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Everything posted by russin

  1. russin

    Doolittle CTI

    can you Arm all towns with rouge Civs with weapons driving threw towns at the start of the game with no fear is to easy to build up build points..... make it tougher to get towns at the start would be cool
  2. same thing happened to me on Windows Server on a Coop map i was wondering why enemy not shooting at me so i did a test i ran full speed to enemy lines/camp they all ignored me then i started killing a few to see if they would eventully kill me not the case is this bug listed in Bug tracker at all ?
  3. russin

    BIS - Mission PROTECTION

    i don't see the problem with it adding or changing maps means people like the mission and add there 2 cents in to make it more fun for them to play new added twists is allways cool to try most maps that are duplicated and edited people know it is a edited map.... a lotta folks don't know how to make so taking a map that works and changing things is there only way to play in the editor just my thoughts
  4. russin

    ArmA Football

    Hockey anyone ? i wanna beat the shit outa somone
  5. russin

    Goodbye Public ArmA Servers...

    need IPS with user names and ID's or Downloadable Server LOGS currently RoughNecks are getting many servers logs from many servers so as far as tracking players from server too server will help a great deal for ridding the the world of the taste of KFC
  6. russin

    Dedicated server crashing

    ya you need Desktop Access to the server and have -netlog i think in the server config
  7. russin

    To eliminate ArmA hackers

    hunt him down like a DOG Â Exact IP's can be unbanned so if you fall into that you can contact the server admins with your IP and ID to conferm that you have legal copy bit of a pain for a few but can be worked out... best to have a static IP i know i pay for mine or if you are behind a router can also cause some problems but im not about stop range banning from what i see on the servers
  8. russin

    Goodbye Public ArmA Servers...

    ive setup a forum for server admins on the Roughnecks site but after thinking about it this is better on Squad Server Forums.. idea: Squad Servers Server Admins with beable to communicate to reduce the amount of hacking/cheats Skum as well as having another forums for regular public server Admins along side Squad Server Server Admins hopfully valid info on these cheaters could be revealed and passed on down the chain 1.09 hopfully will help a great deal but that will only last so long we are own best protection at the the end of the day....server logs and and watching players actions during a game will catch more for perma bans
  9. russin

    Doolittle CTI

    winter season is better for gaming to cold to do anything else ive been busy working and doing shit outside while it is warm outside now time to start a CTI game
  10. russin

    Newly Rampant Hacking

    im hoping BIS read the BTS for removing Client side commands this will hamper the cheating ways.... Roughnecks are loging IP's on several servers now for a long time letting them in so we can IP ban the lot of them and in some cases adding a IP range ban if needed the cheaters are on borrowed time now
  11. russin

    Doolittle CTI

    good job ill give it a try and post feed back ASAP thanks for this
  12. this a good idea but i can't see BIS doing it Voted YES somthing needs to be Done MP is getting worse everyday
  13. russin

    Throwing Rocks!

    Bas addons i think Tonel island came with rock throwing Civs was pretty funny i think they even talked
  14. russin

    Evolution V3.0

    @killjoy can you fix the viecles for rearming when refueling and going to farp with a half emty unit it only rearms upto 100 mabe replace it with a new one so it has full ammo and AI will enter it need some sort of work around with half used units regards russin ps i find myself checking units ammo before repairing it if half the ammo was used i Destroy the unit then refuel it
  15. russin

    ring ring ring banana phone???

    there are many versions that don't have the bannana phone
  16. russin

    Banning 10 digit ID

    Range ban the noobs worked well for our server....
  17. russin

    Evolution V3.0

    can pilots fly without ranks i seen a guy join the server and jump in a A-10 i asked how you flying without rank he said he was a pilot
  18. russin

    UK Servers..

    try Squad Server i hear there good Squad Server
  19. russin

    UK Servers..

    try Squad Server i hear there good Squad Server
  20. russin

    MFCTI Beta Download

    probally can be towed threw scripts but we need somone who know how to script PS: nice avtar i had to swipe it i know im a thief
  21. russin

    MFCTI Beta Download

    27 hrs yas are all MAD
  22. russin

    MFArmA Site

    MFArmA @ wglcti.com started converting site to host ArmA MFCTI and possable future league...
  23. ya i feel the pain too hopfully somthing in the next patch to help the AI move around the maps better... they get stuck a hell of a lot
  24. havn't seem any cheaters on the RN server at all seems we snuffed them out even with a Dynamic IP @Dwarden wanna do a Test ? you need a Dynamic IP and i will ban your range then you can get new IP and see if you can still see my server threw server logs and constant scanning we keep the you know who's off our shit in OFP days one of the WARGAME MOD Devs couldn't see my servers or my Webs and he had Dynamic IP