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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    VME Release !

    NI ZHE GE SHA BI!! TAI DIU REN LE! JU RAN HE HU JINGTAO DUI ZHE GAN! stop being bitch plz, needless to say we are in political good relationships to each others, and wish that we would never going to war with them(same as the fact that i didnt like to see our troops go to war with "GLA" Â Â , which you might not agree) but the fact is that we could go to war with everyone else if we get screwed by them i wouldnt put personal feeling on subjects as i give shits to what those a$$ so far above us says, so if there is few but not no chance that we start a war, i would say that we are after all not real "friends" p.s. damn i hate politics! p.s. "GLA" is my nick for the almighty US of A now back on topic no i didnt waste your time, i like the mod with the new AI script, only problem i have meet is that i still find it quite hard to make the artillery work, may be i miss out something? chinas top generals even say that at present time, china could not go to war with the USA & win...if you cant beat the good ol US of A, how do you expect to beat the entire world. Â face it, china has the largest army in the world, if i'm not mistaken, but if they tried to pull shit on either the US, or Russia, china would be a parking lot & future land of walmart, mcdonalds & bestbuy in about ten minutes. & going against the US, there is a tiny problem called getting your million(s) of men OVER the worlds largest ocean over here luckily for both of our countries that probably won't happen, such a war would be far too costly to both sides, & we both have sense enought to know it's not really worth it. Â either way, brilliant mod, it's fun!
  2. olemissrebel

    VME Release !

    same here, but isn't it brilliant, you are a platoon commander, and walla, there appears a platoon!
  3. olemissrebel

    VME Release !

    yes, well, thankfully china isnt devoted totally to russia in real life. in the color war we played them off of one another, be a little bit more friendly to one, makes the other hate them, be a bit more friendly to another, makes them fear the other more...works like a charm
  4. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    jackal, don't worry about having to make a fix that is as big as the original, & i wouldnt listening if they complained. if they could download the 1.0, they should be able to download the fix without a problem
  5. olemissrebel

    Bahadur released

    i would say def. keep the BAS objects, there really arent any that look as good as those out there, just use those objects, & those only.
  6. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    um, its called download the thing CSLA got it fomr in the first place, search yourself
  7. olemissrebel

    MGS addons

    i feel a closing coming on...
  8. olemissrebel

    Bahadur released

    yeah, i downloaded all of that stuff again just for this. it's nice, but not nice enough to have to have all of that crap to go with it. in no way is it worth all of that IMO, although it is an okay island
  9. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    you kinda forgot that you can use normal m16 & m4 mags with the corresponding weapons in that class name list
  10. olemissrebel

    BMI - International Blackops releas

    umm, you know, just because you are in delta force doesn't mean you can jump off of a 30 foot roof & not break your ankles & a leg...i'm glad bis made it where you cant swim, water is a no go usually, especially for these black ops guys, look at all of that shit they are wearing, there's no way in the world they could ford a river, a stream, or a big puddle for that matter.
  11. olemissrebel

    BMI - International Blackops releas

    deleted, sorry to double post
  12. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    quote "Aright thank you very much. Also if you want to cheack out the M4 Marksmen, it's under WEST>SJB Weapons . It's a cool weapon" lol, under west, SJB weapon, i'm sure that helps him a lot man, considering thats where EVERY single one of these weapons are
  13. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    just delete it and downloiad it again, make sure you dont have his TOS navy seals, or any of the addons with it in your addons folder, or any mod folder you have loaded & it WILL WORK, tada.
  14. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    ibid LT
  15. olemissrebel

    Semper Fidelis

    post deleted
  16. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    besides the previously mentioned "errors" there is one with one of the models, either the SR25, or SR25 sd (i forgot which one, maybe both) either way, one has a 30 round magazine, when the ammo only shows 20 rounds... a 20 round magazine is alot smaller, i dont know if you did this intentionally or what, so im just pointing it out.
  17. olemissrebel

    Revolt 1998 - Tonal Campaign

    you said the guy was an NCO. all rangers are NCOs basically, id make his rank staff sergeant if i were you, one rank above regular sergeant. most rangers are medium-high ranking NCO's. as for the CO, i would make his rank 1st lieutenant or captain as opposed to major. you're only an NCO, so you wont be going through your 1st lieutenants, & your captain to get to a major. there's a little thing called chain of command.
  18. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    change the sounds yourself
  19. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    there is nothing at all wrong with what the m16 sounds like. it roughly sounds a lot like that. if you want to hear how it REALLY sounds, try the default OFP sounds ...(mainly the ones used in the original before the patches)
  20. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    i too had the elcan sight problem, exited the game, went back in, and it's gone. no idea as to what could have caused it. & the reason there aren't any g3's... when is the last time you saw navy seals with G3s?
  21. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    just done "testing"; these weapons are amazing, this is the best thing for flashpoint i've seen in a long, long time, great job again.
  22. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    SJB, good job man, your work for VBS is great as well, keep up the good work
  23. olemissrebel

    Itweas Ninjas

    yeah, great idea, & success with getting it working, but flashpoint sucks too much in that area to actually make it fun. tis a pity. great job though!
  24. olemissrebel

    Yucata County Sheriff's Department

    most swat teams even if large cities prefer bolt action rifles
  25. olemissrebel

    Uzi Pack v1.0

    seriously, that wasn't harsh. obviously the guy saw potential in your edited uzis or he wouldnt have bothered to take the time to offer his insight. if you don't want peoples opinions, don't post things in these forums, that's my take anyways