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Everything posted by ran

  1. RAIDS is still around and kicking (here at least) with the fantastic Yves Debay's shots well, i didn't take part in Gulf War but back in that time i was in the region
  2. ran

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Franco-German Brigade anyone ?
  3. on the topic of possible missions for the french addons , there is the deployment in somalia codenamed "Oryx", there have been several interesting and difficult engagements there , i'll try to find a complete story about one of these, i think i remember a CDES publication about it
  4. Al Salmann rush maybe ? the Daguet division deployed a whole lot of gear back in GW1 the most notorious action was the rush on the Al Salman positions Daguet division combat actions video (lousy quality, in french, but maybe you could take something out of it small story about Legion contribution in GW1: The French ground contribution to the Coalition, designated Division Daguet, was essentially the 6eme DLB much reinforced. The first to arrive at Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, in September of 1990 the 2nd REI, the 1st REC, and most of the 6eme REG provided, with the 1er Spahis. The western axis of the division’s advance into Iraq with US XVIII Airborne Corps units were sent to the Gulf in anticipation of Saddam Hussein’s threats against the world. The 24th February 1991 (3eme Cie./6eme Reg was with the eastern axis, largely of Marine units) arrived and after nearly six months of waiting the war began. After the air offensive which took four weeks the ground troops penetrated Iraq. The Legions mission was to safeguard any reprisal by the Republican Guarde. Al Salman airport was captured by the three Legion Regiments. In fact men of the 2eme REI and 6eme REG had penetrated 5 Km into Iraq on the night of 22nd February to take "Natchez" an Iraqi post dominating their line of advance up an escarpment. Legionnaire Sappers and the US 1/27th Engineers built a track up the escarpment on the 23rd. The French columns-the most westerly, screening the Coalition left flank-punched through the Iraqi 45th Division with considerable ease, and took their objective, the town and airfield of AS Salman by morning of the 26th, some 3,000 Iraqi prisoners were taken. Just over a hundred hours of ground warfare, the Gulf War was won. The Legion suffered no casualties. Site dedicated to Daguet task force you can't represent this operation with the OFRP troops as they are since during desert shield and desert storm , the french forces used a special desert camo pattern and the F2 Helmet was still on drawing boards only french losses in the whole operation were 2 soldiers who died in the explosion of an antipersonnal mine and 27 wounded in various circumstances
  5. French Army Manual INF_202 concerning the organisation and use of mech Infantry squads and sections
  6. in a section, you will find 3 voltige squads (that makes 18 men and 3 amored vehicles) and 1 AT squad composed of a sergent two vehicle crewmen, 2 AT (eryx) binoms the command squad is composed of 1 officer, 2 FR-F2 marksmen, 1 radio transmission officer, and warrant officer helping the officer leading the section edit : 39 men , 1 officer , 5 warants (4 team leader, 1 aide) , 8 crews , 25 soldiers (2 AT binoms, 6 riflemen trinoms, 2 marksmen, 1 radio)
  7. the normal composition of a french mech infantry squad would be : command : - 1 Squad leader (sergent, chef de groupe) vehicle (VAB or AMX10P) : - 1 vehicle commander - 1 vehicle gunner 1 x 600 trinome : - 1 team leader (chef d'équipe) - 1 rifleman (grenadier voltigeur) equipped with a FAMAS andLGI (not represented in the weapon pack yet) - 1 auto rifleman (Mninimi gunner) 1 x 300 trinome : - 1 team leader (chef d'équipe) equipped with an ABL (AT4) - 1 rifleman/ABL (grenadier voltigeur with ABL) - 1 rifleman (grenadier voltigeur) the weapons dotation may vary upon the situation the numbers 300 and 600 designate the trinome's engagement range
  8. Hehe, I would love to see that army And transporting MBT's for counter insurgency and peacekeeping missions is very costly I presume especially when they are to be transported across continents. Did the French forces deployed into Congo use MBT's? EDIT: And yes, the VBL's are amphibious. Look for the propeller in the back. The VAB's might be too, not sure. ERC90's have been deployed in Ivory Coast and Congo, there were also AMX10RC in congo, these cannot in anyway be compared to MBT's, but i'd say the AMX10RC in a punchier equivalent of a LEO 1 or M60A3
  9. you know french army isn't only made of MBT's ace on the other hand i can't wait to see some AMX10RC's and ERC90's (especially the Sagaies to go with the VBL's to form reccon units) the Leclerc will be able fight against RHS tanks i'm sure
  10. erm ... you don't yell when you spot an enemy .... this on the other hand may be the unniversal language of half time amateur paramilitaries
  11. Bosnia, SFOR french marksman
  12. famous picture of a 1980's/Early 90's era GIGN Long rifleman
  13. loads of hidden selections i'm going to try all that out a bit more in depth
  14. ran

    Something interesting

    (Tyn, renowned for astronomical clock) Prague having one of the most magnificent historical centers i've seen yet .. couldn''t resist posting some pics ... St Guy cathedral (not sure of the english name)
  15. ran

    Something interesting

    these are from my actual hometown : Saint-Jean-Baptiste church, downtown, this was one of the most magnificent churches in the region before WW2 when as a result of several bombings in the surroundings, the arrow got damaged and has been removed in the early 1950's since it risked to collapse and fall on the Blossac street (main commercial street in chartellerault, on the side of the central square) and block the road. Saint Jean l'Evangéliste, the church where i've done my communion (this church has a russian bell in the belltower, bell of which i've already explained the histroy in some other thread) Saint Jacques, the most awesome church of all chatellerault IMO, it dates back from the 11th century (it's been reworked during the 19th century) this church was on the way to St Jacques de Compostelles, it has some really nice sculptures and the only musical bell set of the region (52 bells of various size to ring the Angelus)
  16. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I'd have to say that this was one of those pessimism dressed in positivity.... optimisim is the enemy of the soldier on the battlefield
  17. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    AH ! SEE nice to hear from you again well, i wish you good luck and i hope you're doing allright being a combat engineer in a combat zone rocks doesn't it ? (joke)
  18. ran

    For those of you

    Have the French heard of bacon that's actually the only worthy piece of british cooking ..... And tea. you mean warm water with sugar and milk ?
  19. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Shi'ite minority? I don't think so. my bad ... they're the majority hehehe .....
  20. ran

    For those of you

    Have the French heard of bacon that's actually the only worthy piece of british cooking .....
  21. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    If you look throughout the video, they're always turning towards the Apache's direction and then turning quickly away, acting nonchalantly. I think they may have known that the Apache was there but assumed they couldn't be seen. They ran to drop off the weapons and then ran back to their places near the car, again nonchalantly, as if nothing was happening. i already pointed out, you don't know the position of a flying helicopter at night if it's not nearer than 500 meters, you hear it but don't see it and can't draw any real position of the chopper when in combat operations.
  22. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    you're simplifying things here, there are much more saddam supporters than you think So maybe the US should just up and leave and let the folks there settle it for themselves? and let hardline islamists run the country so you can have new friends in the region ? I was being sarcastic. How do you suggest handling those Saddam supporters that resort to us attacking coalition forces and Iraqis? too late for that ... the mechanism has already started, the yanks should have "won the hearts and minds" when it was still time, before guerilla would have organised. Now the iraqi population is fragmented between the supporters of saddams (hardline ones, the ones who just preferred the past regime and the one who support him because they don't find the alternative any better, and/or have lost relatives/friends to coallition bullets and bombs), the ones who just want to go on with their lives and the ones supporting coalition (mainly Shia minority and kurdish ethnic group)
  23. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I don't. I'm conjecturing, as I've done before. How do you know he could? If critical, could he be back in action in a month? Two? If less than critical, less time? The guys in the chopper didn't know for sure at the time either. could you be back home after a bomblast had scrambled some of your internal organs ? could you do the house work with missing limbs ? well, the guy was done anyway i think, internal bleeding at its paroxysm, he was like 50cm/1m from the rounds blasts, so considering the ammount of shrapnels and power of the deflagration ....
  24. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    you're simplifying things here, there are much more saddam supporters than you think So maybe the US should just up and leave and let the folks there settle it for themselves? and let hardline islamists run the country so you can have new friends in the region ? on the subject of the video , see the man carryign the tube shaped object in the field ? he seems to go for the tractor's engine at a certain moment
  25. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    shooting the wounded was uncalled for, this is trigger happiness Was it a calculated move to assure that this person, whom they cannot capture, does not come back kill another day? how do you know he couldn't have been captured ? and with his injuries (more certainly fatal or at least critical considering the proximity of the HE/HEDP blast) wouldn't have allowed to continue the fact in any way in my opinion