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Everything posted by ruff

  1. i know british sas dont wear their insignia when theyre in battle but do they wear the british flag badge whne in battle?? i think vipersheart though was a good dam addon maker i think he didnt just have time to research them on his hk2 pack since he left straight away to the army
  2. ruff

    Modern usmc marpat

    CANT FREAKIN WAIT FOR THE RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!! how bout some assaulter previews
  3. ruff

    Gastovski, troska etc

    look at ur resistance cd cover and the screen shot on ofp2 dont they look similar the face of victor ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. ruff

    Gastovski, troska etc

  5. ruff

    Gastovski, troska etc

    troska sounds british so i reckon gastovski is in the vietnam theatre (seal team) while victor is in dofar with the sas and they operate together somehow in the next theatre maybe in .......................?????
  6. yeah i already got the hk2 pack they dont seem sas i dont believe they even dress like that ive read about 2 books on them with pics and usually use m4s like deltas im very keen on uk forces sas and falklands war seen theyre pics just wanna see more of the sas pics on the uk forces
  7. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    cant wait for the demo mission then its goin to be interestingly cool
  8. okay i just found where i can dl cool new missions ill probably dl this but a suggestion for ur next version if ur goin to make 1 how bout using the high dispersion aks and machineguns bimbi and bas have it would make it more realistic since taliban or alqeada are not as good shooters as elite delta force who practice shooting everyday probably 7 to 8 hours ill try this mission out sounds real cool
  9. ruff

    Sjb special reaction team - done

    how bout giving the units a very visible vest so that so can add more hit point to the body a black one like wat the deltas use or the ones that were worn by the seals in tears of the sun the actor bruce willis was on
  10. ruff

    Ofp crash/freeze please read!

    thanks guys i really love this community every1 helps i have the same problem as the first guy hu started this topic my comp just gets to hot and freezes therefore i removed one side of the mother board walls so more air can cool it no more probs but ill try wat u suggested thanks alot
  11. ruff

    Ofp crash/freeze please read!

    things i forgot to add using direct x 8.1 windows xp
  12. ruff

    Ofp crash/freeze please read!

    my ofp crahes while playin mission editor missions i have resistance version 1.91 real copy of all ofps after 10 min it crashes or while playing it i dont play online this only occured lately i have amd anthlon 2100 geforce 4 ti video graphics card 512 hz ram tried but failed to fix completely deleting ofp and reinstalling it again dunno how to mess around with the cpu graphics plz help by givng me english info pls
  13. ruff

    Regime strikes back!

    suggestion can u allow ur gunners and drivers be shot since it takes ages to kill the thing coz it has a very crazy ass machine gun alos since it is a normal pick up bullets should be able to go through the wind screen and how bout making ur c4 pick up go on the resistance side so at least thesoldiers have a chance at shooting it be it explodes good addon will be using it alot thanks
  14. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    sorry to bring this up but i have to just have to even though u just said no more on the bas soldier wat about giving us the covert ranger without the insignia for the update pls pls it would be so cool to use him as a covert spec ops soldier dunno why i cant seem to imagine him other wise as a ranger though its a tiny arm patch the changes him
  15. ruff

    Sjb model previews

    i agree we need more civi dressed resistance it takes a while to arm the civi resistance
  16. ruff

    Afghanistan map out!

    thanks anyway ill try it thanks dude
  17. ruff

    Afghanistan map out!

    i think theyre hidden but could this also be caused by user missions or addons involved on the mission since i had a lot of units with custom weapons
  18. ruff

    Afghanistan map out!

    my ofp seems to crash everytime im making a mission on the afghan map any suggestions on avoiding this???
  19. ruff

    Tales of war navy seals

    tears of the sun seals should be accurate since it was the only time the navy actually got involved in making a movie therefore i would believe they gave lots of information of how they operate and the way they dress
  20. ruff

    Urban combat formations

    i agree with urban formations also there should be an indoors element since wat ive seen bas do in some of there missions they should make more detailed houses so that enemies are able to hide there not all enemies go outside and get killed by a tank they usually hide in houses
  21. ruff

    Afghanistan map out!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sinister[tnuC] @ 04 May 2003,02:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ruff @ 03 May 2003,16:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">oh yeah just played ur madd map again used the afghan pack i got around 6 squads of taleb soldiers around 2 terrorist groups and 1 fundamentalist groups with 5 technicals and 5 tanks in a very hilly city sent 5 to 6 squads of heavy ranger squads with sniper back up and 2 ah64 gunships and a tornado with 1 nothern alliance squad and 1 delta team me being in tha delta team the first thing that happened was carpet bomb the gunships then a bloody battle that took only 10 ranger soldiers wen i was playing i felt for the first time wen playing ofp i was in afghanistan i love this dam map<span id='postcolor'> care to share that mission ?? <span id='postcolor'> that was just an editor one wasnt a proper mission no triggers and that just waypoints
  22. ruff

    Afghanistan map out!

    oh yeah just played ur madd map again used the afghan pack i got around 6 squads of taleb soldiers around 2 terrorist groups and 1 fundamentalist groups with 5 technicals and 5 tanks in a very hilly city sent 5 to 6 squads of heavy ranger squads with sniper back up and 2 ah64 gunships and a tornado with 1 nothern alliance squad and 1 delta team me being in tha delta team the first thing that happened was carpet bomb the gunships then a bloody battle that took only 10 ranger soldiers wen i was playing i felt for the first time wen playing ofp i was in afghanistan i love this dam map
  23. ruff

    Afghanistan map out!

    cant wait for your cia units hope they look like the ones in the current afghanistan conflict with some exceptions since this mode will be in the 80s how bout making both cia units modern and back in the 80s?? just a suggestion
  24. ruff

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    i just really wish ofp 2 would be the present u got afghanistan war u got the 2 gulfwars somalia conflict just hope they use these wars instead of vietnam coz vietnams too old too much politics and there are no real good guys if it was based in the gulf 1 or 2 at least other countries can be used instead of just america