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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    they are by no means switching people to the US army, & people are allowed to carry whatever sidearm they wish, P226, although under a different name, is as common a sidearm, & is actually issued like the beretta. either way, nice pilots laser.
  2. olemissrebel

    Important Decision - Request your opinion

    people people people. thunderbirds idea, i believe, in the first place to create the FFUR was to refresh the units, models, etc, but keep the BIS campaign, doing vietnam wouldnt make a whole lot of sense...seeing as it was fought in a jungle, modern, which has already been done, could easily & obviously be done, but WW2 would be more welcome, BUT, there really would be no point whatsoever, because all of the good WW2 units havent been released (besides LIB) & even made yet (I44 US Army) If i were you i'd stick to 1985, it's far from perfect, as much as I like it. Plus, when I get Armed assault, i seriously doubt i'm going to immediatley want to use FFUR to replace newer models with older ones made by the community, just doesnt make sense.
  3. olemissrebel

    early 80's soldier pack beta soon

    the textures are nice, but the size of the US helmets, man, they look like aliens!
  4. olemissrebel

    NEW T-72!

    yeah, hopefully they will release it instead of ORCS releasing it randomly, as they did with their RPG pack.
  5. olemissrebel

    Wake Island

    wildo, don't use berghoffs trees, the nogova trees suit this island basically just find, there really weren't hardly any "palm" type trees, i went there twice when i was eight or nine, and i remember sparse, low-lying vegetation, it's nothing spectacular, it was mostly concrete. i can't imagine there would be much more thick jungle or anything back in the second world war, but you know as well as i.
  6. olemissrebel

    WRP Tool

    here's how i avoid random crashes, load up the thing, and load up the texture paths & model paths youre going to use, hit okay, and close it all. open it up again, open the island, and it'll work without error, for me anyways. make sure to save often, and after you load another map, you'll get an error usually and have to close. just hit ctl alt delete & exit the tool & start over. it's really not all that difficult to work around.
  7. olemissrebel

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    oh too bad
  8. olemissrebel

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    okay, the m16 sights are wrong, i dont know how i didnt notice, but the front site is way, way, way tooo big, i just looked through mine & its a lot smaller than that. remember, it's several inches back! also, i appreciate you trying to make them look metallic, but it really just looks like someone bought some silver spray paint at walmart & doused the chopper with it? the front sight post isn't nearly as thick either. and on manfred, i'm pretty sure he won't be releasing that shika for awhile. he's can only connect to the internet through his cell phone, as he's out in the boonies in russia. he'll sell you a CD with the model & textures if you pick it up in person though (truth) I wouldn't expect the shika.
  9. he is trying to make it more simple for people
  10. olemissrebel

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    people chill out, the national guard in new orleans ARENT EVEN RESCUING PEOPLE, they are there to restore order, the coast guard rescues people, along with whoever can fly any other heli. i would agree & say looting is fine when it's for food & water, but when you see shamika running down the street with a grocery cart full of...ehr, a new TV, 100 CDs & ten pair of jordans, that's just screwed up. the 'white people' are not picked up first, so you are wrong in saying that, new orleans is mostly a black town, so naturally they'd be picking up black folks...the white people obviously just got out in time? who knows, who cares.
  11. olemissrebel

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    haha, you could just pay some artist to model & make one ten times better where you are for the price for a round trip ticket to ghetto russia
  12. olemissrebel

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    don't tell people to stay on topic when you yourself reply to these things  i believe these forums are here to express ones views, praises & criticisms of things you release, as it is "addons & mods complete DISCUSSION"...is it not?
  13. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    "Added a new AK47 optic (courtesy of the CSLA-II Mod Team)."
  14. olemissrebel

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    it shouldnt take up so much of the screen either, you don't put your eye RIGHT next to the damn thing
  15. olemissrebel

    vietnam maps

    if that map is lag free i'm mickey mouse
  16. olemissrebel

    My OFP2 addon released

    yes, but you cant very well make a script that reminds them to keep their head above water & not drown, as most people tend to do in real life. you can, however, with a code from BIS, simply add "this setunitpos "up" " & they won't drown. tada, why make a script when you don't need one? too many scripts cause lag my friend.
  17. olemissrebel

    My OFP2 addon released

    the point is you dont need a script for it, it's built in the game.
  18. olemissrebel

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    Ya I'd like to see those pricks fire at me in an apache (which is part of the national guard) and see who dies first,even an RPG wouldnt blow me (or an apache irl) out of the sky,just send me in with a blackhawk or two,fully loaded rockets and I'll teach those ****ers a lesson they'll never forget lol,fire on me n see what happens  its a dang shame were so worried about homeland security yet we can't even control our own nation in a time like this  umm, why the hell would they have apaches in a flooded area, might i ask? the only people with guns are drug addicts. like they're gonna blow new orleans or any town to shit just because of a couple of armed gunmen, big whoop.  if they fired on you, and you were in the national guard, you wouldn't do shit, because you wouldn't have any ammo plus, if you did, you'd be sent to prison for many, many years. & on the homeland security thing, it's kinda hard to secure a city with almost no resources, and one that's a few feet under water...topic, please. & at crave, no one in the national guard wears that patch on their arms, it's on their berets, which basically the whole army wears now. if you're enlisted, your unit pin goes on the blue patch on your beret, & a patch on your arm, if you're an officer, your rank goes on it...
  19. olemissrebel

    My OFP2 addon released

    umm, who the hell would do all of that when you can just type into their init line (this setunitpos "up" ) without the "()" of course
  20. olemissrebel

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    psst, if youre making new orleans, make it underwater, if you're making debris, check out the pictures on CNN of the gulf coast, there isnt a building left standing
  21. olemissrebel

    Cat addon (static)

    people, comment about the addon, & also, it's just that, an addon...shoot it, blow it up, pet it, or listen to it meow, who gives a crap what you do. comment on the addon, not what you're going to do with it.
  22. olemissrebel

    My OFP2 addon released

    howabout you just make the houses...they are what we are lacking in OFP, we have plenty of humvees
  23. olemissrebel

    WGL Nogova

    thanks, i've been fortunate enough to have never needed to use the nomap command until now so much for 246meg graphics & 1.2 gig of ram
  24. olemissrebel

    Spetsnaz Mod Urals 375D/4320.

    ummm... it's fuel, which is flammable, when it blows up, it burns up, so it wont sit there stagnant & just sizzle forever, it's all burnt up, what do you think caused the explosion?
  25. olemissrebel

    Ground Textures Blurred

    no, don't do that, if you dont have a good graphics card & you turn HWTL on, the multitexturing ripple doesnt show up, & it looks liek that, run it in normal direct3D with multitexture on and it WILL look better