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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    WGL Everon

    okay, it looks great. two gripes: on the southern end of the runway, there are rows of little fences on top of the runway, dunno why, but obviously they aren't supposed to be there? Â the concerete textures around some of the towns should go. Â everon probably isn't exactly the most wealthy 'country' ever, if they can't afford to pave all of their roads, i seriously doubt they are gonna waste money pouring concerete on ever square inch of their towns greattt island. and the best part of all, it doesn't lag any more than the original everon, even with the new trees & textures. GREAT addon. i expect malden & the works ASAP )
  2. olemissrebel


    just look in the thread... there are plenty of screenshots. the us units are HYK infantry, with newly modeled m16 & m16m203, etc. Â new blackhawk, & some other things. just download it, if you don't like it, delete it. it would make a bit more sense asking this in the CSLA thread, but that's my humble opinion...and if you'd read any in that thread, you'd also know there are no new islands. if you are looking for a quick & easy unit replacement, that you can use with the original campaigns, download it.
  3. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    okay, here's the thing, i downloaded the update, put everything where its supposed to be, YES i overwrote it, & i still have the SAME csla effects
  4. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    okay, maa, perhaps i'm retarded, but where am i to put the updated confid, theres a bin folder, but when ive installed it, it just keeps the same ol effects. i'm sorry i'm lacking in the installation department, i just don't know how...
  5. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    what' is the PBO called that contains the CSLA effects
  6. olemissrebel

    game upgrade?

    then why the heck do you need a patch
  7. olemissrebel

    BAS Tonal Island crashes my OFP

    LOOK, just download the tonal island & all of that jazz, create a new folder, name it BAS, inside of that folder, create another new folder called 'addons' Â put everything from tonal inside there. when you're done, take the BAS folder, drop it in the flashpoint directory. Â create a new flashpoint shortcut, right click on it, & where it says '"C:\blahblahblahFLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" " make it look like this at the end... RESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=bas hit apply or whatever,& just use that shortcut. it's worth chasing after if you like that kinda thing. it's one of the more laggier island released for those who don't have a good PC. it just depends on what you're looking for.
  8. olemissrebel

    BAS Tonal Island crashes my OFP

    LOOK, just download the tonal island & all of that jazz, create a new folder, name it BAS, inside of that folder, create another new folder called 'addons' Â put everything from tonal inside there. when you're done, take the BAS folder, drop it in the flashpoint directory. Â create a new flashpoint shortcut, right click on it, & where it says '"C:\blahblahblahFLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" " make it look like this at the end... RESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=bas hit apply or whatever,& just use that shortcut. it's worth chasing after if you like that kinda thing. it's one of the more laggier island released for those who don't have a good PC. it just depends on what you're looking for.
  9. olemissrebel

    Nature Pack - European

    that would be a good idea, they look nice, but i just don't think its practical to use right now this early on because of the LOD, they look flat until you are right up on them, no matter what your LOD settings. i'm aware you are aware of this, so good job anyways!
  10. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    indeed, i was like wow this looks awesome when i started it up, new GUI is awesome, put a few units on nogova, & lag city. back to liberation for me. nice work though either way CSLA guys.
  11. olemissrebel

    Saigon Taxi #2

    what can i say, it was well-made
  12. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    well, i would venture to say there are TOO many tracers, but, there were tracers back then, & on a wide scale, i'm willing to bet NOT every round from the mp40 fired them
  13. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    guys, if it's not working, it has to do with your flashpoint. install it again, clean, & it WILL work, i promise. move all of your mod folders somewhere else, & delete codemasters folder, & install it agian. it'll work. i know it's annoying, but hey, it is worth it.
  14. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    if you're having a problem about blah blah, cannot find resistance exe, make sure the icon for liberation, (two look the same) is in your flashpoint directory, & the other on your desktop, have the liberation folder in the directory, of course, & it will work. just make sure you haven't mixed up the two by mistake
  15. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    after you've played this mod for awhile doesn't it almost seem like a totally different game? also, @ sant. i looked for one as well & couldn't find one.
  16. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    now if I44 will just be released by teh time i get back in august!
  17. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    yes. it wasn't a normal folder, lib_intro. it creates an error loading the game when you remove it, but i consider that far better than waiting for it to load after exiting desert island people just seriously shut up about what it says. i don't care if you're for or against it. it's their mod & that's what they wanted to say, tough it out, keep your opinions to yourself, whether they are good OR bad. it's their mod & they can say whatever the hell they want to. it's a WONDERFUL mod, so do everything a favor & chillllll & play liberation
  18. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    obviously you havent tried these yet, lol, i've done that. its not a normal splash screen, it comes up after you leave the editor, everything, its soooo annoying, but otherwise the greatest mod out ! the groups are even realistic.
  19. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    PLEASEEEEEEE, someone, anyone, how can we get rid of the freakin' splash screen.
  20. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    okay, this is an awesome mod, BUT, pardon me for trying to delete part of it, but HOW the hell can i get red of the splash screen & everything that comes up after you load the game, load an island, unload anything. it's nice, but after you see it once, it gets VERY, & i do repeat, VERY annoying. i'm just curious as to what the name of the file is so i can promptly rid my hard drive of it
  21. olemissrebel

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    it's not disconcerting. that's what russians feel about WW2, i'm american & could care less. we think we're great, why can't they?
  22. olemissrebel

    Afganeveron map v1.0 and AfganPack v1.2

    i run this island with no lag, whatsoever, i'm only running a 2.80 ghz P4, with 256 MB ram, & the built in graphics
  23. olemissrebel

    Messor Island Released

    actually, they are meant to block the sight of the AI, so they wont come through a place you don't mean for them to when you're making a mission, & they block the view of other objects, that with W or Z buffer, so they aren't drawn, & thus, don't create lag.
  24. olemissrebel

    Messor Island Released

    well, the man said he wanted it realistic. a tank can by no means go through a forrest as big as that on a tree crushing rampage. of course those objects arent CWC, they arent even made by BIS. all i'm saying is this island would look a thousand times better with resistance pine trees.
  25. olemissrebel

    Messor Island Released

    yeah, i have a good machine & it's a bit laggy. oh yeah, maybe thats because there isnt a single forrest, only 140912309123091230912309123 trees :o) still a bit TOO CWC for my personal taste, but good job either way.