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About ombas

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. ombas

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    call your local gamestop. mine's getting combined operations in on the 29th.
  2. does the sprocket version have securom? is the online activation softwrap? brendon: i'm sorry you had such a bad experience with them. i got arma1 from them in december of 2006 and have had very good service.
  3. ombas

    Arma 2 purchase

    sprocket will have it for sale/download no idea what copy protection they'll use (i got arma1 from then and it used softwrap)
  4. i'm all for an automatic http redirect for the user. Â whatever makes it easier to get on and improves the play experience is a good thing for everybody. Â i emphasize AUTO http redirect. keep up the good work!
  5. ombas

    64 Bit operating system

    arma works fine for me using vista 64
  6. or not try and patch it as the download is already at 1.08.
  7. ombas

    Some graphic bugs...

    http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d199/n00bile/armaglitch.jpg 2900xt 1gb cat 7.9 vista64 ultimate 4 gb ram (only 2.6 gb recognized to run arma) e6600 gigabyte n650-ds4 mobo "i3 in subsquares IE-IF 30"
  8. have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling?
  9. you could try adjusting the amount of ram that vista recognizes. start -run - msconfig - boot - advanced options - maximium memory. this way you wouldn't have to physically remove the ram and could readjust the ram by changing the amount and restarting vista. i prefer it to yanking ram or dual-booting into a legacy os. <g> it works for my ati card. i can't say if it'd address any game stability issues that forceware users have from the 4gb.
  10. i believe the cz box version uses starforce. so you might have a starforce problem. google your exact dvd reader model and starforce and see if something comes up.
  11. ombas

    XP vs. Vista

    vista64 here. i did have the ati 4 gb problem. but ever since i stumbled onto how to limit the amount of ram vista will recognize, arma starts up great. i set it to 2572 in msconfig - boot - advanced and arma plays just fine.
  12. howdy chappy, what leads you to believe your problems are caused by the sprocket version? did you get any corrupt file messages or errors when installing? did you use ArmA_InternationalUpdate105_108 to patch? have you tried the traditional trouble-shooting chores? anit-virus check, spyware check, applied latest motherboard drivers, applied latest dx9 build from MS, applied latest audio drivers, applied openal, monkeyed with video drivers, turned off EAX in options, memtest your ram, check your ribbons, wires, and card connections in your comp in case something has come loose... good luck!
  13. ombas

    Vista Black load screen?

    update for those with 4gb ram, vista64 and a radeon card who get the black screen. in vista you can limit the amount of ram the OS recognizes at boot up. using msconfig you limit it under advanced boot options. i have to set mine to 2048, more and arma won't load with textures. it's not as good as not limiting ram, but at least one doesn't have to physically pull the ram out. if anyone finds a way to change the amount of ram vista recognizes "on the fly" please speak up. :-) it'd be nice to just have an "arma" profile and not have to reboot to use all one's ram.
  14. ombas

    Vista Black load screen?

    i had to pull out 2 1gb sticks to get mine to work. but it does work under vista64 now! i didn't have to use any special switches like maxmem. it's been months - thank you whoever thought of the ram thing for radeon cards! vista64 ultimate 2900xt 1gb diamond catalyst 8.40rc3 2 gb ram e6600 cpu it ran fine for 20 minutes on mp.
  15. ombas

    Vista Black load screen?

    i've got vista ultimate 64 and 4 gbs ram. matra, why the question about ram?