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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    Anyways, we are taught reflexive fire with the saw, it's used in CQB just as much as the m4. The 240 however is a whole different story, most of you could barely hold it up for two seconds, much less fire at something accurately.
  2. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    PVT Duvall, didn't they teach you at sand hill not to run and fire?
  3. olemissrebel

    Version 1.02 Trouble

    Just install armed assault, and apply only the newest patch
  4. olemissrebel

    Patch 1.02 and aim

    There are just issues... they are resolving them as quickly as possible. What more can they do?
  5. olemissrebel

    Problem patching german download version

    You are right, I am wrong, I just re-installed my downloaded version and indeed the error is strange, I cannot patch it due to the campaign's pbo... Luckily I have the boxed version thanks to a certain someone...
  6. olemissrebel

    Do you like this look?

    If we gave them helmets and IBA's, we'd surely give them m16a2 and m240b... even in basic training and infantry AIT i never saw an m16a2, we always had m16a4 or m4's. Teaching them how to use any firearm isn't much of a problem, the SFG weapons sergeants, and pretty much everyone SF there would know how to take apart, and employ pretty much every weapon known to modern man.
  7. olemissrebel

    a few addon/mod ideas i had...

    You won't take out a sentry if you are low on ammo. If you are low on ammo it's because you've been obviously firing off your ammo, thus, the enemy would know you are there. You would shoot him twice in the head, and if he twitched, shoot him a few more times
  8. olemissrebel

    Scratch Modworks: US Army MPs

    What is that supposed to be? Â @ Jahve, the flag looks good, Â Tilt the pockets a bit more to the front, as well as make them a tad bit larger. Â I believe it would be a good idea to also make a version with no patches, that could be used as normal infantry units for those of us that prefer infantry over MP, seeing as we always get called on to bail them out over there. our camelbacks are also ACU, with the plastic opening in a desert tannish color. the straps are ACU greyish
  9. olemissrebel

    Problem patching german download version

    I seriously doubt there's anything wrong with any of these patches...people just get lazy. If it doesn't work for you, uninstalled Armed Assault, re-install, and then use ONLY the patch 1.02. It will more than likely work, so give it a try. Also, this patch takes around 10 minutes, as stated in the readme to work on some PC's. Give it time.
  10. olemissrebel

    ArmA and my PC

    Did you even bother to look around and read where the various system requirements are posted. Aren't they on the armed assault website as well?
  11. olemissrebel

    Is it worth it to dl this game

    I downloaded it from morphicon before I recieved my german boxed version here in the US. I would recommend downloading it versus buying, as you don't have to have the DVD in-drive to play. Yes, you can do everything, patching, mods, etc with the downloaded as you can with the DVD version. I'd recommend downloading it, as opposed to purchasing the DVD.
  12. olemissrebel

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    First people bitch about a buggy game, now they bitch about how the quickly released patch is released, in ZIP form. Get a life people.
  13. olemissrebel

    Scratch Modworks: US Army MPs

    jahve, i thought you had a pair of ACU's? the pockets are slanted towards the front, and the velcro is not grey, it's green. also, those MP patches you see are the IR ones, and are shiny in tone, as well as the subdued IR flag. remember, the flag covers up the entire upper flap of the pocket, so no edges should be showing. A glossier looking flag and patch would be ideal, but good work so far.
  14. olemissrebel

    a few addon/mod ideas i had...

    the idea of simulating those wounds as you say is flat out ridiculous. Â it would be realistic, but would you want to wait for five months of recovery in a various military hospital to respawn. Â realism is a good thing, don't get me wrong, but do remember afterall, it's a game weapons jamming is one thing BIS obviously hasn't thought of. anyone with any military experience knows jams are a common occurance, both on the range, in the field, and in combat. that would be a marvelous idea... knife fighting...riiiiiiiiight
  15. olemissrebel

    Armed civie/gang units for Arma

    is it just me, or is this gang crap totally pointless if they are the default models, why not just add weapons via removeweaponthis, et cetera?
  16. olemissrebel

    Logical South Sahrani Kits

    the drawing is understandable, but remember, that type of flak jacket had replaceable covers, so it wouldnt be that unlikely to have an OD cover on it.
  17. olemissrebel

    Woodland BDU Soldier

    I believe the SF in ArmA are just fine! They were merely SF qualified individuals sent over with a regular infantry unit, with normal uniforms, not expecting they would be going out on actual missions. They are merely wearing what they had available, their uniform, an IBA, and a weapon. What more do we need?
  18. You'll be able to, trust me. They won't just leave half of the players that opted to download out in the cold, I promise.
  19. Yeah, if you'd actually read any of the countless other topics that are closed, you would know the downloadable versions are ALREADY PATCHED
  20. olemissrebel


    One of the funniest things I discovered while in iraq was the fact that there are no car dearlerships...I always wondered where the hadjis got all of their cars.
  21. olemissrebel

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Where do you get we are all issued the MULE? That is not accurate at all, it just depends on what unit you're in... I'm guessing you're not an 11B
  22. Jahve, don't try and be intelligent. Considering the only version of ACU issued to us is UCP, It would be right to say one could call the uniform in ArmA ACU's  Anyways, I still vote for ACU's, why?  Because that's what I use, and who was issued the bigger rifle?...I rest my case.
  23. Perhaps they just got lazy in texturing the uniform, or maybe that's what they wanted. I've offered myself for any info they could have needed, and am able to take pictures of whatever is required...
  24. olemissrebel


    We all feel the same way you do man, it sucks. Would you rather have ArmA in it's present state, or no ArmA at all? Exactly
  25. olemissrebel

    PC Optimization For ArmA

    In OFP terrain detail was the number one killer of FPS besides viewdistance, but I have messed with it in ARMA and haven't really noticed much of a difference... Remember, if you are using nvidia, change the 32 bit to 16 bit in your arma cfg