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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    Scratch Modworks' IED

    I have been hit by countless IEDs while in Iraq, and can tell you they are very, very difficult to spot. They aren't just laying in the open like that. Making an invisible satchel charge and using it as an ied makes more sense than those, although they do look pretty...
  2. olemissrebel

    No way to turn off Grass?

    When you are in grass IRL, it's a bit hard to see through it without exposing yourself. I however agree it would be nice to do away with the "clutter" as BIS likes to call it. The world looks terrible without it, but it would be a nice option for those with weak CPU
  3. olemissrebel

    Peformance on demo compared to full game

    Two worlds: Blue Falcon, ...that's all i'm gonna say.
  4. olemissrebel

    Nogova Island

    If you cant even find the files yourself without opening a thread, your chances of successfully converting the island aren't too good
  5. olemissrebel

    Peformance on demo compared to full game

    What do you mean you THOUGHT. I thought you have the game?
  6. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Patch 1.07

    LIB='41 I44=late '44... i rest my case.
  7. olemissrebel

    crash with low color desktop

    You can get it back to normal. Right click on the desktop and go to properties, if it's nvidia, change the multiple monitors to single, and change the res, then you can go back to your multiple monitor, or single and change the res back to normal. You won't have to do this again if you would download the patch 1.02. It fixed that on my system.
  8. olemissrebel

    East Wepons vs West Weapons

    And that's why some are POGs and some are infantry...kidding. You're right on about that... yet another case of someone dishing out his obviously limited knowledge (heatseeker) I don't mean that as an insult, but why would we randomly say this and that if it were a lie, for no apparent reason. The saw looks heavy to you, but for someone who carries it on a daily basis, and actually KNOWS, it's NOT. Molding a weak little bitch into the game might seem like a grand idea to you, but not to me. Infantrymen aren't pansy ass civilians, and I believe it is modeled decent enough in game to suit most of our needs. It's pretty ridiculous that so many people argue with people that actually DO KNOW. Granted, I am an asshole, as you are all already well aware, but I do know a lot more about the US Army than you.
  9. olemissrebel

    Demo today....WOOT

    If you already have the game, I highly suggesting getting the demo, as you can use the Sahari Lite in the retail version... just put the two files in your addons folder. I prefer this, as the northern part of the island is fairly lag-ridden if you ask me.
  10. olemissrebel

    problem withg start

    assuming you have the legal version, look in windows registry and delete the refrences to any of that software you say you don't have. obviously you did. if you still have it, uninstall it, et cetera... the game will work as advertised.
  11. olemissrebel

    Goodbye Placebo

    Best of luck in all you do, and happy holidays/ merry christmas.
  12. olemissrebel

    Dual Core User try the following

    Google "SMP Seesaw" It's a tool that allows you to shift programs over and between the processors with relative ease
  13. olemissrebel

    East Wepons vs West Weapons

    the saw has practically no recoil as one would think in real life, the m4 has little to none, and the saw being heavier further suppresses any recoil that would be there. It's totally controllable, and can be used almost as easily as the m4 in MOUT, and doing reflexive fire drills.
  14. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Looks good. I'm not really that critical of a person, It's just annoying when people who have no idea what they are talking about comment on something such as that. Just because you think it looks big doesn't mean it's not that big in real life.
  15. olemissrebel

    East Wepons vs West Weapons

    Classic M4 confusion on behlaf of either the dev's or the users. The M4 (A0) should be semi/burst The M4A1 should be semi/full. In theory, any model with a removable carry handle (or flat top with a RIS mounted optic) should be semi/full, any model with a fixed carry handle should be semi/burst. Americans should have just done: M4A1 - Semi/Burst M4A2 - Semi/Full Hope this confusion gets soughted out soon! Â Why? That makes no sense at all. The M4 (can also be called M4A0, it's the original unmodified M4 model) is (supposedly) the carbine version of the M16A2, which is also semi/burst. The A1 model is the first modification of it, which included a S-1-F (semi/full auto) trigger group instead of S-1-3. Actually, my issued M4 has a removable carry handle, and is semi-burst
  16. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack

    And you have experience firing m4's with us made PAC4's? Exactly
  17. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    yea, while one jackass is prone firing, the other jackass is 3-5 second rushing... bounding, and bounding... don't even post in here if you're gonna bring something as retarded as tears of the sun to the table, it makes you appear less than bright.
  18. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    Double tap shift and you will walk slower, just like reflexive fire drills... "ready...UP, *click* bang bang *click*"
  19. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    hand grenade, that black stuff is from where it cooked off some rounds in my magazine. all of those are pieces of un burnt powder i had to dig out myself with a needle
  20. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    Well you must be a wimp! It only weighs about 12 Kg! Actually, you're right. I am a whimp now thanks to an insurgent at the end of this past June. Proof, in a picture taken a few weeks after the incident: http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b72/olemiss623/Picture027.jpg Don't worry, I will be going back for another 18 months within the year to get a second CIB.
  21. olemissrebel

    Scratch Modworks: US Army MPs

    Medics are trained on their own and attached to whatever unit, so I'm not sure they would have an MP IR patch, but then again I'm not MP so I wouldn't know.
  22. olemissrebel

    Scratch Modworks: US Army MPs

    It really just depends on one's unit, some make their soldiers wear he cloth, full-color, others IR of various colors. It all just depends.
  23. olemissrebel

    Shooting on the Run?

    A 2-58 here. I'm not a little bitch or anything, but I can barely hold the bravo up standing, much less let off a burst with it, you know what I mean?
  24. olemissrebel

    Scratch Modworks: US Army MPs

    Why would I just randomly say that if it weren't true. Â I would more than likely know, seeing as I am actually US Army Infantry... Give me a sec and I'll take pictures of the two they issued me. Update, couldn't find the cord for my camera, so i'll have to take one with my phone for now, low res, but you get the general idea. Â You can't tell from this picture, but the drinking tube is TAN, as well as the round opening. Â The same color as the ACU-type undershirt. Also, use this picture as a template: It's a color version of the IR flag, we are required to wear it instead of the black one because we cannot change the colors of the american flag: http://s17.photobucket.com/albums....135.jpg