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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    as far as the east units go, he's just incorporating the new RHS models, it's not that big of a deal. It's his mod, and he'll release it when he pleases, you should be grateful that he takes the time to do such a thing. luckily for me here in the US, my copy of armed assault will be here around the 3rd of december, and i will be happy to say goodbye to flashpoint, and editing things, at least for a little while
  2. olemissrebel

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    in video options, make sure "cloudlets" are enabled.
  3. olemissrebel


    it's def. your configuration, as i only have 1 gig and with even FFUR and the like i can use it with -nomap, at 1440 by 900
  4. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    universal, for an alleged genius you aren't too bright. ever heard of trial and error? TRY before asking a million things. if using that addon is such a big deal to you, use OFP with NO ADDONS, as has been stated millions of times, it appears
  5. olemissrebel


    no... at least not that i know of. and yes, it's significantly smaller than arabia... it shouldn't be in the editor as north africa, if it is, you have the old version and should look through the thread to get the newest
  6. olemissrebel

    OFP Modern Combat Mod

    It doesn't matter what you think in this respect, as was stated above, pretty clearly, one IS NOT ALLOWED to even post pictures, or discuss modifying it without the express permission of those who made it. It's really not all that difficult. Jag isn't an idiot, and obviously isn't a mean guy, i'm sure if universal actually read the readme and had asked permission in the first place this wouldn't even be an issue.
  7. olemissrebel


    DMA libya is a very good map, however it's a lot smaller compared to this one... i appreciate the compliments
  8. olemissrebel

    An Najaf map beta release

    I am sorry for having hijacked this thread, i have nothing against you universal, and will refrain from making comments. i really will be looking forward to your work
  9. olemissrebel

    An Najaf map beta release

    For a german military officer that speaks russian and has an IP address in the United States, and a great addons maker... you must be a pretty busy, and accomplished being.
  10. olemissrebel

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    no, thank you, all of you.
  11. olemissrebel

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    totally worth the download, although laggy compared to VTE, totally worth the wait! (gotta love the tank crew with a glock...i know they are placeholders )
  12. olemissrebel

    An Najaf map beta release

    It'll be a cold day in hell before you actually get around to doing something productive... 206 posts in less than one month. you are ridiculous. anyways, as far as the actual topic goes, this map was pretty nice, however armed assault really kills the point of anymore hours in WRP tool. I personally am going to just wait and see how ARMA is, then decide whether or not things i've done for OFP are worth being put in game on that engine;)
  13. olemissrebel

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    If you're going to start a new thread, at least provide a link to the download. Obviously that one server is bogged down. JDB, perhaps a filefront mirror? They don't require registering or any of that non-sense to upload...
  14. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    If you want the more zoomed out FOV, as it used to be, find the values of the FOV from the old one, and replace the new one, save it, and CCP 2 BIN.
  15. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Of course it's different with every rifle, but not really with the M4/M164 series of weapons
  16. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update2

    How about you just either read what's posted, download the thing, or look at their website.
  17. olemissrebel

    Video Options

    My default is 1440 by 900 by 32, with either 60 or 59 refresh rate. My question is, if i switch to 16 bit, is there actually a performance increase (i haven't noticed, and have switched back and forth over the years) also, if i manually set my graphics card to a custom refresh of 100, and OFP's to 100, can that allow the framerate to increase, or does it have nothing to do with it?
  18. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update2

    congrats on another great release
  19. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    That's not true at all. Your CCO (Aimpoint) is zeroed by putting the dot on the front sight post, and then adjusting it up down, right left accordingly. It's totally realistic to have it like it is now. Same goes for the acog.
  20. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    filefront.com... you can upload up to 1gig without signing up for anything.
  21. olemissrebel

    Rebels Banner addon

    You're not welcome
  22. olemissrebel

    Tonal Update

    That's because unlike some mod teams ebud actually has a nack for finishing things, instead of griping about them not being finished
  23. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Howabout you download it. There's really no need to comment asking things if you didn't even bother reading the first page, or downloading the thing
  24. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Too bad it's FFUR2006 and not 1985
  25. olemissrebel

    Vietnam Bunkers Addon

    Ideally id like to release this as soon as humanly possible, the forces of nature will in the end be the big determining factors. (kinda like constipation). Right now I am just adding a few small plants and OPTIMIZING face/point counts to get better FPS and lets face it - the better set up this stuff is, the better the performance is... as you well know! Couldn't agree more. It doesn't really matter how good it looks if it's not at all playable. The new VTE is a wonderful example of how something that looks like it would eat FPS... doesn't.