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Everything posted by russin

  1. russin

    DeathMatch Maps

    there are from offical maps ya and moved to new locations on most Arcadia was one of his first maps we like playing DMs and now we have lots of areas to play he is not a coder so making one from scratch is impossable he has found a new template to make DMs but a DM is still a DM
  2. russin

    DeathMatch Maps

    Download Click here Mirror hosted Bye Big
  3. russin

    Administration question

    would be helpfull if a voted admin could be voted off as admin
  4. russin

    CR-CTI-Beta für ArmA!

    ya i sent you a PM bud we are hoping that the new patch will improve some things so no fixs are being done probally untill a patch arrives.. my last test i played for 2.5 hours
  5. russin

    CR-CTI-Beta für ArmA!

    it isn't ready yet but you can request a copy for testing purposes if you wish read my post here 3rd post down
  6. russin

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    those mindless BOTS will kick your ass in ArmA ArmA anything is possable can't be compared to BF2 at all ArmA is 100 times better in any regard to BF2 even in those shoe box maps
  7. russin

    CTI help

    shouldn't be called CTI if they did a little research they would know what a real CTI game is on my WGLCTI site i had a ton of questions regarding there CTI build they refused to grant me a interview  there version of CTI should be called capture the bases  i couldn't figure it out eaither MFCTI will be along soon hang in there look >>>>>>>>>             here
  8. russin

    where is the patch

    ive looked every for any info's to patch the 1.02 ver to 1.05 can anybody shine the light to when it is coimng Â
  9. russin

    where is the patch

    marking my callender thanks for the info
  10. russin

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    War = holding areas on a map witch = camping those who camp well and hold there zone will win..... shelling is a part of War in todays game and even in yesterdays game that said see you on the battle field and ill have fun plucking you off running in a open field while im camped on the other side of a bush
  11. russin


    respawn = "group";
  12. russin


    respawn = "group";
  13. russin


    make all units on the side your on playable then teamswitch
  14. russin


    make all units on the side your on playable then teamswitch
  15. russin

    Horrible Graphic Problems, HELP!

    9800 is not a good card for arma blow a few hun and upgrade.... or run on everything as low as ya can go
  16. russin

    ArmA Co-Op Missions 3pack

    team spawn would be a nice its sucks when ya spend time wait to get to obj then die in first contact the option for team spawn would be nice
  17. russin

    DeathMatch Maps

    added a mirror thanks BIG
  18. russin

    DeathMatch Maps

    check your PM box
  19. russin

    DeathMatch Maps

    links working for me
  20. noooooooooo way so there is no other way to get all ArmA objects to the editor ?
  21. why no trees bushs bridges comeon SICKY
  22. AWESOME Worked thanks alot
  23. i got German Version i moved the instal bat to my ArmA folder and hit the bat when i click any key to continue it shuts down unable to get it working any ideas ?
  24. i don't have duel core and i don't lag at all