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Posts posted by Rg

  1. How has the driving model been improved? Has it been improved further since elite? How was the actual driving model in elite?

    I know I can’t expect a superb physics, but you should feel the weight, momentum, and suspension. It would also be nice to have to shift gears for vehicles that require it. Same goes with a clutch, but I guess I won’t hold my breath. confused_o.gif

    Also, has there been any confirmation on multiple gaming devices/controllers in ArmA? OFP has a limit of 1, correct? So, can you have a joystick+gamepad/wheel in ArmA? smile_o.gif

  2. Is there anything wrong with WGL's solution to this?

    Your screen flashes white when your hit ("when you see the flash it's already too late" - sound familiar?), and when your bleeding, you start blacking out.

  3. I did but not much and without any addons. icon_rolleyes.gif If this is OFP ( 5 years old game) then i notworthy.gif and sorry for my mistake.

    Its to late to go back to OFP with AA within 3 weeks but that game with addons must be stuning.

    I think you would be very surprised as to how much the community has improved this 5 year old game.

    If you still have your copy, I would suggest loading it up again to get a feel for it back. I would also suggest WGL 5.1 mod if you want realism biggrin_o.gif

  4. That video was STUNNING! I'm sure this will get a lot of new people interested. Spread it around BIS/community.

    Ziip, get it from 2 pages back (worthplaying) and try the 2nd US mirror link (it's filefront and it dl'd in less then a minute)

  5. Page 33.

    Whilst it has been announced that ArmA will be available via an online distribution system we haven't confirmed when, what languages, what distribution system, and at present I have no further information to release about ArmA's online distribution.

    All I can say is, please try hard for a multi-language online distribution system that aims for a November release like the other confirmed countries. thumbs-up.gif

  6. Why not use 'Join In Progress' ?

    Get somewhere safe ie. your base or any other fortification and leave.

    Whenever you come back you can just jump right back in.

    - Viper

    But that doesn't work for servers that arn't dedicated.


    I was wondering if there will be any way to save a multiplayer game in Armed Assault. It is important for small scale co-op campaigns and I haven't heard it mentioned as a feature.

    I was thinking of this exact question, because just a few days ago we had to call it a night before we finished a mission. If there was a save feature, we could go back and finish it. That also opens the door for HUGE missions that could take days. biggrin_o.gif

  7. I think dslyecxi will be happy with this one:

    Quoting this page of BIS Community Wiki:

    Quote[/b] ]Advanced sound phenomenon modelling, including speed of sound delay and supersonic bullet effects

    Well that's promising, but we have yet to hear it in any of the videos. huh.gif


    Sniperwolf572, god damn I hope your right.

  8. I think I'll get the F550. Thanks for the advice biggrin_o.gif

    The thing I need to figure out now is how to mount it. I really like your setup, but I won't worry about that until I actually get the lens. Do you remember how long it took to recieve yours? 1-2 weeks maybe?

  9. I thought 20" away would be considered close. "Most" of my gaming would probably be around that distance. I am not worried about sitting far away for my racing sims if I was to use the F550, but I am worried about the close position for the rest of my games.

    Can the F550 give a decent magnification/depth this close? Can you test this for me real quick if it's not too much trouble? If you were to use the lens with your head 20" away from your 19" monitor like I would most of the time, what would be the ideal distance from the monitor to the lens? and is there a decent depth at this distance?


  10. I know I said I was going to order one a while ago, but now is the time. I’ve pretty much decided to buy one from 3Dlens.

    Like I said before, I sit pretty close to the monitor, so I am having trouble deciding which lens would be better for me (F330 or F550).

    Generally I sit 20â€-25†away from the monitor for every game except racing sims, where I sit from ~28†(if I move my monitor up closer) to ~38†(if I leave the monitor where it is).

    Icetec - “In general the distance from lens to monitor should be approximately 30 percent less than the lens stated focal lengthâ€.

    Is this correct? If so, that means you should place the F330 ~9†away from the monitor and the F550 ~15†away? If that is the ideal setup, I guess it would make sense to go with the F330? because if the F550 was set up like this, my nose would be 5†inches away from the lens. Is there anything I might be missing or not taking into account?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  11. Thanks guys,

    I was thinking of making some adjustments, but I’ll leave it as is, since it is enough to get the point across. I just wish I knew how to use a lightwave/maya program to do a better job.

    It’s obviously not perfect, but I think moving in this direction with something similar to this is the best method to simulate shooting a rifle and who better than BIS to take this to the next level? biggrin_o.gif

  12. This is how I think the sights should work. In ArmA, the weapon is too low, almost as if the gun is resting at elbow height when in 1st person. It is also too far out. It looks like every other FPS which I don’t think is accurate.


    Yet, when viewing yourself or someone else, the gun is resting on the shoulder.


    It’s as if you have a 12†neck.

    The top picture is with the gun at shoulder position for getting ready to fire/tactical walk (I would say even less of an angle and slightly higher. I had to work with the picture that Llauma posted (BTW, thank you. It helped greatly to get my point across)). I think it looks more accurate like this. Also, with the gun this high and straight it gives you a better sense of where your gun is pointed when you go into iron sight mode. With this more accurately displayed, you really don’t need to use crosshairs, because you now have a more accurate sense of where your gun is actually pointed.


    The bottom picture is iron sight mode with the left eye closed and blurring all around the actual sight. This way you are really only focused on one target at a time and everything else is blurred.


    Here is the ANIMATION (473kb) biggrin_o.gif

    I REALLY hope something like this is in ArmA, but it might be too close to release to consider this. If not implemented, can something like this be made by the modding community? Is it at all possible?

  13. I would be VERY upset if every copy had starforce.

    I don't know if this has an bearing, but GTR and GTL (racing sims) used starforce. Now they have dropped it with their newest release GTR2 and the game has never run this smooth before. I noticed a difference in performance and so did many from the community. "We" might be mistaken, but there may be some truth in this.

    It would be absolutely horrible if we had to sacrifice performance on such a demanding game such as OFP/ArmA, just for some form of copy protection.

    Then there is also the factor that, who really is going to crack this game? I guess it's inevitable, but I would like to think that the community of a game as serious and realistic as this would respect the developers enough to buy the game, even if some asshole has cracked it. A more mainstream game with a younger community will have more trouble in this area.

    Let's say the boxed versions do use starforce banghead.gif

    Is starforce only for cd/dvd-rom protection? If that's true, does that mean there would be no starforce if we were to get ArmA from digital distribution?

  14. Why do people here, who cannot or don't like downloads simply sit down and ignore it?. I mean just because you don't like this system, doesn't mean the people who do want it should suffer because you people are selfish. It's already been confirmed fifty billion times ArmA will have a box, so what the hell is your problem? How will it cheapen it? Some people here have broadband and like online purchasing for games,. yet everyone here is going "nooo steam sucks" or "downloading sucks". Well guess what, you're not gonna buy it through that way so shut up please.

    I agree, but you don't have to be so harsh.

  15. All you...If you want most reallistic game about war just join army and stop talking about ArmA weakness. Don't expect too much from BiS game - the better emotions you will have after clicking ArmA.exe directly after premiere... wink_o.gif

    I'm sorry, but I’m so sick of statements like this (everyone that says this, not just you eJay). I saw it way too much in the Project Reality BF2 community and still see it here.

    Why would you not want a “warfare†game/sim to not push boundaries are far as realism?

    Were you and are you still completely satisfied with war games 5-10 years ago? Well, do you want the same old shit for future years to come with no progression outside graphics?

    Join the army.............. icon_rolleyes.gif

  16. Hmm, I remeber playing the LFS demo years ago.. It's still not out of alpha/beta? crazy_o.gif

    - Ben

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but LFS will have 3 versions/upgrades (S1,S2, and S3). Right now they are at S2 alpha. 2-5 years from now (completely guessing) S3 will come out. I'm not sure if S2 will soon be "finalized" or not, but the game as a whole is constantly being worked on and will continue for many more years until S3 is final. LFS is only made by 3 guys, so that's why the process is slow and ongoing. Think of a total conversion mod for OFP.......the mod gets better and better with every release/update/patch......that's basically what is happening with LFS (New cars, new features, updated physics, various fixes/upgrades, ect....).
