated and does not use the bin.pbo (It's just addon form).

    Now your good to go.


    Any update? Any news? Huh, Huh?!?!

    Not quite yet. Once the final patch 1.09 is released and everything is made compatible, you'll see the release. I still have some work to do and so very little free time to do it, so the wait for the patch gives me some time.

  2. *copied and pasted*

    Once again, sorry for the late update, but yes, TrueRangeAI will be updated “soonâ€.

    It’s a complete rewrite, so most/all the frustration will cease (as far as bugs go and other tweaks). It will probably play dramatically different from the very first beta. There were tons of issues with that first version that were all happily resolved. Also, a few major bugs recently were resolved thanks to internal testing with ShackTac. Thanks to dslyecxi for that opportunity.

    - For the people that still use the old version, I sympathize with you. There is probably tons of frustration when playing with it. I can’t imagine going back and using the very first version. If you have dealt with this version for this long, I guess a little longer wait can’t hurt, but that’s up to you.

    - For those that put this mod aside, just wait a little longer and you will have a new/full/hopefully bug free/far superior version.

    <span style='color:red'>*To give you guys “somethingâ€, here is a short video I made showing off the air aspect from an on-ground perspective. Even though it’s about a month old, it will still apply to the v1.0 release. This is hopefully one of many videos to come.</span>

    <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>TrueRangeAI - Air Destruction (Opfor POV).wmv</span></span>

  3. I would like to report a something I had a little trouble with last day. Firstly, I can not imagine playing ArmA without trueview enabled anymore. It's such an enhancement it's ridiculous. At any rate, I was driving a bmp2 the other day from a turned out position. The turned out view is fixed forward, rather than panning slightly into corners, and seems to be too high in elevation (as opposed to altitude). It's disorientating because you can't see the nose of the bmp as you're driving, can't see the road close to the vehicle, and can't see into turns. Playing from turned out drivers views, actually, they seem to have a higher zoom than your default for soldiers.

    I hope you find my experience valuable.

    Are you using the newest released or the old “TrueViewâ€? It could be just a bug if your using the old. If your using the newer version(s), you have to press “optics†all/sometimes when you turnout to be able to move your head around. For some reason, your default view is fixed from the start compared to driving/flying where you have freedom starting, but can fix/lock your view when you press “opticsâ€.

    Let me know if that was your issue.

    WarWolf @ Dec. 29 2007,12:26)]Reason why some servers have not removed crosshairs is because the friendly tags also disappear.

    Hoped that the crosshair mod here might've given a viable option, but when the veteran mod is used in cadet mode then the friendly tags still vanish.

    Would it be possible to do a version that allows friendly tags while disabling the crosshair?

    I personally don’t like that, but I’ll consider an option later on. For now just continue to use the ATOW’s version below that Shadow_Spyder posted.

    I agree that gear menu should have descriptions because from there you can check what ammo fit for weapon(important for addon weapons) and its also nice to read specs of your weapon in dull moments. Is there any way i could use old gear menu?

    Other than that, im lovin it.


    I haven’t looked into creating a dialog for the gear menu yet. I would love for you to press a small button to get “info†and maybe a longer list of “items†while still keeping the gear menu small and compact. I’ll look into this at some later point.

    little suggestion. Change the text colour when magazines are empty from black to something wigh light colour. When the background on screen is black you don't see written anything in the left top corner.

    You are actually the second one to mention that. It doesn’t bother me at all and it doesn’t seem to bother anyone else, but I’ll consider changing it back to red or another color. I’ll decide that later.

    I would like to see the TrueRangeAI mod being updated.

    After playing it for weeks I must say it's good but too aggressive. Some missions are almost unplayable because the AI spots the player too early. Engaging from far is good but spotting is frustrating. In particula when during night mission i get spotted from 600m in the dark while crawiling through bushes (yes I'm using DurgsVegetationFix).

    You should tone down the spotting distance at night. And only officers with high skills and night vision googles should be able to spot someone from let's say 300 - 500 m.

    Once again, sorry for the late update, but yes, TrueRangeAI will be updated “soonâ€.

    It’s a complete rewrite, so most/all the frustration will cease (as far as bugs go and other tweaks). It will probably play dramatically different from the very first beta. There were tons of issues with that first version that were all happily resolved. Also, a few major bugs recently were resolved thanks to internal testing with ShackTac. Thanks to dslyecxi for that opportunity.

    - For the people that still use the old version, I sympathize with you. There is probably tons of frustration when playing with it. I can’t imagine going back and using the very first version. If you have dealt with this version for this long, I guess a little longer wait can’t hurt, but that’s up to you.

    - For those that put this mod aside, just wait a little longer and you will have a new/full/hopefully bug free/far superior version.

    <span style='color:red'>*To give you guys “somethingâ€, here is a short video I made showing off the air aspect from an on-ground perspective. Even though it’s about a month old, it will still apply to the v1.0 release. This is hopefully one of many videos to come.</span>

    <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>TrueRangeAI - Air Destruction (Opfor POV).wmv</span></span>

  4. I was not a fan of the first two versions, but this release is simply amazing. I'm really glad someone decided to tackle the player movement sounds. These new sounds make the game extremely immersive. I absolutely love them, not to mention tons of other sounds, but I only did a quick test. Just from that you get this.. thumbs-up.gif

    I also had a look at the config....now that is a full sound mod! Tons of detail. notworthy.gif

  5. I will run the idea of being able to pause individual axis within the TrackIR software, by the development team and see if we can get it added to a future version of the software.

    You mentioned this feature being included in the next version. I have similar suggestion. Someone might have already asked this at some point, but...

    Would it be possible to assign a hotkey to load a profile? While ingame, you can alt-tab and change the "Auto-load Profile" to whatever you want then go back ingame and have it work. So would it be possible to do a certain profile change by the ease of hitting a hot key?

    I desire this because as infantry most people play with a deadzone. I didn't for a while, but for being able to see movement at long ranges, your screen needs to be still. When it comes to flying and driving, I like to have no deadzone. So, is this at all possible?


  6. Glad your enjoying it. So you and others know, it is still being developed and tweaked much further.

    There will be a pretty massive update in the “near futureâ€. I have no idea when, because there are still quite a few areas we need to adjust and tweak, but the changelog should be quite long.

    Basically, the beta was mainly just infantry tweaks. Recently, I have been overhauling the air and vehicle element of the game and gameplay will be even more different. If you played WGL before, the fear and devastation of vehicles will be very apparent. Even more so, the air element. Be prepared to run in fear when you see a jet or chopper lining up. wink_o.gif


    As far as your comment,

    That issue is somewhat resolved. Basically, the method for this mod was reworked to give similar results, but going about it in a slightly different way. Before there were some issues, for instance stance and speed didn’t effect spotting much. Now there is a big difference based on the speed you are moving at. Sprinting and walking can be the difference of ~200m. Crawling stealthy will also get you a lot closer unnoticed, but keep in mind, it’s still farther then default. You should notice that the gameplay will be much improved when a new version is released. You also have to keep in mind that it can never be perfect, because our spotting ability is always going to be different based on unit camo and the environment, whereas AI sadly don’t see color.

  7. Thanks for all this stuff. There quite a few goodies in these packs. I love that you separated everything to pick and choose.

    I did noticed a few issues with a couple of the addons...




    I love it for land vehicles, but this gets rid of the possibility to eject when flying. No way to bail to save your life. I am not sure if it's possible to differentiate which vehicle can have the option or not, but it's something you might want to look into.




    It works, but there seems to be a bug. If you double-click and move the "bigger" object around the screen, you can't double-click to shrink it again. It will always stay big. Not sure if there is anyway to fix that though.

    Anyways, great stuff thumbs-up.gif

  8. I guess I will remove the "Wind info" action, unless people find it actually useful.

    But anyways, the next version of DMSmokeEffects may well, as well as having a separate Smoke grenade addon, have a separate Hide addon.

    The thinking behind it is this: when the "Hide" action is performed, an invisible doughnut shaped viewblock rises up from the ground over the course of a minute or so. Small plants & grasses spawn around him also to visually represent hiding. The player will be hidden from AI, unless the AI gets too close.

    If the player fires, moves too fast, or changes stance AND the AI < 50m away the VB will disappear. If the player fires AND AI > 50m away the VB will drop in height by 50%. This activity will allow snipers to snipe from far away and remain hidden, as long as they do not fire too rapidly. The doughnut shape will ensure that the sniper still needs to think about NOT lying in a downward slope to the AI.

    This action is quite powerful, and so restrictions will need to be in place. Making it take a long time to hide is one restriction, having firing penalties to it's usefulness is another, and it's doughnut shape is a shape that solves a few other problems automatically. There will be others. This idea came about when a friend of mine (TRexian) said to me that when lying about for minutes waiting for convoys to approach, in RL he'd be hiding himself with surrounding material. I also made this in anticipation of DAC and it's search abilities wink_o.gif

    Anyway, like the smoke grenade addon it will be separate, so players can decide to use it or not.

    About the "Hide functionality",

    I'm not sure what to think about that right now, but it's definitely an interesting idea. thumbs-up.gif My only quick impression is that the VB's should only be as high as the grass.


    About the smoke grenades (Absolutely awesome btw! A must have for everyone),

    I am not a huge fan of the specific wind info. Instead of getting rid of it as you said above, just simplify it. The wind info serves an important purpose. Just keep it simple and realistic.

    - Delete wind direction degrees.

    - Keep rough wind direction, but not quite as accurate (ex."North-East", instead of "East-North-East")

    - Keep wind speed, but make it simplistic (ex.Light/Medium/Strong)

    - Change priority for wind info action, so its at the bottom of the list.

    So, for example. When you press "Wind?" action. You get "Light North-East Wind" or "Strong South Wind". Simple and realistic wink_o.gif

    Anyways, thanks again for the awesome smoke mod!

  9. Sorry for the late replies, it’s been a long week.

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    RG, can I suggest the following class addition, under the class M134?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class TwinM134: M134


    cursor = "\ca\Ui\Data\cursor_weapon_ca";

    cursoraim = "\ca\Ui\Data\cursor_weapon_ca";


    This will put back the small crosshair on AH6 variants for the machine gun for pilots, as there is also a crosshair on some other vehicle guns that you do not have an ironsight for to look over.

    I didn’t want to give BH machinegunners a crosshair when using TrueCrosshair-Veteran because I assume you aim with the tracers, not looking down a sight. But getting rid of this also gets rid of the Ah6 crosshair. Maybe you have a different idea then just putting both back in?

    A request: How would you feel about making the weaponlist in gearmenu's larger again?

    I really love what you did with it etc, but especially when skimming through large weapon/magazine boxes like the ones available in 6thSenseMod and alike mods/addons, the smaller list itself creates a lesser overview which imho is not nececairy considering how much open 'screen' remains.

    I made it smaller so you are not completely blind when in gear view. You can still see above and be aware of your surroundings. I personally like the size right now.

    Also, we are very much missing the information about weapons and magazines, not only the library info, but also the names of the magazines that are needed for the rifle and such smile_o.gif

    I didn’t think there was a real need for that info. I figured people would know what goes with what, but I guess if your using other addons, there might be some confusion.

    I guess my thinking is that it doesn’t make sense to put both back in, because you would basically have the old big gear menu. I would love if there was a way to put a button on there to pop up a info box. That would be the best solution, but I don’t know if that is possible.

    Also, a bug that I can not check if its fixed in the latest ingameUI: For other languages than English, in your previous IngameUI enhancement, the speed/altitude overlapped eachother because the words used for both are longer in those languages compared to English smile_o.gif

    Did not even consider that. I guess I will position them on top of each other and see how that looks. Thanks for the input wink_o.gif

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    excellent mod..

    one thing i have noticed is that every time i have a gun with aimpoint or iron sights i can zoom out permantly..

    when i have a weapon that has scope on it..i can zoom out temporarily, just like zoom in...

    i prefer the permanent zoom out from the middle position..rather the momentarily...

    Sadly, it’s a bug in the original game. There is nothing I can do.

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    will this work with NWD scope fix or should i have to edit the cfg myself?

    Yes, it will work. There are no conflicts.

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    Forgive my stupidity, but whats the main dif between True View Original and True View Accurate? Do they more or less try to do the same thing, just slightly different so theres two versions?

    Its too late for me to test and check it out... but if you could just let me know the actual difference... Id really appreciate it! smile_o.gif

    Thanks in advance for any help!


    Yes, they do the same thing, but have different zoom values. TrueFov-Original is less zoomIn and less zoomOut. I made this version for people that used TrueView and wanted to keep using it. TrueFov-Accurate is the one I would recommend though.

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    very impressive work!

    trueRangeAI works great in the few test missions I played. dramatically changes firefights for the better.you have hinted at other AI adjustments, what kinds of things can we look forward to?

    The other new additions are also very nice. I like the smoothness and the new FOV.

    Thanks, but please use the TrueRangeAI thread in mod discussion. It is still too early to make a comment on later AI fixes. wink_o.gif

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>@Manzilla,</span>

    Yes, TrueView had binoculars that started zoomedOut and let you zoomIn. I got rid of this, because I didn’t want any conflicts with NWD’s scopefix. Check your pm.

    The dot issue you have is weird. Off the top of my head I can’t think of why there is a conflict when you disable my crosshair mod, but I’m pretty tired right now. Send me a pm with a link to that mod and I will have a look when I have some time later.

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    I don't know if I' talking about the same as the above post, but I really miss the possibility to have an additional view with the m4/m203 with the aiming options without having to look through the ACOG scope.

    Is this gone in the TrueMod? Why?

    Can you please expand on this? I don’t understand what you are saying.

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>=====================================</span>

    To the above and the rest of the posts, thanks again for the feedback and compliments.

  10. We were getting engaged on one map (Seize the Base) from 1km+ away. We couldn't even see them and they were one-shotting us

    If you were getting engaged from over 1km away and it was infantry AI, it has to be a sniper. Machine gunners will engage up to 1km, but they are very inaccurate. If you were getting killed by one bullet, that must be a sniper or snipers. If that is the case, which I am assuming it is, unless you were exaggerating or incorrect in your observation, snipers are actually deadly now as they should be. In default ArmA, snipers would only engage at a relatively short distance. Now, you can be dead in a second and have no idea where the shot came from. Snipers are VERY deadly now. Not because they're accuracy (this mod does not alter dispersion), but by the fact that they can engage at much longer distances and you might not be able to see them unless you have optics or binocs.

    a few were taken out by a BMP through a bunch of trees.

    Like we said before, AI seeing through trees has nothing to do with “this†mod. It is a problem in the original game.

    If the enemy would try and engage you from 500 to 800 meters, and just put inaccurate fire on you (occasionally actually hitting you).

    That is basically what they do. If an AI infantry rifleman kills you in one shot at 600m, it’s total luck as it would be for you hitting him at that distance. If your being engaged at 500-600m by AI with a non-scoped weapon, bullets are going to wizz past and land all around you. If your prone, it could be up to 30 rounds or more before your hit (if one on one).


    Personally, from a purely 'realistic' standpoint, I think this is a great step in the right direction for improving the realism of the game.

    With time, and fixes for the foliage, as well as other engine tweaks for Ai and the player, I believe the engine can become more of a simulator rather than a game - given the user actually 'wants' a simulator. I base my inference on these key point assumptions which may account for those who are attracted to a mod such as this:

    <span style='color:olive'>• Ai are soldiers trained to be proficient with the weapons and tools they posess. As well as the tactics that must be used in order to counter or mount an active defence/offence.

    • The user must adjust his tactical usage of the engine and his command of troops so as to account for the increased ability of the engine's Ai including concealed movement, LOS, TOD and operational awareness of the enemy (e.g: enemy Ai) as well as game engine flaws (LOL: LOD foliage issue).

    • Artificial balance via nerfing or otherwise prohibition of one side or the other's ability to wage war with the tools available is an arcade mechanism that does not belong in an augmented 'war simulator' such as the one the 'realism' crowd is attempting to achieve.

    • Balance achieved through realistic combat options such as CAS, tactics, tactically correct weapons and ballistics, reinforcements, operational awareness of the enemy and terrain knowledge is the 'aim' of the mission and mod maker.

    • Missions are designed with the realism of the mod(s) in mind.

    • It's okay to get owned by Ai repeatedly because your shoulder is sticking out from a wall and he saw you.</span> wink_o.gif

    As I was saying, it's all a matter of perspective and 'want' of the user I suppose. Personally, I wouldn't imagine playing old missions with this mod for the most part. But in no way, should the pre-existing missions and lack of options in those pre-existing missions prohibit the development of such a mod.

    Cool stuff pistols.gif

    Thanks Mr. Vidz wink_o.gif

  11. yeah i noticed smile_o.gif

    I still prefer the older zoom.

    I think my most dislike on this 2nd version is the zoom because the zoom is in some way more slow. Is there a way to accelerate the zoom In and zoom Out?

    When i press the right button of mouse the image zoom in, but with more zoom the speed of zoom is worst/slow.

    1 - Is there a way to accelerate the speeding zoom?

    <s>2 - Where do i put that trackIr profile?</s>

    Edit: forget the 2nd question wink_o.gif

    I know the slightly longer zoom time compared to TrueView is frustrating. I really wish there was a way to adjust the speed/time of zooming in/out. That is one major gripe I have. Since, I want to treat ArmA more as a sim then a game, I want the zoom to be instant or at least a fraction of a second in transition time. The reason is, full zoom = real-life size and you should be playing zoomed in as much as possible - for immersion and for level playing against AI. Having zoom take 1-2 seconds kills immersion and can actually get you killed.

    I will suggest this to BIS.

  12. Awesome mod, unfortunately, it made the first mission of QG's SF campaign suck, I just tried it four times and we get hosed before we can make it to the beach.

    Thanks, but it is up to you to determine whether or not to use this mod in the campaigns. Some missions might be near impossible depending on how they are set up. Since you can’t change the missions themselves, you could either turn down Enemy AI in the difficulty options (I assume that would work, but I never tried it on a campaign) or use NWD’s Dispersion Mod as mentioned in Durg’s post, which makes AI less accurate.

    i tried your mod, and it was great... but, apparently, its not just your friendly AI will not obey you, even the AI under AI command will not follow orders. example, in the editor, i put a move waypoint for them in line formation... but they automatically switch back to wedge. and if i put a hold waypoint, once they see someone (enemy), they will move towards it. not what i had in mind to make a defence scenario

    other than that, it's great smile_o.gif

    I tried to test your scenarios, but I did not see the same results.

    1) AI squad with a line formation stayed in line.

    2) AI squad with hold waypoint engages enemy at a distance, then one soldier runs off to flank. I assume this is due to the AI squad leader sending out orders which overrides the waypoint order. My guess would be that after the threat is eliminated, they would return to the hold waypoint, but like I said, that is a guess.

    Please post test missions, since different scenarios sometimes give different results.

  13. Thanks for the nice comments so far. I am glad people like these modifications.

    the icons of the soldiers in trueingameUI are too small, you can't distinguish a soldier from an AT soldier or a sniper for example

    You can still distinguish some classes from others, but I agree it is hard to. I do have a solution to this while still keeping the command list at the bottom small. Next time I update TrueInGameUI, this will be included.

    I was happy getting some new loadings screens with QG, but I like yours even better. Your mod gives ARMA a fresh fell to it, its an excellent enhancement for the ARMA experience. Combined with your true ai range it gets even better. Thanks alot for this. thumbs-up.gif

    Hope this will become a default on player vs player server, less run + gun and more skill + tactics.

    I didn’t even think about QG, since I don’t have it yet. I should have assumed they would have updated their UI/Intro/Loading Screens. You will just have to deal with QG for now. Can’t be bad though, right? At least it is something “newâ€. When I do get QG, I will probably update my mods work with it.

    nice! smile_o.gif

    I loved already the old version and i have to use add some stuff from the old and join this new version smile_o.gif

    edit: though i think the zoom when we press to zoom is too much.. i prefer the older version in zoom concern.

    I left TrueFov-Original in there for people that liked the old TrueView.

    There are both good and bad for each. I can’t remember if you had TrackIR or not, but TrueFov-Original (same as TrueView) is great for fast response CQB with less disorientation. That is why I really liked it, but you sacrifice zoom and being able to identify somebody from farther away.

    With TrueFov-Accurate, I measured the size of a person standing X meters away and matched it up to the size of a unit ingame on a 19’ monitor. There is of course a small margin of error, but it is very accurate. To compare the two (Default/TrueView), TrueFov-Accurate is about halfway in-between the default zooms (0.4 is initial zoom and 0.22 is the full default weapon zoom). TrueFov–Accurate is at a consistent 0.3.

    So, with slightly more zoom compared to TrueView, you get real life sized units, which is very immersive (as if your monitor was a frame to the real world), but it takes a fraction of a second longer to zoom in. For TrackIR users, CQB becomes a little bit more disorienting, but long distance sight makes up for this. Also, your profile probably needs to be adjusted for the increased zoom/sensitivity if you were using TrueView before.

    <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkblue'>- Here is MY TrackIR Profile that I use with TrueFov-Accurate. It is still linear, but sensitivity was adjusted for the increased zoom. Remember to change the hotkeys.</span>

    <span style='color:blue'>TrackIR Profile</span></span>

  14. <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>=============================

    ///// TrueMods \\\\\





    Quote[/b] ]

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>- TrueRangeAI v0.9 (Beta) - NOT included. See Thread for INFO and DOWNLOAD


    - Increased spotting distance (AI will spot a man from 550m-800m and identify as a specific unit from 250m-350m).

    - Increased engagement distance (AI will engage at 500+ meters).

    - Increased auditory awareness distance (AI will hear gunfire from 1000+ meters away).

    - AA units will now engage Jets. (In default ArmA, AI AA soldiers would not fire at Jets, only Helicopters. TrueRangeAI resolves this issue).

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueIntro v1.0


    - Changed the first few camera angles (Will add more shots when I learn more about camera scripts).

    - Changed the time of day to early morning/sunrise to show off the beauty of the environment.

    ** To be used in conjunction with "TrueUI", but not required.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueUI v1.0


    - New simple transparent blue UI theme.

    - Modified menu buttons.

    - Highlight colors are now a mellow blue instead of bright neon green.

    - Mission editor now has a more professional/less "kiddy" look from the color changes.

    - New loading sceenshots/pictures to show off the "beauty" of the environment.

    ** To be used in conjunction with "TrueIntro", but not required.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueInGameUI v1.1


    - Less intrusive/distracting/arcadish InGameUI.

    - No more green background InGame HUD.

    - No more arcade action icons in the center of your screen.

    - Smaller and semi-transparent text for on screen elements.

    - Smaller command system and action menu.

    - Smaller and better position for GPS (toggle on places it on your front panel/dash).

    - Bigger compass for easier direction reading.

    - More transparent radar hud when in some vehicles.

    - Changed the size, position, and transparency of the chat when InGame.

    - No more armor value meter (fuel, speed, and altitude still there but different position).

    - No visible ammo count for handheld weapons (count your ammo or hear the click).

    - (NEW) Smaller/compact/sleek gear menu.

    - (NEW) Blue theme to go with "TrueUI".

    - (FIXED) Hint message readability problem.

    - (FIXED) Speed meter disappearing bug.

    - (FIXED) Made action menu a bit brighter/easier to read.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueHeadMovement v1.0


    - Realistic Head Movement Freedom.

    - Unlocked Gunner Views and TurnOut Views.

    - (FIXED) a few gunner turnout issues in opfor armor.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueFov-Accurate v1.0


    - New Responsive, Smooth, & Consistent FOV / Zoom Settings For Your Virtual Eye.

    - Increased eye "zoom" to match as close to real-life size on a 19" monitor as possible (Actually tested).

    - Increased "zoom out" for more peripheral vision / quick scanning.

    - (FIXED) the bug that was in the original game as well (Zoom/Ironsight problem when switching ROF>grenade>ROF).

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueFov-Original v1.0


    - New Responsive, Smooth, & Consistent FOV / Zoom Settings For Your Virtual Eye.

    - Same Fov settings that were in the original TrueView.

    - (FIXED) the bug that was in the original game as well (Zoom/Ironsight problem when switching ROF>grenade>ROF).

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueMovementSound v1.0


    - Added dynamics to movement sounds to all surfaces (Walk is softest, Jog is louder, and Sprint is loudest). The softer walk now gives you a sense of caution and stealth.

    - Other various movement sounds adjusted (crawl, climb, get up, get down, ect...)

    - Rain and breath volume lowered to match these new volume levels.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueCrosshair-Cadet v1.1


    - Changed all weapon crosshairs to a four-dot less precise/general aim system.

    - Changed grenade aim system to allow for easier aim.

    - Made crosshairs and cursors semi-transparent.

    - (FIXED) Made crosshairs slightly more visible when moving.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueCrosshair-Veteran v1.1


    - Disabled all weapon crosshairs except grenade system, lock-on system, and air aiming system.

    - Changed grenade aiming system to allow for easier aim.

    - Disabled target box, but kept the lock-on ability although changing it to a circle.

    - Made crosshairs and cursors semi-transparent.

    - (FIXED) Made crosshairs slightly more visible when moving.

    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>TrueNVGoggles v1.0


    - Slightly larger view then the default NVG's for less disorientation.

    - More fade on the outer edge of the cone for a blur effect.

    <span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>============================

    DOWNLOAD - TrueRangeAI Beta v0.9


    <span style='font-family:Tahoma'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>TrueMods.rar - 4.4mb</span></span></span>


    <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>PLEASE delete all old TrueView and TrueMods and use only this new release. Thank you.</span></span>

    <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkblue'>FileFront</span></span>

    <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkblue'>Combat-Prison.net</span></span>

  15. <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>===================

    TrueRangeAI – Beta v0.9


    This mod (TrueRangeAI), the first phase of our upcoming AI modifications, will adjust only AI spotting distance and engagement ranges. We were both fed up with the fact that the AI would not engage us (or even see us for that matter) at ranges where we could easily spot, identify, and engage them. We are shooting for realism, and trying to make AI engagement ranges much closer to those of human players.

    So, now you have AI that will spot movement much farther away, and become aware of an unknown presence, "Man". As the unknown presence gets closer, they can identify it as friend or foe (this identification is easier with long distance optics or when taking fire). As well as AI that will engage you from 500+ meters away, just as us human players would. Firefights now can last a VERY long time.

    Durg and I have spent a lot of time on this mod – some research, but A LOT of testing. Since this is a Beta release, we ask for input from you, the community. Let us know of bugs/problems/suggestions.

    PLEASE when making a comment, try to avoid spreading/creating rumors regarding the AI capabilities. For example, we've seen comments on this board claiming that the AI are not affected by fog. This is not true. If at all possible, please provide a test mission, or screenshots to backup your assertions.

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>========



    - AI that will spot a man from 550m-800m and identify as a specific unit from 250m-350m.

    - AI that will hear gunfire from 1000+ meters away.

    - AA units will now engage Jets. (In default ArmA, AI AA soldiers would not fire at Jets, only Helicopters. TrueRangeAI resolves this issue.)

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>=========



    -This mod does not change AI at short ranges, only lengthens their spotting and engagement ranges. So, you will still have the same engagement in close quarter areas, but now when much farther apart, the game is quite different. AI will engage at 500+ meters.

    - Firefights are changed dramatically with this mod. AI movement is much slower, due to them keeping an eye on a threat or possible threat, which in turn slows down actual game play. So, a firefight between 2 squads can last minutes instead of seconds depending on how far apart.

    - It is also much more important to use cover and make a cautious approach. If you are not careful, you give the AI the upper hand and they will have a greater chance of tearing you down before you can.

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>========================

    AI Skill Control Via Mission/Editor


    - You can control how far you want AI to spot and engage you via the skill slider in the mission/editor.

    - Skill slider from MIN-MAX can be the difference of......

    - 550m-800m identified as a "Man"

    - 250m-350m specific identification (friendly or foe)

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>============



    1) Since there is no way to effect AI spotting with camouflage and environment, AI will spot the same in a desert or grassy environment. Sadly, there seems to be nothing we can do about this, other then trying to find some kind of balance even though this is not ideal.

    <span style='color:red'>If something can be done by BIS, like assigning each unit a camouflage value for each type of texture (grass, desert, stone, ect..) a unit is near, this issue can be much better resolved.</span>

    2) AI under your command don't like to listen to you sometimes. I believe this is due to the fact that they have spotted someone that they consider an immediate threat. When this is the case, they may not always follow your orders and will instead keep the target in sight.

    Ex.1 - You tell an AI to hold fire, but they are consider an enemy to be an immediate threat, so you order is overridden.

    Ex.2 – An AI under your command is targeting an enemy, but he won't follow you orders to move to a point. He won't move until he no longer feels threatened.

    This has always been a part of the game, but is more noticeable with the longer engagement/spotting distances.

    3) AI lack a conservation of ammo. We adjusted rate of fire to prolong firefights and lower loss of ammo, but this is just a temporary fix. This issue will hopefully be resolved in a later mod.

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>====



    Effects to bushes?

    This mod does not effect AI sight through bushes. AI will still have the same sight through trees and bushes as they always have. It does not make sense to lower AI spotting ranges just because they can see though more vegetation then you do. This issue however will be resolved sometime in the future. Enough said.

    Effects on Fog/Rain?

    Fog does effect AI's sight, so our mod should not give them any advantages over you.

    MP Compatibility?

    If used on a server, this mod controls all AI except for AI that is under the control of a client. If the client has a squad under his command and is not running the mod, his AI will be the default ArmA AI, and the client will be at a disadvantage. If the server is NOT running the mod and the client is, only the clients AI will be effected by the mod and the all other AI on the server will be default ArmA AI, resulting in a cheating client.

    SERVER ADMINS - Please block/require this mod as needed to ensure fair game play.

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>======================

    Future Plans For TrueRangeAI


    - Test and tweak infantry > vehicle, armor and air spotting and identification ranges.

    - Resolve issue of infantry not engaging helicopters with small arms. Fix, test, and tweak this area.

    <span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>===============================

    VIDEO - featuring "TrueRangeAI" by ArmAVidz



    <span style='font-family:Tahoma'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>TrueRangeAi </span></span></span><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>"Realistic Engagement & Spotting Distances"</span></span>

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>YouTube</span></span>

    <span style='color:darkblue'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Filefront - Hi Quality Download</span></span>

    <span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>============================

    DOWNLOAD - TrueRangeAI Beta v0.9


    <span style='font-family:Tahoma'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:black'>TrueRangeAIv09Beta.rar</span></span></span>

    <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkblue'>FileFront</span></span>

    <span style='color:red'>===========================================

    <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>WARNING – May cause damage to your ego.</span></span>

    - This mod does not cater to individuals that want a huge upper hand on AI. The initial goal is to have AI with the same abilities as you do, the human player (1:1 ratio so to speak). If you can shoot and kill an AI at 500+ meters, so can they. That is the point. If you want to tone down the AI a bit, simply turn down the AI skill (slider) in the editor/mission. You have been warned!

    <span style='color:red'>===========================================</span>

  16. I am going to ask to lock this thread, since I chopped up TrueView into two different mods. This thread will just add confusion for the newest release.

    As for a TrueMods update.......

    ...you know the old saying.....shit happens? Yea, that's about all, but I am trying to get the newest versions and the beta released as soon as possible. Worst case would be to just release all the updated TrueMods very soon and release the RangeAI beta a little bit later, but it would be nice to release everything at the same time.

  17. It's good to see people finally experimenting with the AI.

    I wasn't going to post, and I don't mean to hijack your thread, but it turns out that Durg78 and I have actually been working on an AI mod for over a month now that is almost identical to the premise of this mod (TrueRangeAI). With a lot of testing, we have had some great success. This mod, the first phase of our upcoming AI modifications, will adjust only AI engagement and ranges, with AI "personality" changes to come in later phases. We were both fed up with the fact that the AI would not engage us (or even see us for that matter) at ranges where we could easily spot, identify, and engage them. We are shooting for realism, and trying to make AI engagement ranges much closer to those of human players.

    So, now you have AI that will spot movement much farther away, and become aware of an "unknown" presence. As the unknown presence gets closer, they can identify it as friend or foe (this identification is easier with long distance optics or when taking fire). As well as AI that will engage you from 500+ meters away, just as us human players would. Firefights now can last a VERY long time. Durg78 also solved a very important bug in the game that relates to this mod, but I will keep that secret until the release. We are planning on releasing a public Beta in the coming "days".

  18. I apologize if this has been said... but it is a bug.

    When the ironsights are brought up, then the fire mode is switched to grenade and back to a rifle fire mode, the zoom is locked in. Then you have to drop the ironsights and bring them up again to unlock the zoom. Might want to take a look at this before a new release. If there is something I'm missing, then please let me know.

    This zoom issue with ironsight/grenade is now fixed.


    To all,

    I will be releasing an update of TrueMods in the next "days". Other then some random fixes and TrueView separated, there will also be a new mod included.

  19. Any real change will not come from those names you see...

    Its hard to even imagine with this spineless bunch isn't it? rofl.gif

    The American version would be more like a series of photos of the politician kissing the feet of special interest groups.

    Hear about the man......


    Hear the man......



    See the man.......


    "Neo-Conned" - speech by Ron Paul on the House floor on July 10, 2003.


    Text - http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2003/cr071003.htm

    Video - http://video.google.com/videopl....index=0

    All I will say is that he is the one candidate that wants serious change in America.

    He is not in this race for money or power, he wants the best for America and it's people.

    He doesn't accept any money from special interest groups.

    He has been preaching this humble message for over 30 years.

    We need a wise / honest / truthful / founding father type candidate and he is this.

    His message speaks for itself. I won't get in a discussion here, but if anyone wants me to post more videos, I would be glad to. There is still some hope left for America.....

  20. I'll see if I can find some sources, but basically there were to be no separated missions in the main campaign - you would live the life of a soldier, and everything you did would have an effect on the game. Missions would be dynamically generated and their failure or success would have an effecton the war.

    One example given was a comrade of yours offer to read a letter from his girlfriend, and if you say no it might demoralize him and prevent him from covering you as well in combat (because he doesn't like you)

    Also, everything is dynamically destructable so as the campaign progresses you could see how is was affecting the environment.

    Another example, if you blew up a house or civilians unecessarily his/her family might join the resistance against you. You could also question civilians for intelligence and interact with them.

    EDIT: some sources





    I remember reading an interview with someone from BIS saying that, paraphrasing here.... "What is the point of making games if they are not innovative".

    Where's the innovation? To me, this looks like it will be closer to an expansion then a new game (compare BF2 to 2142, it's basically a full conversion mod sold as a new game.)

    Of course all we get is some pictures, so I will hold my judgment for later, but my first reaction was not of joy or anger, but shock. I hope there is more to this game then just some new content. I want to see something innovative! I hope that desire has not left you BIS. confused_o.gif

  21. I'll see if I can find some sources, but basically there were to be no separated missions in the main campaign - you would live the life of a soldier, and everything you did would have an effect on the game. Missions would be dynamically generated and their failure or success would have an effecton the war.

    One example given was a comrade of yours offer to read a letter from his girlfriend, and if you say no it might demoralize him and prevent him from covering you as well in combat (because he doesn't like you)

    Also, everything is dynamically destructable so as the campaign progresses you could see how is was affecting the environment.

    Another example, if you blew up a house or civilians unecessarily his/her family might join the resistance against you. You could also question civilians for intelligence and interact with them.

    EDIT: some sources





    I remember reading an interview with someone from BIS saying that, paraphrasing here.... "What is the point of making games if they are not innovative".

    Where's the innovation? To me, this looks like it will be closer to an expansion then a new game (compare BF2 to 2142, it's basically a full conversion mod sold as a new game.)

    Of course all we get is some pictures, so I will hold my judgment for later, but my first reaction was not of joy or anger, but shock. I hope there is more to this game then just some new content. I want to see something innovative! I hope that desire has not left you BIS. confused_o.gif
