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Everything posted by pong2cs

  1. pong2cs


    Anyone think that it seems "too big" for an F-15?
  2. pong2cs

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    The starboard and portside rear doors do slide up to open in real life.....Why? Because they are exclusively paratroop doors and it's pretty damn hard to open a door outward or inward at 90-100 knots. Edit: I know there is a feature where you can load and eject objects like a jeep or HMMWV from the C-130.....I did it once by mistake and have not been able to do it again. What's the trick? You just have to drive really far in, the option should appear after the "Close doors" option disappears. Careful though, the roadways are messed up and before you know it, you could be bouncing around in there.
  3. pong2cs


    Thank you!
  4. pong2cs


    I'd download it if there was a reliable link.
  5. pong2cs

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    AI takes off from Malden just fine if you ask me... RETURNING to Malden, now that's a different story...
  6. pong2cs

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    http://www.ofpbase.com/12-06/hawk2L.jpg http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics/hawk1303.jpg (Same picture) Anyone else notice how the door is "swung"? It's not like that on my version. Â
  7. pong2cs

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    Anyone else notice how hard it is to drive a vehicle into it? I actually managed to get the BTR80 into it, although not without a lot of bumping and shunting and maybe even a little shoving, but if you ask me, the proportions of the two seemed a bit out of place. Seemed like the C-130 was too small. Not to mention that the roadways are more or less messed up. Try driving a hummer into it and you'll get instant chaos.
  8. pong2cs

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    Man, it sure is a great addon, just a tad annoying that Hawk made such compromises in order to make it realistic, it can't turn worth *poop*, though it is managable to get off from the ground and land again without going all around the island (Malden). Also another fact, the plane should be able to fly at 70 km/h with it's flaps down, I'm dead positive it is capable of it as I have read on multiple specification sites that it should be capable of. I don't know which variants you use in the US, but the ones we have here in Denmark are capable of it.
  9. pong2cs

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    That plane sure does look good...
  10. pong2cs

    Licensing for lans?

  11. pong2cs

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    That thing is no where near the one I know, do link me, please?
  12. pong2cs

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    What kind of MI26 is that, and when's it due for release?
  13. pong2cs

    Leopard 2a6 ex

    Does it have amphibious ability?
  14. pong2cs

    Pacific front mod

    1 reason it's OFP: Look at the way they hold their weapons... The gun is floating in his palm, and not stuck to his hand.
  15. pong2cs

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Bad Tigershark! Voodoo is out, GeForce is in! <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>NEWER = BETTER!</span> I'd look around for a good deal on a GeForce 4 card - I got a really nice deal on one from GameVE.com Going OT for a second, Best Buy sells Geforce FX 5200s for $100 Buy that and I'll kill you myself. I bought one and I'm regretting every second of it. That's about as much quality you can squeese out of it and still have it playable...
  16. pong2cs

    Ch-53e superstallion

    It would appear that the glass causes the missing floor texture problem. This time I turned the LOD settings all the way up (IE down) to 0.005 (or whatever). Rotor doesn't exactly help much on it...
  17. pong2cs

    Ch-53e superstallion

    You mean like this?
  18. pong2cs

    Celebrity blacklist

    Don't you people get it? There is no freedom of speech anymore, that stuff existed back in the days where man walked around and slammed the woman of his choice with a club only to drag her home with him and pronounce her his spouse. Why in the hell do we have censoring? "Fuck" is a word, but I'm not allowed to say it? People dislike me because I walk up to them and scream that I want them to stop fucking singing because they have a horrible voice. Why? I'm just voicing my opinion... There is no freedom of speech anymore.
  19. pong2cs

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    By the way Blackdog~, when can we expect to see that bayonet you've shown, out?
  20. pong2cs

    Hms hermes 1968

    The trigger that's supposed to slow the plane down doesn't seem to work for me. Not even landing on the carrier with the Harrier using the STOL works. The triggers only seem to trigger when you move slowly over them, not to mention that they should in theory (due to game physics) also activate if you flew over them at 10.000 kilometres height, but they don't. Cool aircraft carrier though! Takeoff works like a charm! Though the textures are missing, I have to admit that the interior is set up nicely.
  21. pong2cs

    Behind the scenes...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jo Man Dragon @ 16 May 2003,16:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">so, all you boasters.....i found within seconds AND knew the nick and password....<span id='postcolor'> You must be a proud wee man, eh?
  22. pong2cs

    Popcorn productions

    FYI, Jeep madness is still corrupted, and has the wrong filesize compared the the stated one.
  23. pong2cs

    Afghanistan map out!

    Thank you very much kind sir-with-a-link-that-works!
  24. pong2cs

    Textured explosion

    In the settings for OFP, under advanced where you can fiddle with some resolution settings for this and that, try turning up the resolution for Special Effects.
  25. pong2cs

    Afghanistan map out!

    So, does this addon have any download links for the NEW version of it? Preferably the full one? I have the old one, but I'm under the impressions a second update was released. However, seeing as I'm a sad git and can't be arsed with doing all the opening up with DePBO and such, I'm just mainly looking for the full version. I tried Avon's download link through her FAQ which lead to Filefront. And as we all know, they suck (well in my opinion anyway) seeing as they're constantly crowded, and their P2P system contains spyware (my experience at least). Anyone? Links?