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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu


    are you posting to get a higher count or what? really useless thread. doesn't even belong to offtopic
  2. search for proper addons.it hasn't been updated for a long time, so i doubt it works properly with oa
  3. PuFu

    modo p3d plugin

    yeah cheers for the heads up.fixed the url (was .zip instead of .7z)
  4. You don't need PhotoShop, you need to have the will to get your answers yourself, instead of asking for someone to give it all on the plater. Being new is just a lame excuse Use Search Forum Use The BiKi Short version of what you should have searched yourself -> open paa with texview2, convert to TGA, edit with your prefered software (gimp is free)
  5. PuFu

    modo p3d plugin

    this is great news for the modo users. cheers for sharing it ---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ---------- I took the liberty and provided a faster mirror for your tool, which is up 24/7. See first post In the case you want it down, let me know.
  6. Neither is O2. :P From all the 3d software i came in contact with (max, maya, c4d, modo, xsi, zbrush, mudbox, rhino), I can say none is really intuitive. The easiest to get the grip of are c4d and modo, but there is a long way between being able to use one, and actually mastering it. That is strange. Below finds were under 30s of search: http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/modernplanes/modern-h/28017/view/hawker_hunter__j_34_/ http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/modernplanes/modern-h/41371/view/hawker_hunter_ga_mk_11/ http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/modernplanes/modern-h/18328/view/hawker_hunter_mk_6/ and i am sure there are others
  7. what you describe in that video can hardly be called uv unwrapping. the thing is, while schetchup is great for the purpose it is intended (sketches), it is NOT a tool for creating game grade content. it misses a lot of the functions a complete tool needs (one of the main prbs is that it doesnt rely on anything but ngons, while dx games use quads or tris. (it autoconverts everything to quads max when exporting to 3ds or OBJ). if a free software is whar you are after, blender is a lot more of a complete software
  8. As a side note, 3ds max 2011 can import skp files directly, without additional plugins. I know max license costs a lot, but: 1. if you are a student, you can get it for free 2. you can always get the 30day trial ---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ---------- ..like it should be :P. Never understood software where Y is up (in fact i have set both modo and maya with Z-up..maybe because max got me used to that. Only Zbrush doesn't have that option).
  9. Looking forward to it SA You do happen to know that "put it in ACE" need permission, right? Besides, what is the point of you post?
  10. You posted under ArmA 2 & OA : CONFIGS AND SCRIPTING (addons) go to MISSION SCRIPTING Ps: i'm sorry, what next update? You talking about BIS updating his commands, functions or the way scripting(or in fact more advanced AI tasks) are dealt with?
  11. From here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2 (note that BI tools 2 is compatible with A2, OA etc, while BI tools 1 is compatible with ArmA1
  12. PuFu

    Acog scope

    Bump? You serious? What for? It is NOT possible maybe you should read the rules again: Now read the date again...
  13. I still don't understand what you need to be explained. I guess it is not the modeling part. Back to your question about the export. You can export from O2 in 3ds format. If you want each LOD to be exported, you need it to export each of it as a 3ds. (although i don't see why, since you will most likely do animations inside O2). Forget about selections and memory points for now. Once you got your mesh in 3ds max, start modeling/twealing it. Bear in mind that the UV Layout is kept for you in for the exported file. Once you got it done, you can use prooptimizer (but not only) to make the other LODs out of your main mesh (a combination of manual tweaking and max modifiers is the best go for you). Ten you export is as OBJ, and bring it back in O2. All the animations, selections and whatever else are explained in existing O2 tutorials. A1 MLODs also helps here.
  14. PuFu

    Help with random script

  15. open in O2, export as 3ds, import from MAX. You have to recheck normals, and duplicated faces
  16. hmmm, will post again here, let me try smth. while that is true with buldozer, it works ingame :D
  17. That changes things a lot since you have previous experience with models for games (lowpoly, subD modelling). Just model the way you was modeling for GTA SA then. It is the same for all DX games. Poly/vertex limit is 32k for A2. well, i am using 3ds max myself, so i am pretty sure it works. Neither do I. You can use SA 3dsmax plugin/script so you can do most of the work outside O2 (although you will eventually need to work a bit in O2 nevertheless).
  18. flashlight, why not. Lasers? Haven't seen an AK with that yet. Prove me wrong though, and i'll make it
  19. Hey Baz, First of all, while all this might seem simple it's not. At least not for what you want to try and model as your own project, which requires some precision, and from what i can tell (correct me if i am wrong), you haven't modeled anything so far, not even a lot simpler stuff. My suggestion here would be to aim a lot lower for your first project. You'll have a lot higher chances to finish the project and port it in the game that way. Hell, even a wall with a working door might give you some headaches. Secondly, no one can teach you how to model, You got to do it yourself. Practice makes perfect. Plus there are tons of free tutorials on the web from simple modelling to more advance technics. On this note, you haven't said what software you plan on using. The modelling tools are similar no matter, true, but are not alike though. So while a lot of guys here will be able to help you out, i doubt anyone will hold your hand and teach you all you'll have to learn.. Good Luck!
  20. Yeah, sort of. The objective is to get the weapon (folded and unfolded) in the game before anything else. There is still a lot of work to do on it, so things like sights and alike are secondary on the priority list For other gimmicks, i plan doing: TGP-A Silencer GP-30M 1PN93-1 Double Mag I don't like RIS on RUS weapons though, at top, might do something like this side mount RIS, but don't hold your breath for it :)
  21. he already said the f16 will be prepared for HiddenSelection. I am sure if you ask nicely, myke will surely release the UV layout as a PSD file, so you can do it the way you like it ;)
  22. realy great job Myke! i really mean it. will send you a pm soonish
  23. best request i have seen so far! I might actually do it :rolleyes: