When I was watching the newest ArmA -trailer I noticed that the animations (moves) of the infantry guys looks quite "stiff" when compared to infantry-animations and moves in OFP.
Infantry-moves doesn't look realistic in ArmA -trailer I hope that the ArmA -full version would have same kind of animations and moves as in original OFP.
It looks so realistic when the (AI)soldiers in OFP are moving: they don't just sprint and then walk sprint and then walk as in ArmA -trailer.
Orig. OFP-soldiers walk, run and sprint. Running is moving a little bit slower than sprinting.
I have never seen so realistic moves and animations in war games as in orig. OFP.
Please, dear ArmA deveploment team, keep the moves and animations realistic in ArmA as in orig. OFP.
I am sorry about my bad english