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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    those nods look teeny tiny comared to the ones we use, although both are monocular, but whatever
  2. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    where the hell do you get that info, we dont ONLY use them with collapsing stocks, et cetera.
  3. olemissrebel

    New campaign

    14 infantry and 4 BMPS? WTF? good luck clearing a barn with that, the BMPs would be sitting ducks with 14 infantry between them.
  4. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    How cow, what the hell is wrong with you people? If you wanna talk to one another, is that not what PM or MSN is for? Tarik is busy with real life issues, and I assure you the patch is underway, ones military duties are a tad bit more important than FFUR, then again most of you wouldn't know anything about that. Please, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, reserve this thread for FFUR, (ie, the one TB released, not your little modifications you call improvements)
  5. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    yea, get rid of the flashbangs and smoke, they are usually in the humvees, etc, and normal soldiers (at least what ive seen) dont randomly carry flashbangs hung in their IBA molle
  6. olemissrebel

    No T-80UM / T-90 in ArmA? is that smart?

    I say who gives a damn, I'd personally just love to play they game however they release it. Afterall people, they gave us OFP, and resistance. Have more faith in BIS, they won't let us down!
  7. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    dont make blood on the iba, its a lot harder to have blood go through that than it is say cotton trousers... you know, same with the helmet.
  8. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    QUIT SPAMMING THIS THREAD, if it's not FFUR related, don't talk about it
  9. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    Yes we use the monocular one
  10. olemissrebel

    Codeblue ACU

    check out the camelback and the backpack used for the medic in camerons ACU set, i gave him reference pictures for the two, and they are well modeled, and actually used in the infantry. Â As far as usuing them, I'm not the person to ask, but they would be the most realistic, and of course I'd help you out checking out the addons if you need me. Â Also, one thing thats been missed on the IBA is a place for a nametape, and rank on the upper left portion. Â I dont suppose it really matters in OFP, as adding random names would just be a pain in the butt. Also, dont worry about it being seen under the assault pack, most all assault packs today are made with a built in bladder, so there's really no need!
  11. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    It shouldnt really matter if he holds off or not, SJB wont change the class names for an m4 aimpoint, etc, just from a model or texture update, or so i think
  12. olemissrebel

    Codeblue ACU

    wtf is up with the camelbak? arent you in rotc? ever tried carrying something off center like that on an IBA?
  13. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I still dont understand why people try to make camoed weapons pretty, one just spray paints most of it one color, its not that difficult.
  14. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    dirty the legs, bottoms of the arms, and the helmet cover! Â you dont have to change your texture scheme, just dirty themm a tad bit. also, try sticking with EITHER SJB weapons, or lasers, you can use lasers at4 by itself if you download the ACU ranger thing someone made. It's a bit ridiculous to have nearly 100MB of addons for one LAW, in my humble opinion.
  15. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    just remember the sides of the ACOG crosshairs (left and R axis) dont actually touch the scope, they are free floating, so to speak
  16. olemissrebel

    Facestex2.pbo update

    not true, i downloaded it last night and it works fine
  17. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    any chance of a new acog scope (the view itself) it's clear, but it really doesnt look much like that IRL. also, consider no zoom on iron sights and M68 CCO, why have it in flashpoint if it isnt in real life
  18. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    if you wanna tell people about that, do it somewhere else. although it's related to FFUR, it is in no way supported by the team itself, unless i'm sadly mistaken, so please refrain from posting about it in the FFUR 2.0 thread.
  19. olemissrebel

    Peacemaker Campaign

    wtf? more like wtf did you post that in addons & mods complete
  20. olemissrebel

    Codeblue ACU

    People WITH US military experience did comment on that sanctuary, and you are correct. Â Of course new ACUs dont look like that, thats because in combat you rarely have time to wash your clothes, not to mention when you do it's rarely done properly, also the ACU tends to hold whatever color it was stained by. Â Mine from iraq are more of that color, while ones stained at fort benning are reddish, ala, red clay. whatever shade you end up with, make sure from the knees down, the bottom of the sleeves, and the helmet color are nastier looking than the rest. they have more contact with the ground, obviously, and one rarely un-velcros his helmet cover, as it annoying (at least to me) to re arrange the pads in the mich, so it stays dirty!
  21. olemissrebel

    Codeblue ACU

    there is nothing wrong with the shade of that ACU, dont change a thing about it, looks good
  22. olemissrebel

    Jonny´s ACU SF´s

    just depends, normally for CQB, an olive drab nomex flight suit type deal, sometimes desert, i guarantee they arent going into combat in a blue mechanics outfit, thats just the lighting.
  23. olemissrebel

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Don't worry about any certain desert or woodland scheme bud, we just paint them with aerosal spraypaint, whatever we can get our hands on!
  24. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    zguba, dont you dare tell me your dad knows more than i do.  i've been to combat already for over a year, and was shot at, and returned fire nearly every single day.  what do i have to show for it? not much, a combat infantrymans badge, and jumpy nerves. i'm telling you, combat is a lot different than a rifle range.  I can tell  you this much, its hard as hell for me to hit a 500m target everytime with aimpoint, or iron sights, just because its so damn far away ...its very hard to see. i generally qualify expert with 38-40 out of 40 every time  I qualify.  i'd shoot way lower thn that if we had to hit things that far, it's hard enough just to see and hit a 300 meter pop up target, much less some jackass runnng around wildly firing shots at 500 meters in real life. you'll be lucky to see him, much less hit anywhere near him.  as far as your dad hitting anything at 500m with an AK, i'd like to meet him and shake his hand, as that's pretty impossible, at least with any AK i've ever fired in weapons fam. i guarantee you if you put your old man in the prone supported position with any member of the ak family, and me standing at 500 with an m4acog, we stand the same change of hitting one another...almost none
  25. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    no offense, but your dad has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Â there is no way youre going to hit a guy standing at 500 meters, EVEN IF HE IS STANDING PERFECTLY STILL, during combat, with an ak47. Â in real combat, youll be lucky to hit someone at 100 meters youre so excited and jumpy. I do totally agree that the AI in OFP in general, and this mod as well are way, way too accurate. Sure a snipe rshould be able to nail you at a few hundred yards, but not an average soldier with bullets being slung his way. It's hard enough to qualify expert for some people on the range, much less hit a tiny target whilst being shot at.