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Everything posted by EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

  1. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Bridges in OFP!

    Where can I download this?
  2. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    PC Gamer game of the year: Ghost Recon

    PC Gamer CANNOT comment on GR without bashing OFP. You will also notice in the Marsh issue of US PC Gamer a member of the US Army wrote them and told them that OFP was much more realistic and a better game. They replied only in sarcasm and making fun of OFP for having authentic radio. WTF is with PC Gamer. I just got a subscription and I hate them now. Its more Ads than articles, and its sooo biased.
  3. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Enemy Flares

    Ok I made a guy and gave him flares. I even gave him teh command to shoot the flares. But he wont do it. When I made myself that guy I noticed I had to reload the flares first. Is that a problem? How do I make him reload flares then fire them?
  4. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Kylie pics :-)

    Jesus... It's fucking astounding what some people classify as "talent" in music now....
  5. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    USA Today reviews Operation Flashpoint...

    USA Today is trash. Everyone knows that. I read the Post. (Washington Post)
  6. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar


    put in the unit's init field: this inflame true
  7. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    I want an MH-6 'Little Bird' !!! :-)

    ya landing a little bird on a caste would rock.
  8. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    No game based in east timor.

    Well about Viet Nam and WW2, I know as a American I don't mind it because: I love blasting Nazis I love blasting Charlies And I guess I'm gonna have fun blasting East Timoreans.
  9. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Yo, Placebo!

    I hate you placebo.
  10. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Yo, Placebo!

    I hate you placebo.
  11. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar


  12. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Whaaaaat abouuuut

    You cant have kids in the game because theres rules about killing children in games.
  13. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    US army boys harrasing the Mi-24 Hind!

    "just about every country has nukes" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA ya right
  14. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    No game based in east timor.

    I think his point is WW2 vets are old grumps and dont play games on this miracle box we call the computer.
  15. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    I think I can define what I love about OFP

    I like it because I can make a mission in the editor where I mow down hundreds of civilians with a stationary machine gun.
  16. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Arrogant newbies in MP piss me off!!

    From my expierience, when you are all troops, no vehicles, the enemy is red, and your allies are green. But when anybody is in a russian vehicle, its red. When anybody is in West vehicle, its green. Unless you are in a chopper, when enemy vehicles are red and empty or disabled vehicles are white.
  17. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar


    You need to forward your external IP to your internal IP when using port 2234. To do this you need to connect to your Router. I have a linksys and I type in my URL bar in IE and a login screen pops up. Do not type anything in the User but type admin in the Password. Go to the "Advanced" Tab. Then click on the "Forwarding" tab. You should now see a screen with a bunch of little boxes for you to type things in. For port type 2234. For which IP use yours. (You can find this out by going to Start> Run> winipcfg in Windows). Now when someone connects to you using the OFP, it will connect to that computer. Good luck
  18. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Some shortenings

    "It's German"
  19. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Sitting and Walking Units

    How do I make a unit sit on the ground or stand with his gun on his back? Also, if I want to make a man "patrol" and walk from one place and back, where do i put "REPEAT"? In the INIT field?
  20. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    the one effect we've all forgotten

    So everytime we play OFP WE ARE LIVING A LIE
  21. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Word on the street about Independance lost

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAH I really don't anyone on the street is walking up to other people and going, "What have you heard on IL???"
  22. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Between the Lines Campaign

    rofl 2 Sgt Rocks
  23. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    My campaign story...

    So what exactly would I be fighting?
  24. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    the one effect we've all forgotten

    I wondered the same thing myself... 3 1/2 Disks too...
  25. EveronVetsAgainstTheWar

    Satchel's OFP soundpack

    I had the old soundpack and this is how it works. It replaces YOUR sounds. It doesnt effect anyone else. You can play with anyone online and they will hear their sounds and you will hear YOURS.