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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. Placebo

    In a mistake I gave away my CD Key

    You can open a support ticket here: https://store.bistudio.com/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=50 although I wouldn't expect you to be given a new CD Key, you gave it away of your own volition.
  2. We don't sell a steam version of ACR on the store.
  3. Placebo

    Steam Issues

    Did you have an antivirus active whilst installing? Are you absolutely sure you permanently set Steam to run as admin?
  4. As 5133p39 said, ACR is not a patch, if you mean ACR then please stop calling it a patch as you're confusing the issue, if you do mean an actual patch then please post in one of the patch threads. Did you open a support ticket?
  5. This thread is about ACR, what patch are you talking about? If you're having problems you should open your own thread or open a support ticket not hikack someone else's thread.
  6. Please use proper English. §13) Write in English Please write only in English on the public forums. Avoid writing in any other language or any kind of slang or txt speak since the majority of the members most likely won't understand. In private messages you are of course welcome to write in any language you wish.
  7. Placebo

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Dwarden is not the voice of BIS. There are many voices.
  8. Placebo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Aha of course :)
  9. Run Steam as admin, there's a pinned thread with that in the title: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135736-Bad-serial-number-given-in-setup-use-this-thread-for-help Don't listen to your brother ;)
  10. Placebo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This one? Hard to believe it was 7 years ago now, was interesting to visit E3 :) Rest of the pics are here in case it was another one: http://www.ign.com/images/games/arma-combat-operations-pc-748793/4fa6c9f8cdc388ed13eb252b
  11. In the Steam library right click the game, then click properties then click local files and it's in there: That compares what you have downloaded/installed against what's on the server.
  12. Disable your antivirus, run steam as administrator, verify cache integrity of the game, restart steam.
  13. Placebo

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Fenrisulven suspended because duplicate accounts aren't allowed. Last few posts of bickering deleted because it was primarily with a person now suspended for the above reason.
  14. Really enjoyed that one, some classic Arma moments in there, trying to get into the jeep and getting your binoculars out instead for example, had me laughing out loud, I'm sure it was all deliberate right ;)
  15. Placebo

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    The DLC was released by us, if there are problems with it as there obviously are that's down to us not down to CSLA or anyone else, if you have complaints to direct please direct them at us, not CSLA.
  16. When pasting such a mess of data use spoiler tags please so the thread is still viewable. If your problem is related to an addon/mod then you should post in the thread for that addon/mod.
  17. Placebo

    How many patches do i need?

    Moved to the Q&A thread. If you have Operation Arrowhead as well then patch to 1.61 then 1.62, you should be good to go.
  18. For the Non-German speakers I used OCR then google translate:
  19. Did you have steam installed and working fine prior to yesterday when you purchased the Arma games? Do you have an antivirus active at all times including when you installed Steam/Arma? Do you run Steam as Administrator?
  20. Placebo

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Glad it's working now :)
  21. Placebo

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    What's denying access? AVG? Have you disabled AVG completely then tried installing it? Running the installer as admin?
  22. Placebo

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    It's a false positive, AVG is a rubbish antivirus. I use Kaspersky and it brings up no issues:
  23. Placebo

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Use spoiler tags when discussing the campaign please.
  24. Which version did you buy? DVD or digital download? From where? What are your system specs?