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Everything posted by ran

  1. ran

    Sea Combat

    have you ever seen the film with steeve mcqueen about an american boat in china during the revolution , wich has to mission to protect the american peopl there ? a ship of this size would be cool , a bigger patrol boat than the pbr with at least 4 combat posts
  2. ok ok , i don't want the original topic to be totaly f**ked , so now say something interesting about the coming addon
  3. it was the thing what people call "a joke"
  4. and i just want to add , it wasn't made by me but by AYORROS
  5. lololololol and loads of legionnaires to kill the bastards with the laws :biggrin: i think we can add a new side , but the french units will stay in the west
  6. ran

    1.4 patch as buggy as 1.3

    and how long do you wait also ?
  7. i don't think you've seen that in-game the sniper doesn't have any back pack ....... it's in fact a sniper model with removed plants
  8. and the textures are new , open your eyes
  9. have you seen the jacket? and where's the backpack ?
  10. ran

    Operation Firelord.

    there's a tool called wav to lip in the editing section of this site the answer at your question : scripting
  11. ran

    OFP : Peacekeepers

    use private messenger to do that
  12. is this a russian OT28 ? i guess with the form of the turret it's a OT28 the suffix for the russian flamethrower tank is O there was a variant of the t55 , the OT55 with a flamethrower , i'll search to see if it conserve the main gun
  13. ran

    OFP : Peacekeepers

    jamesia ...... you are dumb , did you watch the date of his post , i already seen it before to
  14. ran

    OFP : Peacekeepers

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 9:47 pm on Dec. 31, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from ran on 7:26 pm on Dec. 31, 2001 he has maid those skins , why don't you believe it , i didn't see any picture of the ch47 or of the brdm on the gimbal site so stop searching the problems where there aren't any <span id='postcolor'> I have seen them somewhere before. so shut up. I definetly remember seeing the chinook and the humvee. <span id='postcolor'> noone has already posted links
  15. ran

    [tank]M24 Chaffee :)

    the turret is a little bit too big
  16. barret stop bumping old posts
  17. ran

    Elefant WW2 Tank !!

    BHD ?? i doesn't work because it hasn't been done for ofp , it's just a model that quakergamer wanted the people of this forum to see
  18. ran

    Elefant WW2 Tank !!

    wait ........... i've a doubt in my small head ... yes , the panzerstorer has been done on a konigstiger chassis , aaah i can't remember wich one has been used for the panzerstorer
  19. ran

    Elefant WW2 Tank !!

    jub jub , he spellt elefant right , it's the german codename of the heavy antitank version of the porsche's tiger "chassis"(don't know the english word)
  20. ran

    Elefant WW2 Tank !!

    i forgot the principal : it's a good start