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Everything posted by ran

  1. ran


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ruskie @ Feb. 12 2002,23:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, i say we put some cool pictures on it, like the union jack, or like, an all white flag with a big red crosseven better something with a big red dragon<span id='postcolor'> a union jack and why not the belgian flag after no , something representative of the europe , an element of every members nation flag for exemple would be cool
  2. ran

    New spammer punishment enforced

    ahh i loved a view to a kill with timothy dalton as james bond , the song by duran duran .......... my favourite james bond
  3. ran

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    some georgian legend's songs for the east adagio for the strings , paint in black , surfin bird , the end for the west
  4. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Feb. 12 2002,15:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Haha ran. THe funny thing is that Laetitia Casta is from Corisca, and usually Corse people would never consider themselves to be french (it is like Bask country and spain). But of course Ran wants to get the credit here! <span id='postcolor'> hehe , so , the corse is a part of the french republic like the Guadeloupe or the Reunion and not all the population of corse is of the separatist side , the majority wants to stay french and if she don't consider herself to be french , why did she do her carreer in france ? why her face is a symbol of the french republic (marianne bust in all the city halls)<span id='postcolor'> Ah, so if I do my career in France, I am french? (just kiddin) It is funny to see though that sometimes when les Francais talk about Napoleon they say: well anyway, he was from Corisca (like saying he was from La Belgique) , but of course when you talk about nice chix and good soccer-players suddenly even Marroco becomes french. BTW: all people who voted for the cat can be interpreted as discturbed characters that have problem so enter intense relationships with other persons.(or you you just got divorced)<span id='postcolor'> how could you be more offtopic a morrocan doesn't suddenly become french because he is not french the corses have always(not exactly , but that was right these last two centuries) been french
  5. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Feb. 12 2002,14:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Haha ran. THe funny thing is that Laetitia Casta is from Corisca, and usually Corse people would never consider themselves to be french (it is like Bask country and spain). But of course Ran wants to get the credit here! <span id='postcolor'> hehe , so , the corse is a part of the french republic like the Guadeloupe or the Reunion and not all the population of corse is of the separatist side , the majority wants to stay french and if she don't consider herself to be french , why did she do her carreer in france ? why her face is a symbol of the french republic (marianne bust in all the city halls)
  6. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    you'll do better at 3333 or 4444 or 5555 or 22 222
  7. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    lol don't post anymore and stay funny j/k
  8. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    have your ever noticed that all the kitten have the blue eyes ?
  9. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    i have to admit that i've voted for the little cat so lovely ........... i love the cats but yes laetitia is french , but can't remember if she has changed her nationality ...... but , she has been chose to represent "marianne" one of the symbol of the french republic , you can find a bust of marianne in every french town hall
  10. ran

    Tonight's HOTTIE and Morale Booster 2

    laetitia casta is french
  11. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

    maybe and i can say one thing the type of girls i've called "bitches" before are not stupid
  12. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

    yes i'm right , i've about 25 years of experience on the topic
  13. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

    i would call these two gals for exemple "bitches" because their only wish is to find a old guy with a lot of money , and they exist under only one aspect of the life : the appearance look at their make up , look at their clothes , look at the boobs and do you think a normal woman would pose like a whore in a magazine for the old vicious ?
  14. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

    yes , this is the interior beauty wich is important ... blablabla HOLLY SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!! Â Â just admit that you'd love to spend at least a night with one of these bitches , and don't say that they don't interest you ....... it would be a lie Â
  15. french army , 5 years in the 2RG (régiment du génie ) th only things i've fired are : FAMAS and AA t52 mg i had more often a shovel in the hands than a gun
  16. ran

    WHO has actually been in the army here?

    french army , 5 years in the 2RG (régiment du génie ) th only things i've fired are : FAMAS and AA t52 mg i had more often a shovel in the hands than a gun
  17. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

  18. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

  19. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

  20. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

  21. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

    sorry , must keep the number of pics as low as possible
  22. ran

    cant sleep.. help

    do you often go out ? let your comp alone about 1 week , you'll see that you'll can sleep in 10 minutes i had the same problem i've stopped drinking too much coffee and orange juice i play computer less than before i'm a new man , now i can fall asleep in 10 minutes i've tried the warm milk , the only result was ........ i let you guess it try to find a hobby or a sport wich can interest you as much as the computer do try the medicines (not too much , it's bad for the health because of the secondary effects)
  23. ran

    Sexiest Woman Ever

    I WANT THE SAME FOR CHRISTMAS DAMN SHE LOOK SO BEAUTIFULL and this golden skin ...........beautifull black hairs , she can't be real , she's from a dream ...    NNNNNNIAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i love the small blue bikini   sorry but it's the love season for me can we have more fotos like this one ?  Â
  24. we were in a small restaurant in the south of france , near a place called aix en provence we were eating outside , i remember , it was midday , the sun was ....... very ......... hot it was about 32°C we were drinking a toast when suddenly a tire of a car near us explodedwe were at about  2 meters from the car , the explosion has projected some stones in the restaurant , a friend has been injured by one of these stones , the chief of the restaurant pissed in his pant everybody was shocked , ten minutes later , the chief ran all over the place , he was screamming ............... it was his car which had a tire explosion