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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. please divert your questions over to dev-heaven or Addon Sync BIF thread
  2. Cheers for it. will test as soon as i get a chance. From patch 76550: Since 76711 includes 76550 fix as well, your answer is yes. You can connect to servers running the beta patch though (not that many these days), or you could test it localy, and connect without it for MP games.
  3. PuFu

    Customizable Characters / Camera View

    I consider everything you have posted on those forums so far spam, including the quoted one. If you are so frustrated, why don't you go ahead and play something else, where you can customize your avatar the way you like, or do something about it, especially since you have been told it is possible? You do realize that the use of googles are very hard to represent in a computer game, where you don't have dust, wind etc coming out of your monitor screen, don't you? ____________________________ The first thing one uses for recognition is the overall size and shape of a body. What would love is the ability to change the weight and height of the avatar (available in vbs2 - i was looking for the command in the comref, but was unable to find it)
  4. PuFu

    modo p3d plugin

    my bad, / instead of \ - fixed however, chrome doesn't give a damn about it, hence why it worked
  5. I'd bet it is gonna be OA dependent (or at least that is how i would do it, even if would require nothing from OA - supporting BIS would be the soul reason)
  6. PuFu

    modo p3d plugin

    DaSquade: you sure? I just checked from my laptop, my gf laptop and my PC. All works fine (from diff ISPs)
  7. PuFu

    Unleash the MLODs!

    If the real reason is to show how things works, those willing people can easily use (vor vehicles at least), A1 MLODs. The work principles are the same. For the rest of us, the characters (soldiers, civilians, animals - res + skeleton) should do.
  8. PuFu

    modo p3d plugin

    24/7 LINKS (100Mbit UK mirror - KH): modo_p3d_plugin_v0.0.0.5_novid.7z modo_p3d_plugin_v0. _______________________________________________ synide, please PM next time when you update, so i can sort out the mirrors :) (i wasn't aware of this). Cheers.
  9. PuFu


    here is You can have vray RT working most likely pretty much instantly
  10. PuFu


    That is indeed one big MF rig you got there. :D Could you share it's price? I was thinking about some xeon procs myself (X5650 or W3670)
  11. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=72181
  12. PuFu

    DX 11 and ARMA/CO ??

    indeed, for LOD switching it would help a lot. In fact, using DX11 in itself, you shouldn't need more than one resolution LOD anymore (in theory). But then again, what is the percentage of gamers owning a DX11 card? Not that many. (although more are getting one these days since it is more affordable and wider spread). Still, the games using DX11 are scarce to say the least
  13. 1. yes, but not sure what you mean by being visible here 2. yes 3. yes
  14. while all that is true leo, i still find it strange when my mind system works with Z up (since all the math geometry works that way). Architecture CAD software (my main use for autodesk software etc), work that way, independent of directx or opengl space systems, but rather based on world (math) systems. exporting always allows me to select the axis i need up anyways, it is just for a question of sanity here :L anyhow, we are diverging from the subject
  15. very true! OT: what the heck you doing in south africa mate?
  16. MACs can already handle games like A2. AnimalMother uses a MAC pro daily, and most of the new macs available today will run A2 on normal settings without issues, on windows os via bootcamp though. That said, your question should be different: should A2 be available on OpenGL vs M$ DX?
  17. PuFu

    Unleash the MLODs!

    Firstly, my post wasn't directed to you specifically. That said, i still stand behind my statement: i prefer quality over quantity anyday. Secondly, i really doubt everyone is against your work, most likely on the contrary. But your attitude is doing more harm than good. I am very familiar with the ACE incident regarding the brad, and it is not 100% the way you put it. ___________________ Back on the MLODS: 1. Fixing the model related issues: i would rather have BIS fix those rather than use a mod that does the work BIS should be doing. 2. More content: it wouldn't really be more, it would be more of a copycat job anyways. I am aware that A1 MLODs have been used, and are still in use currently, but that doesn't change much. If sample models for each new A2/OA feature would be available, that would be enough for me, and a lot of others. I know what i am missing from BIS, and that is a couple of sample models. And i know what i would do with those. Now, back at you D@VL, what do you need mlods for? What information are you missing, and how can MLODs help you out there? What about BI releasing all the A2/OA content in MLOD format, but missing the first 2 LODs? Would that suffice your needs?
  18. while i already have a MacBook Pro, and thinking about getting a 12 core Mac Pro, i don't think BIS should aim getting a their games to work on a platform that is not developed for games in the first place. Yes, i am all for open source, for OpenGL/OpenCL versus the M$ DX. But that is a totally different matter. Thing is, MAC are being bought for their OS in most cases, and for their ease of use. Everyone else who buys one most likely in the media industry. That said, the components on a MAC are subpar with what you can get for the same amount of money from other producers. Especially in the GFX department. Voted NO PS: in your case (i have read your specs in another thread), you can always get windows via bootcamp, but i really doubt you will be able to enjoy it to the fullest
  19. i would add the ao/as map using a sjylight rather than a generic point light. remember that the lights are managed differently if they are generic or photometric (for photometric you need real life scaled units)
  20. PuFu

    Unleash the MLODs!

    come on vilas. Why do you have to advertise your work over and over again everywhere you post. I (and a lot of others) know the amount of work you have released. Then again, quantity != quality. Anyways. I'd be glad for sample models, just as much as i would be for mlods. Even so, the reason i am not actually missing the mlods is because there are the A1 ones as reference. What i miss though are the new features and skeletons newly release that could allow things like working horses to be released based on cow bones or whatever. Even more so for the missing SCI FI addons, that could create pretty amazing things based on A2 creatures
  21. PuFu

    Unleash the MLODs!

    please note that a lot of A2/OA models have been developed outside bis, by 3rd party members. You and I will never know what was the clauses on the the contracts. i do agree we would need more samples (as those were released back in the day for A1). Even more so for all the creatures/animals available with A2. (bones, etc). I actually don't believe that, with MLODs there will be more creative content, but rather the other way around. Without a new system for weapons attachments for instance (proxy setup), you would need a p3d of its own for each new variants.
  22. PuFu

    realistic carnage

    From forum rules: 07.02.2009 - 29.11.2010 - do the math
  23. great job! finally something outside of the box. cheers mate!
  24. PuFu

    six updater- how to use?

    why is this in the general thread? BIS has nothing to do with six updater.