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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. another post in the wrong *CONFIGS AND SCRIPTING - ADDONS* part of the forums. :rolleyes: and yes, it is possible, via script. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setAccTime
  2. router settings, firewall settings
  3. I would gladly answer if this was in the right section OR maybe you want to create your own ADDON to remove the HUD?
  4. You will have 2 different models for each weapon with that feature...not really worth it. Alpha Bug was present on: ATI 19xx - tested NVD 88xx - heard NVD 260GTX - tested (not really an old card this one) So, while on some cards alpha bug might not be present, on MOST, it still is, including some of the latest ones.... Does it worth it? Hmmm...
  5. PuFu

    Give us the AI code. We can help.

    1. You got the AI "code". It's in your game....sqf and FSM (plenty in A2) scripts. 2. "we" implies yourself as well. Can YOU help? hmmm...I always have this funny feeling when someone is trying to pass any type of workload to a very generic entity, and by no means to himself...Project Management FTW....
  6. Behaviour: All SP related ArmA2 works fine. I go the Multiplayer screen, and when trying to connect on a random server (i can see the servers list just fine), or when trying to host a MP game, ArmA2 crashes to desktop , without any message but windows': Program stop responding, it will be closed type of thing Crash log: It doesn't matter all that much, since i came to the conclusion that i got the same behavior no matter what patch version i have (i reinstalled arma 3 times, tried connecting on existing 1.02 server, back to desktop crash) What i have tried 1. Rolling back some drivers (i have found out later that it has nothing to do with it) 2. Reinstalling ArmA2. 3 times. The third, i have tried out the MP behaviour, and it is the same for 1.01 (my box version), 1.02 and 1.03 3. Searching on google for C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION, very general and wide results, i cannot find out what service, application is *make babies*ing it up 4. Trying the windbg tools on the minidumb 5. Reinstalled win7, same thing. So it is not from my part anyways, definatly netcode related. Other info: I have switched from win XP64 to win7 3 days ago (a OS reinstall was in order, so i choose to try win7 out, which i was happy i did until now), and spent some time arranging all my previous files, installing my work related software etc. So i can say i have a pretty much fresh software installation, on which arma2 used to work better than on XP, until this moment, when arma 2 works, but NOT its multiplayer component (i only play arma2 in MP anyways). I have just talked with my ISP, called their tech support, they connected remotely on my PC, double checked my ADSL router and network connection etc, and after assuring me that there is no equipment blocking my connection on their side, besides the model i own, and scratching their heads a bit, they said it is either something in win 7 blocking it (it can't be since i have a new fresh reinstall less than 12h old, and i have seen A2 running on the same settings and OS before), or something with ArmA2 itself (i don't believe that either, since it used to work) - all ports are now opened (router firewall disabled, i have tried with Win7 Firewall disabled as well) - all tests seem to be working just fine (tried getting pinged from different sources, got a tracert on my public ip as well). As far as i can tell it has nothing to do with the OS i have it installed on (in this case win7). After 24h of messing about, it's either" 1. the ISP firewall or alike blocking my connection somewhere *they have already said they got no such equipment and they are not blocking my connection 2. there is something wrong with my network card. I do plan in buying a new one (the one i have is obviously on the MB) and testing it out Any type of help is welcome Does anyone actually know what protocols, ports etc ArmA2 is using to connect to a server, and how is it sending those packages?
  7. you are wrong. Server.exe for 1.3 is available anyways, but not needed for client. As posted, i have tried connecting the the servers who were stuck with 1.02 *(1.03 version is just coincidence really) and i had the same game freeze/crash
  8. PuFu

    were can I find my last FORUM POSTS???

    he actually means this: http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?u=59021 and go to statistics
  9. PuFu

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    besides focusing on performance and some config fixed (which are easy done) fix the mp chat! why do i need to lean , walk toggle my watch etc when i need to type something? do keybinds need to be active while chat window is engaged for some higher purpose?
  10. if that was adressed to me, arma runs fine on my part, minus the MP part, where when i try to create or join an existing server, it crashes Useless post....
  11. I got exactly the same strange behaviour...this morning was fine, now it is not anymore. BUT: 1. the only software i installed was nTune (can't get rivatunner to work on win 7) and flash shockwave player. 2. i did no changes to my router or network connection....
  12. PuFu

    Path 1.03

    well, that pic was made after a video presentation from one of the OFPDR developers, where he got shot from close range in the head, and he said the lines in the picture....
  13. yes, the cost should do exactly that: specify for AI which is a juiciest target for them, so they can prioritize. I guess someone forgot to add a 0 at the end of the BMP3 and LAV25 configs
  14. PuFu

    Path 1.03

    I cannot remind you of this: On the original post, i do agree, but with a bit of patience, it will be fixed either by BIS, or community, one way or the other. I have some dumb faith if you will.
  15. well, do go and post that on steam forums. It's not BIS fault that steam needs to update ALL the modified files, by redownloading, instead of modifying them...
  16. why do ppl post all over the place? Does configs and scripting has anything to do with your question? not the first nor the last one though :(
  17. 1.03 clients cannot use 1.02 server.exe. However, there are 3 servers available to join, already updated to 1.03 as i type this, including [FUN] one
  18. PuFu

    1.03 Performance

    In fact the scripts are already in ArmA2
  19. PuFu

    1.03 Performance

    same performance as with 1.02. No difference whatsoever. I will try the 190.56 drivers, see if that does any magic tricks
  20. Yes, VON is harcoded No one will carry a scope, silencer etc in his backpack, since it's hardly possible to attach it on the field - we talking about zeroing etc here. Though i agree that would be nice to have a system where you select the primary weapon at a crate (say m16a4), then you can select the attachments you like (based on the weapons available) - engine limitations Cannot really guarantee atm. Bradleys are in the works before A2 was even released. ?
  21. CPBO works fine for me. Just run it as administrator *RMC
  22. eventually, you will need O2(Oxygen) - note that the Oxygen for ArmA2 is not yet released, so you will need to use the one for ArmA1, which works with some tweaks. For modeling purpose, use the one it feels easier for you to understand and work with. If you haven't modeled before, and you don't have such software on your PC, i recommend either Blender or SketchUP (both free). If you can model in O2, go for that one. I for once use 3dmax since i have it for Uni/Work and i already paid for it. Not worth the money unless you are using it for something else rather than modeling for a game(which you don't get pay for). Better start with a free one (the basics of modeling are the same no matter what software is used).
  23. this is the config and scripting part for addons. If your question is mission related go here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=93
  24. PuFu

    Any news from b.i.???

    Sorry to break it like that to you, but the latest ArmA patch is 1.16 (and has been for about 4 months now). Yes, you are, if BIS sticks with their way of releasing patches: 1. don't let the beta name fool you. It's still a patch, it's official, and some have quite a long changelog. It's called like that so that ppl cannot say: "hey, but the patch screw some things, or didn't fix em all". It's a safety feature for them. 2. Those patches are gonna be made available for everyone. There is no such thing as "hardcore fans only". Be sure to see a lot of mirrors. You will see servers updated etc. (i know i used to play ArmA with 1.16 beta for sooo long, and never considered it a "beta patch" since it fixed most of the bugs to that point). 3. It should be installed in a different directory, which would allow you to play with 1.03beta or with 1.02 if you like (especially since Steam has a problem with the so called beta patches etc, and some Server providers). 4. Every patch, has its own thread: bugs, improvements etc can be listed there. There are 3 threads right now for 1.02.