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Everything posted by ruff

  1. ruff


    hey tony to disenable the weapon sway and stuff and getting pinned you said use this line (this addweapon"TR_SGM_Logic1") but the problem is that it only works in the mission editor but once your in the single player mode the weapon sway and getting pinned till over rides the command any way i can turn this off using config?
  2. ruff


    happy bday man thanks for ffn mod the best ai ive seen
  3. just edit the config and its done
  4. ruff


    hey tony how would i disable this weapon sway in the config in the replacement pack? which init line do i erase??? i just wanna take it off from the sf and snipers cheers
  5. ruff


    my only gripe is that i really hoped that the sf units were better than the normal infantry like make the shooting more accurate and recover faster when stopping suddenly and shooting
  6. well the weaponthread hasnt even released the scars so i thought id say it here cause its released as part of the mod......would like to say too the scars are awesome but i love the hk416/17 just need to add sopmod kits and their complete thanks heaps guy
  7. the scars are not completely fixed the rifle supressed versions dont have supressors except for the marksman versions
  8. ruff

    1st Infantry Division

    hey guys great work but is it okay to like add extra guys with protect helmets or guys with no helmets and just the mouth radios, handgun pouches and handgun ammo pouches and callem sf it seems general infantry are all great detailed addons and none for sof in standards to johnnys marines or these. the only ones the comes close are the socom units
  9. ruff

    vista and mod folders

    i cant seem to get my mod folders to work with vista i keep getting the error msg "config.bin.cfgaddons" i have a mod folder with all my mod folders e.g. -mod=mod/@So; and it keeps giving me that and it says ingame cant transportallweaponsmax anyone with ideas
  10. ruff

    vista and mod folders

    i did it but it still didnt work i installed ofp twice, one in the wrong directory. one in the program files and 1 in the c drive.. i was stll able to play it till i tried it again and it didnt work and figured out wat i did. i erased the one in my c drive under a diff folder, and reinstalled everything in my c drive program files folder. so do u reckon it might be registry related???
  11. ruff

    vista and mod folders

    i did doesnt work on vista though it did work when i had xp
  12. groupname=group this; "_x moveInCargo choppername" foreach units groupname; this is how i did it in ofp how do i do the same thing n arma???
  13. ruff

    Ebud's SF's

    nice work man only one problem i have with it is that psd1 guy doesnt have any textures it says something about the config bin and it cant load a certain paa
  14. ruff

    Jonny´s ACU SF´s

    request is a woodland version to........like just make the desert coloured vest into green and their helmets, while caps and boonies could be acu, green or black cheers top notch units
  15. ruff

    G36 Pack

    i thought my dream g36c would be in my missions.................................................................................. ...............
  16. ruff

    Request opinon on CQB/Animations

    just make 2 versions one that uses all the anims one that an example soldier only uses for me id like to see it, i would love to see an improvement in ofp cqb
  17. ruff

    Carry Addon release

    Ok, ok, its Al Simons and yours choice, Im just suggesting ... i tried it but it doesnt work
  18. ruff

    M468 Pack

  19. ruff

    G36 Pack

    jam compliant too? id love for opfors to have these guns like use these weapons for simulating high end mercs with HD magazines cheers
  20. ruff

    Carry Addon release

    yeah i believe thats a better idea use the dummy weapon instead of magazines
  21. ruff

    Carry Addon release

    can u pls make 2 types this version and add an objects type one. i really like these objects........
  22. ruff

    Carry Addon release

    can u pls make also make an objects version.......im just finding it hard to use in a mission where u need have it in your inventory to complete the objective. e.g. player hasweapon "sgaerg"....since its an ammo id love to use those objects on a mission, ive made a script for acquiring the objects on my missions which involves deletevehicle and setpos cheers
  23. ruff

    456820 Animation Pack

    does it have lean?
  24. ruff

    Kopassus Beta
