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Everything posted by ruff

  1. i added that parametre to all my laser deltas aswell i prefer it, all operators are said to have advanced training in first aid anyways
  2. if you want everyone to have healing abilities add this parametre to the config.cpp on every unit attendant=true
  3. ruff

    CIA Operator Teaser Pack

    yes some woodland operators! looking good man get well aswell we want those units
  4. this works since i tried it replace your eventhandlers with this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers { init  = "[_this,""LSR_m16a2"",""LSR_m16mag""]exec""\TACTEvents\onPlayerInit.sqs"""; fired = "_this call ECP_EH_handler_fired; if ( (_this select 1 in [{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher},{JAM_RPG7Launcher},{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or (_this select 4 in [{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\firedEH.sqs}} or if(TACTWeaponFXinit)then{_this call TACTfuncFiredEH}"; }; make sure you dont mess any part of the existing config simnce one mistake will wreck your cpp code
  5. add the jam eventhandlers smoke grenades on it dont know itll work but try adding this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class eventhandlers   { init = [_this,"LSR_m16a2","LSR_m16mag"] exec "\TACTEvents\onPlayerInit.sqs";   fired = if (TACTWeaponFXinit) then {_this call TACTfuncFiredEH}; fired = " if ( (_this select 1 in [{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher},{JAM_RPG7Launcher},{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or (_this select 4 in [{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\firedEH.sqs}}"; };
  6. ruff

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    cant wait man
  7. theres a special place for it in the config.cpp its put in all the soldiers you want to have the obsuring smoke
  8. u have to put it in the config.cpp in the unit u gotta know something about configs use win.pbo, its a decrypter unpbo the lsr_delta.pbo look in file lsr_delta file once depboed, look for config.cpp look insde it and familiarise once youve done that ill help you more but if you cant get to that point, u gotta read up on editing addons in ofpec
  9. do you know how to operate config.cpp? if u do i can help
  10. ruff

    dak seang island

    your comps are strong! the lag issue for me is alrite, aslong as i dont look at very dense forest areas but i havent tried the map with squads of soldiers but overall ilove the map, i call it asia in my mod folder since its going to be the area of operations where my delta force team can take out drug lords and drug plantations
  11. ruff

    Pistol Animation pack 1.1

    but sanctuarys animations are pretty close anyways and plus his animations for all we know might be an advanced way of shooting, the standing position seems alright and the arms positioning are excellent. the animations look like the seals in "tears of the sun" and they did have an ex navy seal military advisor.
  12. ruff

    Ah-1W - Super Cobra

    textures are excellent
  13. what i did was move waypoint and typed this on the waypoint activation field: helicoptername Land "get in" rotors still running!! i love ofp even more now too bad cant play it as much
  14. ruff


    its in bas blackhawks when the chopper is in yourgroup and you ask for extraction at night your player drops a night strobe
  15. ruff

    Pistol Animation pack 1.1

    it's dated 25 June 2003; i wasn't sure if that was the date of its public release or of its release to military personel (if there was a difference), so i looked through the references page and found various documents dated in the 1990s, the latest being in 1997. this is some pistol training they do in blackwater its a bit off topic but its pretty awesome and i saw the standing pistol pic you showed the y still seem to use it its around 30mb but its worth it http://www.edgefiles.com/file.x?id=/atwar.net/www/Misc/Training.wmv
  16. ruff

    Ah-1W - Super Cobra

    yeah but im more talking about ai using the choppers im more sp type of player and prefer to use them as cas but i guess we cant have everything since ai pilots are pretty dumb
  17. ruff

    Voyager's Transparent water V-0.2B

    how can i make this work with my "addon" mod folders? what could i write in the ofp shorcut?
  18. ruff

    Ah-1W - Super Cobra

    anychance of the chopper being not targeted by ai machine gunners because 2 machinegunners was able to shoot it down with little fuss
  19. ruff

    Ai thread

    also ai heli pilots being better than now if someone is shooting a mg at them the helicopter should be able to blow him away rather quick
  20. ruff

    Ah-1W - Super Cobra

  21. some with the deltas plz!!!
  22. ruff

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    also thanks everyone for help in understanding the config bin now i know even more about cpp
  23. ruff

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    u got the anim boas the other way round it seems east is using the 1.7 one and west is using the 1.5 ones
  24. ruff

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    how about normal addons that had config.bin? can i just put in the cpp and the addon should work like "the hk pack"?