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Everything posted by ruff

  1. ruff

    The "lost brothers" are alive!

    but actually the sjb addon maker was a part of the lb team
  2. is it possible for units two have two rifles instead of 1 using the launcher slot and if so is it possible to do a script that counters the automatic kneeling of the unit do to that weapon use??? if yes hope some upcoming mods like nightstalkers do something like that good for having 1 rifle and 1 shotgun for example with extra back up of a handgun or 1 rifle and a sniper rifle me personally dont know anything about scripting which is a bummer i believe its to advanced for me even to start
  3. ruff

    The "lost brothers" are alive!

    hope he finishes the us special forces pack that addon has potential especially his seals and marineforce recon
  4. ruff

    Usmc mod

    hope the first addon u guys create are respectable desert camo marines which have the 2 to 3 hit points in the vest they wear we are really in need of that specially in the afghanistan map
  5. ruff

    North korean army v2 by remo released

    sorry for this being turned into remos wateva addon releases disussion remo but just like to know how to change the reaction time of the taleb soldiers if its possible with cpp these taleb soldiers are real tough they seem to know where exactly where u are and where u move and shoot like theres no tommorow even with hd weapons i just wanna tone them down a bit
  6. it would just be cool like if ur a lone sniper and have spotter eveytime u move youd use ur m4 rifles persay, when u snipe u use ur snipa rifle i think it would be cool on lone sp black ops missions there u go a readable spell check so it makes sense dont wanna make my short words longer hehehe
  7. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    is it possible to do scripts to counter that or is it a built in thing like the to machinegun problems with helicopters???
  8. ruff

    Ofrp release

    ive been watching news lately about the operations inn liberia and saw some ur spec ops forces without head gear at all with goggles and head coms wondering if ur gonna make those seprate units those would look really cool remos pack is cool with only the berets but wish u guys i see on tv i just dunno y
  9. ruff

    Usmc mod

    sorry evisceratort was only replying to that one didnt read the other posts wen u confirmed that u werent making any marine ground vechiles
  10. ruff

    Usmc mod

    i think everytime bas and an unknown addon maker or makers are making the same addon... they seem to get discouraged due to every1s expectation that bas will make a better 1 all i have to say  to this new mod is go for it!!!!!!! dont get discouraged the more range of units we have the better and i believe the more addons of the same kind getting created is good since all addon makers will strive for the best
  11. ruff

    Usmc mod

    i think this guy is a real marine helli pilot or a crew member i think he is id his the same guy i read in the ch53 mod addons complete discussion
  12. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    watta bout a shotgun then or sub machine guns
  13. ruff

    Gastovski, troska etc

    Because there´s been a shitload of wars and peacekeeping operations there in the 20th century, and it´s almost never covered in games (except for northern africa which can be clumped together with WW2 and terrorist games) as i said on my last replyt and a the place should be dhofar sas was involved there
  14. ruff

    Gastovski, troska etc

    and troska voice sounds like a brit therefore there were alot of sas covert involvement there so he should be there in africa commonwealth break aways and uprisings
  15. ruff

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    maybe if i got money
  16. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    just a question since u guys know alot about scripting and addon making is it posible for say a rocket launcher slot to be replaced by another rifle? may be a sniper rifle for example since its uses the same ammo slots so you would have a unit with two rifles may b one m4 and 1 sniper rifle???
  17. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    think i said this b4 but can u guys release screen shots of updated deltas in ready for shock and awe im really asking for this one ready to take in the pain hope u keep handguns on them also ur m9s the model looks cool but how bout some new sounds and do deltas really prefer using glocks rather than usps and colts and m9s???
  18. ruff

    North korean army v2 by remo released

    missing rpima8 in cfgvechiles dunno cant access the parachute regiment that comes up this is from ur french pack by the way
  19. ruff

    North korean army v2 by remo released

    cool french pack
  20. ruff

    Enhanced bis model

    any chance of a desrt camo version or spec ops
  21. ruff

    Hit points??

    wat heading is it under seem cant to find it is it in cgfvechiles or something??
  22. am i able to add more hit points to a unit with just messing around the cpp if i can plz send me an example where to mess around in the cpp if not just plz say no
  23. ruff

    Enhanced bis model

    good work matthijs
  24. ruff

    Enhanced bis model

    good work mathis
  25. ruff

    Ballistic addon studios

    so u guys removing all handguns from rangers except officers then?