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Everything posted by russin

  1. russin

    A free server monitoring/joining tool

    awesome tool but RN server has req ver as 1.91 on all seeing eye but on the watch it says only 1.85
  2. russin

    The tiger by t_roc

    looks awesome man good job
  3. russin

    Carrying the flag

    if ya login in on roughgnecks server there is a mission called (russin's destinay) it's a bas CTF map some clown made a mission usin my name i didn't like the music he used but it's not bad im sure ya can DPBO it
  4. russin

    (sp) eagles dare

    thanks are ya accully a woman ? Â Â Â
  5. russin

    Carrying the flag

    i no ive seen bas soldiers carry a flag im sure of it are you sure the map you played had a flag there ?
  6. russin

    (sp) eagles dare

    hey ya slug send me it MSN ya slacker
  7. russin

    Att suma

    one of my squad mates has a res CD that is missing a whole folder and he is currently being accused of Cheating do to merged.pbo error this error is caused bye a missing folder on his res disk that wasn't installed can we FedX you the disk to examine it and if you could send Wargames admins you findings for the problemed disk and send him back a replacement disk for the faulty disk in question Suma if ya can PM me addy to send disk we will ship ASAP thank you in advance regrads russin
  8. russin

    Island ideas

    in in the nam the liitle buggers where kings of the tunnel warfare.......... it would be cool too see tunnel systems in the island/islands for east asia and pre-dug fox holes with sand bags mabe with escape tunnels attached to them .........
  9. russin

    In game voice

    from playing ofp for nearly 2 years ive noticed the in game voice needs improvment i know most squads use a 3rd party voice anyhow so here's my thought being able to use 3rd party vocie comms with OFP2 linked to the capslock like it is now so ya can switch with ease to talk to guys you want to talk too von in ofp seems to lag server if many are on there so in short a external voice that works with OFP2
  10. i would really like to a good produced ski-doo i have found one but it's poorly made in my eyes you can't respawn it without it changing back to a motorcycle if any bodys knows of a good Ski-Doo addon please let me know
  11. russin

    Fastest server ??

    MTCO is pretty dam good too for usa players he has a ripping server im my view don't know the specs but it allways runs great for me as well as Citadel good solid servers hell there are a lot of good reliable servers out there i could compile a long list im sure
  12. russin

    M1 machine gun

    ive noticed in a few missions the M1 cross hair raises bye it self witch makes aiming a real pain i know in 2 of my missions the m1 has this problem is there a fix for this or please explain why this is  Â
  13. russin

    The Iraq Thread

    lmao bush left the lens caps on hahaaahahaahahahaaha what was he smokin i bet some good green buds wonder what he was seeing
  14. russin

    M1 machine gun

    ive solved the problem i think it seems if 2 M1 guns are to close on map the croos hairs move upwards dam thats lame i gueesin this will never get fixed it really bungs up a few of my missions not sure of how far apart they need to be but seems to be quit a bit of distance is needed
  15. russin

    M1 machine gun

    i don't play single player so on that note im not sure if this happens in single player
  16. russin

    M1 machine gun

    ive noticed in a few missions the M1 cross hair raises bye it self witch makes aiming a real pain i know in 2 of my missions the m1 has this problem is there a fix for this or please explain why this is  Â
  17. russin


    i see on some maps they have GPS how i enable this ? i seen before but can't seem to track it down where i insert it in my descrption txt ? respawn = "group"; class cfgMusic { tracks[]= { rage, morbid, }; class rage { name = "rage"; sound[] = {\music\rage.ogg, db+35, 1.0}; }; class morbid { name = "morbid"; sound[] = {\music\morbid.ogg, db+35, 1.0}; }; }; };
  18. what do i name marker for civs to spawn ? and for Resistance side as well if ya know thanks in advance west_respawn east_respawn ?_respawn ?
  19. russin


    it sure will
  20. russin

    Any1 know the weapon +ammo names

    wrong thread opps..........
  21. Benchmark: 3571 CPU: Athlon 1.4 ghz 512 MB ddr ram Geforce3 TI200 Windows XP Pro DirectX 9 1024x768x16
  22. russin

    Patch 1.91 beta/final feedback

    since i installed 1.91 im crashing to desktop a lot in MP games it seems to happen when i use custom sounds (091) i think there is a conflick with audigy sound card but not allways when i use sound only 1\4 of the time
  23. the funny color thing sound like addon conflict i no this happened to me i keep real good track of the addons i put in and by fluke i reconized if you got kegys editor upgrade 1.11 and have any othe editor ugrade pbo in the folder it seems to freak out ofp and i had to reinstall addon folder as i allways back it up.....
  24. russin


    when ya add the weapone make sure ya put a ammo clip ahead of the weapon and it will be preloaded this addmagazine ["AK47"];this addweapon ["AK47"]