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Everything posted by ruff

  1. its easy ive already done the config ill give it to ya if you want and release it just check it since i havent checked it yet but your previous relase a little tweak here and there i had a whole group for the east side
  2. ruff

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    excellent pack now the only problem is what weapons to use
  3. ruff

    East German Addons?

    jam units with east german units,russian and bosnian ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/UCE_JAM_addons_FINAL.rar ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd.....96.rar ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/UCE_JAM_pack_FINAL.rar ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/UCE_JAM_weapons_FINAL.rar
  4. ruff

    Tears of the sun seals

    http://guns.connect.fi/rs/btxgraaf.html http://www.opsinc.us/video.php there quick google search
  5. ruff

    Tears of the sun seals

    well all ofp weapons are dead accurate i havent seen an addon pack russian or us or international not dead on except for the adf m240b
  6. ruff

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    whats the sensitivity of the units anyway?
  7. ruff

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    pretty good guys
  8. ruff

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    just had a feeling youll enjoy this vid talks about ceratin weapons and ballitics http://armedforcesjournal.com/blackwater/?s=2004_videos
  9. ruff

    Tears of the sun seals

    looks cool man if the tears of the sun addons never gets updated when finished, make a sig 552 pack man that sig is excellent, but imagine it with anpeq, with varous sights and supressors. i dont want you to add more variants since im really waiting for the release of this weapons pack. i reckon you could make a separate weapon pack after the tears of the sun addon is done. excellent stuff man im really waiting for the release.
  10. for me its just that as long as credit is only towards the original author then it should be alright but i think im really talking about pre-excellent addon phase of ofp where mission makers didnt have access to excellent addons around like now. We're boming with excellent addons but hardly any missions. i make missions for myself but most have edited addons or extra configs so cant release in the community.
  11. ruff

    Favorite Missions Topic

    Mission Name: CHEMICAL WARFARE Author: AMOSDEUS Download:http://www.ofpec.com/missions/mission_detail.php?ID=711 Description:Delta force is to destroy a chemical plant and steal documents with rangers as support. Best one ive ever played. Has atmosphere and good music and hardcore gameplay. Mission Name: operation sunsrike Author: RED Download:http://www.ofpec.com/missions/mission_detail.php?ID=453 Description:sf forces to do a number of objectives. very well done. better if edited using hyk sf soldiers. seriously if ppl edited this with hyk sf soldiers and lsr weapons it will be so good. i edited my version and used hyk and lsr weapons and damn i loved it. Mission Name:Deep Water already posted Mission Name:Bas desert delta demo mission Description:delta force to perform snatch operation. http://www.gotf.net/downloads.asp?id=86
  12. ruff

    Tears of the sun seals

    crazy okay any picks of the sig rifles??? does it look like these http://remtek.com/arms/sig/551swat/551.htm http://www.ncad.co.jp/~komata/gun/sig552-1.jpg http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/galleryfiles/2500/2503.htm vid http://www.defensereview.com/modules....sid=285
  13. i started a topic about that but it seems youll have to ask permission which will take ages if any since ive been redoing some old missions with new addons and i tell you the missions goes up a notch. i really think we should be able to re release missions with the new addons without their permission but with the original authors credits im all for it but it think you would still have to ask permission which i cant really be bothered
  14. ruff

    Tears of the sun seals

    100+ weapons here we come
  15. its just common sense when to use and not to use flag patches and insignia for sof units for blackops units like cia etc. i dont think as common sense they would parade if they are field ops it defeats the purpose if its clandestine then the government will deny its actions heres some info http://www.navyseals.com/community/articles/article.cfm?id=5610 http://www.specialoperations.com/Domestic/CIA/default.html http://www.fas.org/irp/world/israel/mossad/index.html http://www.moun.com/Articles/sep2003/9-3-7.htm pics http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/CIA_SAD http://www.specwarnet.com/americas/sas.htm
  16. pls let this have a script in which it can be called via trigger since its looking real great
  17. ruff

    RKSL Studios

    hooray seriously man those sniper rifles are the best ones ive tried so far the scope range is just excellent
  18. ruff

    RKSL Studios

    I DOWNLOADED your sniper pack acouple of days ago and i just gotta say that the readme info is pretty wrong in giving the weapon and magazine classnames i love the sniper pack since its the only one so far i know of which actually uses the scope range properly proper classnames and magazine RKSL_L96A1cam RKSL_L96A1 RKSL762NATO_MAG was on readme 762NATO_MAG RKSL_L96Acam RKSL_L96A12
  19. You know, that's not a bad idea Please Bambi, think about that isnt blackops mean that there shouldnt be any reference to countries since that defeats a purpose of a blackop the reason why they are blackops is because they have no affiliation with any country or dont want to thats why they perform clandestine operation or black operations. i reckon the the flag hanging on every single sf soldier just wrecks certain atmospheres such as covert and clandestine ops in mission making. "Im a blackop commando from this country and im performing a top secret mission to blow up stuff but the flag of my country which is in my shoulder will deny iam affiliated with them". i reckon just givem a special selection to insert the flags for mp, plz dont make it standard, itll wreck the addon
  20. ruff

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    A hint to the scripters. I stumbled upon this long after release making it too late to implement really: beginning of script (script must be running/looping all thru the mission) #loop   ?! (alive _this select 0):exit   ? time < _time : goto "IhaveJustReloadedAsaveGame" ~2 goto "loop" #IhaveJustReloadedAsaveGame <Put everything straight thru an individual saved array here> [back to work] is it a separate script? (Somebody stop me.) Yes it has to be a separate script. And you're gonna have to edit the randomscripts aswell. Example (for _SAS). (This is written from work, untested): SAS hidden selections nr "SHEMAGH"----- 0 "LongSleeves"-- 4 "patrolpack"--- 5 "Gasmaskpouch"-6 "boonie"------ 9 "gogglesStatic"-13 "headset"----- 14 "SOOT"-------- 15 "gogglesLens"--16 Make a new array and add a slot for each selection: Put this line at the beginning of the script. BLB_rndSAS1 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] <---9 hid.sel. = 9 zeroes = arraypositions 0-8 1. _SAS executes "initSAS_rnd.sqs" 2. If he gets a shemagh set arrayposition 0 to "1"   BLB_rndSAS1 set [0, 1] <--- [Arrayposition, Value]   BLB_rndSAS1 now looks like this:   [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 3. (Moves on to next choice in the script)   If he gets longsleeves set arrayposition 1 to "1"   BLB_rndSAS1 set [1, 1] <--- [ArrayPosition, Value]   BLB_rndSAS1 now looks like this:   [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 4. ...and so on... 5. Exchange any "exit" in the script to:   [_blbsoldier, BLB_rndSAS1] exec "\BLB_UK\Scripts\ReEquipMonitorSAS1.sqs" 6. Create a new script called "ReEquipMonitorSAS1.sqs" and put in the above folder. 7. The look of the script : _blbsoldier = _this select 0 #loop  ?! (alive _this select 0):exit  ? time < _time : goto "IhaveJustReloadedAsaveGame" ~2 goto "loop" #IhaveJustReloadedAsaveGame ? (_this select 1)==1 : _blbsoldier setObjectTexture [0,"\BLB_UK\shemagh.paa"] ? (_this select 2)==1 : _blbsoldier  setObjectTexture [4,"\BLB_UK\Arm.paa"];_blbsoldier  animate [{Sleeves}, 1] <...and so on. Check the "initsas_rnd.sqs" for correct syntax> <time is the amount of time passed since missions is started/reloaded> <_time is the amount of time passed since current script is started> This is meant to be a pointer in the right direction. I cant guarantee it's success. thanks for the help man but i think aint that advanced in scripting sorry for the trouble dude i might have caused you a headache because just by looking at that i already got one
  21. ruff

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    A hint to the scripters. I stumbled upon this long after release making it too late to implement really: beginning of script (script must be running/looping all thru the mission) #loop   ?! (alive _this select 0):exit   ? time < _time : goto "IhaveJustReloadedAsaveGame" ~2 goto "loop" #IhaveJustReloadedAsaveGame <Put everything straight thru an individual saved array here> [back to work] is it a separate script?
  22. just release it so EVERYONE can tell you whats wrong or needs fixing and wait like two weeks till all the bug reports to come in then update it
  23. ruff

    UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

    i think its beacuse of some different cpp defines it has, look a the cpp and it has unique defines. like blb_put etc. but thats just my guess im not reallly sure. also the scripts with the brg and ammo bearer dont work wen loaded from a saved game. so if youve saved it and loaded it the scripts wont work