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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. Placebo

    favorite US vehicle to fly in...

    Did you go to the pic manually and thus it was placed in your cache?
  2. Placebo

    The question that has plagued man...

    Well if I wanted to be all PC about it and lie I'd say "No I'd never shoot the medic if he was unarmed and thus a noncombatant", but seeing as it's a puter game then I would aim for him first like I normally do
  3. Placebo


    Try reading this from the FAQ
  4. Placebo

    Screen shots and the voodoo 3....

    IIRC scroll lock is the default and that used to cause Opf to lock up for me, so I changed it to "home" which I don't use in Opf
  5. Placebo

    MP maps not available

    Mickey will you use this url for your avatar please http://obecalp.virtualave.net/mickey.jpg It's the exact same pic just resized to the correct 100x100 size and saved as slightly compressed jpeg, resulting in a 6kb file size and not 108kb as it was originally
  6. Placebo

    OFP "SDK"-Release Petition

    Type0 seems 50megs.com isn't support external posting of pics (ie we can't see your avatar) feel free to use this URL http://obecalp.virtualave.net/neverseen.jpg
  7. Placebo

    favorite US vehicle to fly in...

    Nice red X there Damage
  8. Placebo

    Size matters

    Hmm well as scenic views go in Opf I think that's a rather fine one, shows the landscape well, mountain in the background, woods, small rustic town with church, looks like there's a nasty storm coming though How/with what proggy did you do that?
  9. Placebo

    Between the Lines Add-On preview

    Anyways Flugel, instead of reviewing cheap-assed-rip-off addons wouldn't you much rather be a mission reviewer for OFPN? Go on you know you want to Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on, Go on. (as voted most annoying advert of 2001).
  10. Placebo

    screen shots forum section??

    Naaah I think I should simply turn off the poll function, problem solved
  11. Placebo

    screen shots forum section??

    Naaah I think I should simply turn off the poll function, problem solved
  12. Placebo

    We must have acces to SDK ! ! !

    This has been discussed to death. There is NO SDK, there are some tools which will be released when BIS feel the time is right, end of story.
  13. Placebo

    Between the Lines Add-On preview

    I believe the general consensus from those that had tried the demo and/or full version were that this "addon" was a pile of shite
  14. Placebo

    Ever wanted to see the rocket of the Carl Gustav?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (silent wings @ Jan. 14 2002,11:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">GROW UP ITS A FUCKING GAME<span id='postcolor'> If you disagree with someone's view then fine, but there's no need for that kind of talk.
  15. Placebo

    Missions - Red Hammer

    There were some new KyroII drivers released the other day, have you downloaded them? http://www.powervr.com/Downloads.asp
  16. Placebo

    Your coolest MP kill?

    LMAO that's a damn good idea, from now on I'll charge anyone who posts in the wrong place $1 when I have to move it
  17. Placebo

    Join in play

    I never had a problem with the lack of "jip" either, but then I'd rather play with a couple of good friends than 20 strangers through GS or whatever
  18. Placebo

    Your coolest MP kill?

    Moving to MP
  19. Placebo

    Your coolest MP kill?

    Moving to MP
  20. Placebo

    Help! Win2000

    Maybe these will help? http://us.hercules.com/support/driver_view.php3?prodid=329
  21. Placebo


    Have you tried upgrading your aspi layer?
  22. Placebo


    yeah and it shows a reply from Snake but it's still not here, very odd
  23. Placebo


    Hmm strangely this thread showed up in the main board index yet when I clicked addons it still wasn't here, took about 3 refreshes before it showed up
  24. Placebo

    Sorry all

    LOL I can't believe they made a doll of him does it include a realistic crocodile and detachable crocodile hunter testicles for when there were one too many near misses?
  25. Placebo

    Can't see explosions anymore

    Use this, it was already there http://obecalp.virtualave.net/knight.jpeg EDIT: Ahh knew I forgot something, this should hopefully sort your explosions problem