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Everything posted by ran

  1. OFrP downloads page VAB piccy (123kb) Objects Pack : Vigilant UAV – OFrP_Vigilant UAV control station – OFrP_PC Tent – OFrP_Tente Tent (open) – OFrP_Tente2 Tente (medic) – OFrP_Tente3 Light ammo crate – OFrP_Mun1 Heavy ammo crate – OFrP_Mun2 Missile crate – OFrP_Mun3 Table with FAMAS – OFrP_OBJ1 Table with map (Hidden selection) – OFrP_OBJ2 The Vehicles Pack is featuring the following units, fruit of the work of Flashpointgamer, Horrido, Ikar, Spadd, Wumpel, Froggy, BipBip and all the team : Vehicles Pack : The Vehicle Pack contains all the major wheeled vehicles of the French Army. It should allow you to spend hours patrolling your favourite areas. Each vehicle as its custom animations for the crew, made by Flashpointgamer, and this means that not less than 19 new positions were created for those véhicles ! Non armored vehicles : VLTT Peugeot P4 – OFrP_P4B VLTT Peugeot P4 AN-F1 (7.62mm) – OFrP_P4A Renault TRM 2000 – OFrP_TRM2B Renault TRM 2000 (open) – OFrP_TRM2 Armored vehicles : Panhard VBL AN-F1 (7.62mm) – OFrP_VBL Panhard VBL M2 (12.7mm) – OFrP_VBLM2 Panhard VB2L AN-F1 (7.62mm) – OFrP_VB2L Renault VAB APC (12.7mm) – OFrP_VAB Renault VAB APC Eryx (12.7mm) – OFrP_VABC NOTE : the objects, weapons and infantry Packs are required to allow the Vehicles Pack to work properly.
  2. ran

    Name of a music video movie?

    Well, I don't know then. I know how frustrating this kind of situations can get, there have been a few brilliant clips i can't even remember the name of ...
  3. ran

    Name of a music video movie?

    Boom Boom Satellites - Dive for you ? -edit- if it's this song and this video, then the movie is called Appleseed -edit*- and yes, it's not hard house
  4. ran

    The United States new attack jet!!

    That's what happen when you don't install recent service packs and de-activate windows-update
  5. ran

    Military Humor

    At least, you don't want to throw your French combat rations at the enemy ... ;)
  6. ran

    Swedes Get Liquored Up on Hand Soap

    "Oh, Mr Ambulance driver, you must rush me to hospital, as I have a minor stomachache" Considering the girl's age and the quantity of soap she drunk, I guess it would have been more like : "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH I AM DYING HELP MEEEEEE HELP MEEEEEEEE MY STOMACH HURTS AAARRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHH" or "gulp, where am I ? are you an angel ? am I in heaven ... huh I feel all dizzy *vomits in the ambulance* huh sorry, my belly hurts a little bit, I think I have drunk a bit too much ... gnnahhhrg muuhhh huh *falls asleep*"
  7. ran

    Swedes Get Liquored Up on Hand Soap

    wth is up with people mixing alcohol with sodas ? They're too weak to drink their alcohol "normally" ? -edit- and if they want to drink their liquid soap they shoul swallow it pure, it will fuck some good sense into them
  8. ran

    Blended metal ammo

    Different recipe, same results... There's just a little bit less benzene in the new formula ... -edit- ok, just remembered the name of the new toy, it's the 77 mod 5, as I said, less benzene as it's made of Jet-Fuel.
  9. ran

    War against terror

    Brisard is a reputed advocate specialised in terrorism matters, he belongs to Chirac's circle of intimates. He's been choosen by the advocates of 200 families of 9/11 victims to investigate and enquire on the financement and financial activities of Al-Qaida. Guillaume Dasquié is the creator of a magazine and a pâper about the Intelligence world and has a certain experience in this domain, he is an author, consultant and advisor affiliated to the press. Their status regarding their relations with the french intelligence agencies is unknown. Considering the proximity of Brisard with Chirac, his involvement in 9/11 financial investigations and the time spent by Dasquié within the Intelligence world can lead us to have doubts about their exact status and what they actualy know.
  10. ran

    Military Humor

    mwahahahahaha had to dig the one about French MRE's up, it's on the 4th or 5th page, nice joke hehehe, but it's a false rumour   (do not mess with the exchange rates, it's business hell ) edit: by ralph. here's the link http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....4;st=60
  11. ran

    Military Humor

    We still can get Viagra from our own superior officers and your warrants ...Impotency ? my ass
  12. ran

    Military Humor

    You can always trade them for french ones .... what was the exchange rate the last time I checked ? 6 MRE's for 1 french ration ... aaaaaah I'll have to ask a few friends about the French Rations/Alcohol rate
  13. ran

    Military Humor

  14. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    back on-topic YAY !!! these budget cuts could very well make of France the first European military power !!!!!!!!!! (see how deep has Europe fallen )
  15. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    Yes, you burnt her, with the help of the Bourguignon traitors I know, he's the one with his fellow Normans who ameliorated a little bit the english blood in the 1070's He was a vassal of the French king back in the time of his first expeditions accross the channel But in the end, you limeys lost and France has been freed
  16. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    Despite the fact I now live in another country I would rather see England sold to Germany for scrap than racist scum like the BNP achieving any form of power. You kn ow, there's another potential buyer .... for the land which would rightfully be theirs ... Wasn't the Hundred years war pro-longed because the English kings thought that they had claim to the lands of France and even to the throne? So we can buy you William the conqueror was a Norman wasn't he ? Note that in the hundred years war, all it took to change the odds and defeat you was an hysterical teenage girl, a simple sheppherd without any real military skills.
  17. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    Despite the fact I now live in another country I would rather see England sold to Germany for scrap than racist scum like the BNP achieving any form of power. You kn ow, there's another potential buyer .... for the land which would rightfully be theirs ...
  18. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    we'll can always lend you something ... we have a few Mirage 3 and a shitload of iron bombs stored somewhere .... heh
  19. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    AH ! Well, all that reminds me of the pre-crimean war british army there had to be the slaughter of a cavalry brigade to make things change ... heh
  20. ran

    Tour de France

    how the hell can there be hooligans in cycling ?
  21. ran

    Britain to slash military jobs

    We"re always looking for cheap cannon fodd... erm, volunteers for the French Foreign Legion I mean. If you are masochist (for the enlisted) or a sadist (for the warrants) If you like weird looking uniforms and especially funky looking hats If you like moving around (a couple hundred kilometers by foot) If you like trips abroad (in shitty and often too warm places) If you like sand, mud, sweat, tears, and blood (traditionnal recipe for a Legion soup speciality ... heh) there's a job waiting for you !
  22. ran

    What's your job?

    Legio Patria Nostra ... La Légion notre Patrie Legion, our motherland .... and our family You see a monk ? A légionnaire is the same except that he carries a gun, that instead of bowing infront of a god he venerates "the ancients", elders and heroes of the Legion (with the exemple of the Camerone heroes) and is allowed to drink and to have sex. You have a social life, but privacy is limited and family except the legion itself is something of a luxury allowerd to warrants and officers.
  23. ran

    What's your job?

    Ah ! (that's all you'll get from me ) Just kidding : 1988-? Most of the oldschool people from the forums now know about my career 1988-1996 French Foreign Legion through 2 four years long contracts with combat engineering, EOD as specialities (along with a few other things ...) ending up as a sergent 1996-1997 a really short transition period in a French Army regiemtn 1998-2002 French Police forces (2 first years in the PJ, two last years, CRS and police intervention units) ending up as a commandant 2002-now a few things here and there when somebody in one of my two former ministeries comes accross my file -edit- those are the great lines, i won't say much more to avoid being in breach of the TTA 130 directives and the judicial oath ;)
  24. ran

    Tour de France

    If it was up to me I'd give a pepper spray to the cyclists so they can take care of the assholes running infront of them -edit- Only if the winds are favorable though Then you can give them CS Gel sprays instead
  25. ran

    Tour de France

    good idea hehe, the Lipany-Moldova (what's the name of the most eastward city already ?) criterium