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Everything posted by EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

  1. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Taking Pictures

    I wasnt referring to hypersnap, i already knew that, thats why I recommended it, I referred to what was on your faq about just pressing print scrn
  2. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Real Humvee sounds

    I never found any sounds but I watched the videos and I now wnat a humvee. I'd drive everywhere! Through ponds, up staits, over rocks.
  3. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Taking Pictures

    Ya but that way you cant take more than one unless you paste it, and alt tabbing out of OFP is some times disastrous.
  4. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Steering Parachutes

    What is it with the no swim feature. I can swim. Why can't my guy in OFP?
  5. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    I apologize To Everyone.

    I'm not the forgiving kinda guy you lying arrogant shětface.
  6. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Favorite mistakes, bloopers and general mishaps

    Here's one that really got me laughing out loud. I was playing CTF, it was 2 on 1. I was on the team with 2. SInce it was unfair the kid on the east (1 guy) just defended his flag. I came in with a chopper, "landed" it (Pointed it torwars the base and ejecting) and then crawled around for a while. I knew he was in there waiting for me. Then I saw a BMP sitting just outside teh base and I figured if I got into that I could blow him away from the confort of an armored vehicle. SO I'm sneaking up on this BMP, bush to bush, I'm almost there when the gun moves and blows me away. He was hiding in there the entire time! Like I said, I got a good laugh out of that.
  7. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Taking Pictures

    There is no screenshot support in OFP. But, you can press Print Scrn and paste in MSPaint, or you can get a seperate program that will take them and save them to a certain place as whatever file extension you like. I use Hyper-snap DX 4.2. It's great.
  8. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Wanna here some funny SH1T

    I can fix your problem. Uninstall aol from your comp, then round up the little c.d.'s and destroy them. No more password e-mails!
  9. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    OFP and WinXP

    I'm not actually "buying" it. So I'll just hope for the best.
  10. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Not a Whine, just a thought.

    According to oanda.com: 40 British Pound = 56.42800 US Dollar But it could have been a lot different a few months back. (Edited by residuum at 5:22 pm on Nov. 24, 2001)
  11. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Not a Whine, just a thought.

    How much is 40UK in US dollars?
  12. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Kali is now FREE!

    I felt sorry for you so here's reply. How many people are usually on Kali playing OFP? Is it still free?
  13. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Just a war simulator?

    Upload this mission to the web... I want to play it.
  14. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    The weapon I want...

    Potato guns for the civs.