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Everything posted by MontyVCB

  1. MontyVCB

    Csla 2

    plus its only about 10am, 11am if ur in europe, so there still plenty of time
  2. MontyVCB

    Sig 552

    yea m8 this gun looks cool kep it up
  3. MontyVCB

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    [imghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v605/paraofthesgc/norforSF.jpg[/img]>100kb 2 quick shots nothing special NORFOR soldiers pack beta
  4. MontyVCB

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    a lot of the guys working on this project have other comitments, so NAFP is more of a "side" project for them
  5. MontyVCB

    TURKISH UNION Addon Pack v.1.0 BETA Released!

    looks cool, checking out now. any plans to replace the old BIS textures as they are quite old and don't do your work justise
  6. MontyVCB

    UKF Revolution

    to bad u gotta go, but hey at least the mod is not dead
  7. MontyVCB

    Mirage F.1

    one in nogovian airforce colours sounds nice
  8. MontyVCB

    The New USMC MOD

    not true NZXShadows is part of the CBT! team and waffen still does the odd bit for ToW
  9. thats great any planes for a RAF version, so it will fit in with your nimrod
  10. hmm i dunno ace i still think us VBS1 ers can go one better back on topic, great work skeg!
  11. MontyVCB

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    i think the CBT team are to busy to worry about snow camo addons at the moment Â
  12. MontyVCB

    Starting a New Mod - Apply Within

    unfortunatly these ppl are few and a far between, looks like u gonna have to roll up them sleves and do a bit urselft, i can can make bassic textures and edit configs that thats about it
  13. MontyVCB

    TcM Crap Mobile

    hmm interesting to say the least
  14. MontyVCB


    he does the odd bit of texture work for the CSLA mod
  15. MontyVCB

    UK Bedfords

    its becuase they are not used often anymore, our main 4 tonners now are the leyland models, the beddy wasn't even taken to iraq , and even they are due for replacement, Ford has offer to build a totaly new range of trucks for the british army, ranging from 4 tonners to 8X8s , if u want pics of bedford 4 tonners i would look for 'owners' clubs for military equipment
  16. MontyVCB

    Red Hammer Studios

    i think addon makers should have hippie free love for all avatars and should promote karma , can't w8 for ur infanrty pack
  17. MontyVCB

    Red Hammer Studios

    i want one sniper_skull , im to upset over this fighting
  18. MontyVCB

    Red Hammer Studios

    i c, that is stealing then man, sorry , but from the text shadows has uplooaded its not very clear on whos stealing what both sides are bitching at each other. Denorc[ORCS] (23:08) : Do you like new version of Motorized? ShadowNX (23:09) : was it released today? i didnt check any ofp pages today Denorc[ORCS] (23:09) : Yes... I fixed some bugs Denorc[ORCS] (23:10) : Also added VSR.. removable helmetcamo... ShadowNX (23:10) : gimme a sec... Denorc[ORCS] (23:10) : OK ShadowNX (23:13) : nice vest i see there... could swear i know it from somewhere... you do this as a sport Denorc? fine Denorc[ORCS] (23:13) : :-) Hehe... you will not find anything directly from your pack Denorc[ORCS] (23:14) : All i did is better than yours amigo Denorc[ORCS] (23:14) : I will be always better. Denorc[ORCS] (23:14) : Because Specnazmod has too long tongues Denorc[ORCS] (23:14) : And too short brains ShadowNX (23:14) : yes sure and by accident they have a texture from a unreleased pack again, ok cya ShadowNX (23:15) : you and your competition crap... Denorc[ORCS] (23:15) : No. Just stop use our models Denorc[ORCS] (23:15) : Make your own business Denorc[ORCS] (23:15) : I do not use your tanks Denorc[ORCS] (23:15) : So make your tanks and crews. Denorc[ORCS] (23:15) : And stop this shit. Forever. ShadowNX (23:15) : Your models, wow you got some humor ShadowNX (23:16) : but dont be worried we remade most of the body anyway Denorc[ORCS] (23:16) : That's good. Cya... Denorc[ORCS] (23:16) : )) In next release ShadowNX (23:16) : its people like you who destroy the community, but finally you showed your true face, thx Denorc[ORCS] (23:17) : No. Just protecting our property. Denorc[ORCS] (23:17) : And our name. ShadowNX (23:17) : Read my words we redone the damn models Denorc[ORCS] (23:18) : I said that's good. Denorc[ORCS] (23:19) : Bye Steve... Maybe some day OFP die and we will be friends again) Denorc[ORCS] (23:19) : Do you have VBS btw? ShadowNX (23:19) : i can never be friend with someone who acts in such ways, sorry ShadowNX (23:20) : no, cya ShadowNX (23:20) : just do me a favor... we remade our soldier models so you stop using our textures... ok?... fine it'll all end in tears ppl, maybe orcs and RHS could come to an agreement to stop flaming and such? i hate ppl seeing fight over forums it gains nothing
  19. MontyVCB

    Red Hammer Studios

    can't we all just accept the EULA and share?
  20. MontyVCB


    , ur serious right? nothing worng with having a bit of fat man, infact most soldiers have a beer gut and sixpacks man, means s***, u can be fit and still have a a slightly chubby stomach , look at the royal marines for example, they ned a certian layer of fat on them so the can keep warm, as they do a lot of arctic warfare training
  21. MontyVCB

    /DRF mod: Specnaz

    the camo texture has a gloss effect, it would be good if u could tone this down
  22. MontyVCB

    Operation Farmland Mod

    looks cool man, would be btter if u could use HYK's textures and helmet model
  23. MontyVCB

    /DRF mod: Specnaz

    would be cool if it was a little less 'shiney'
  24. MontyVCB

    North devon terrain

    cools cool man, what pc are u running , the those pics look way blurry