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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel


    they arent copy pasted, i had originally put every type of BIS bush there, but replaced them with the only two there were in the DMA plant that even resembled something of the size. do you have any idea how long it would take me to place them all over again? i trust you like having a map it would never be released if i re did all of those bushes.
  2. olemissrebel


    The terrain will not change at all, I am merely tweaking objects placement, deleting some, and addons others various places.
  3. olemissrebel


    You shouldn't have that much lag in that section, are you using DXDLL or another mod? I have a 512MB nvidia, 1.8 ghz centrino duo, and 1 GB ram, and I get no lag there. There's not much I can do about the salt, besides which bin it's in, as far as the winding road down the the mine goes, it's not big enough to do that, OFP terrain cells are too large.
  4. olemissrebel


    Roll Tide... and also, those screenshots up there are NOT of the most recent version.
  5. olemissrebel


    Make sure and comment on what you think, check out the mine in the southernmost (middle) town on on the sea. It's to the bottom left of the town.
  6. olemissrebel


    Arabia Beta #2: Download Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/36290288/Arabia__BETA_2_.exe.html Download Link # 2: http://www.ofp-arma.cznhl.com/downloads/addons_islands.php From the README:
  7. olemissrebel

    shooting while running?

    Actually, you can shoot from the hip! That's what the PAC4 mounted on the railing system is for. Seeing as none of you are in the US Military, you won't know how, or what the hell I'm talking about.
  8. olemissrebel

    Trainingkit for MOUT

    It's MOUT, not mount, and why practive mout in OFP? You can't do reflexive fire, and cant get four people in a room that small without them glitching through the wall!
  9. olemissrebel

    Air Force (Is there one?)

    Then why did you make this thread asking people if you already knew, jackass.
  10. olemissrebel


    New Version will be available within the hour, check the first post then
  11. olemissrebel

    Tonal Update

    he already said it's unchanged. he merely took advantage of the replace objects button, unless i'm mistaken
  12. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    the IBA looks great.
  13. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    It just depends
  14. olemissrebel

    GOOD..! Desert Soldiers?

    What the hell is with you posting a thread every thirty seconds, this isn't really a place to ask for things, that's why the kind gentlemen implemented a little thing called SEARCH. click, and type, and you will find what your heart desires. If not, there's always OFP.info, if it's EVER not down.
  15. olemissrebel

    OFP Modern Combat Mod

    I've pointed out many of the same ones I did to TB, to you, so there's really no excuse. You're mainly making this because you like certain things, ie, having P90s ? No one, USA or Russia and especially not resistance would have that kind of weapon. Make sure you make the m4s semi and burst, that's the way they are in real life, not fully automatic. If you have anything you aren't sure of, PM me and I'll help you out all I can!
  16. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Can't wait to play this thing on the newest version of my ISLAND, finally something desert that's actually comprehensive!
  17. olemissrebel

    FFUR and Sockets

    post this in the FFUR thread, as this has nothing to do with vanilla OFP. also, the MP aspect isn't exactly functional at the moment, wait for the patch... --a fellow with a blue cord as well
  18. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    no, rifles are not quiet little child, if they were quiet, why would certain situations call for silenced weapons
  19. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I got a ruptured eardrum, they are a BIT louder than a pop i'm afraid
  20. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    Also, if you use the LSR weapons, make use of the AI versions of the machine guns, they are far more realistic, as one fires bursts in real life, not just semi if your saw fires semi at all, there's something wrong with the weapon
  21. olemissrebel

    La Drang Valley map released!

    howabout you take a picture of the WRP, the last WWII map you released was two towns, and a bunch of nothing
  22. olemissrebel


    1. Because I felt like it. 2. It's not that it's too big or too small. It's made using satellite images of an actual place; It's the way it is in real life. 3. The towns are big enough, as they are the general size, and cover the general area of the pictures that were used. As far as details go, if you read the first post, it's a BETA release. I'd say it's already a lot more detailed than most bogus islands out there. You can see the largest town isn't finished, more buidlings will be added here and there, but there's no sense in creating an insanely large town, it would just end up a lag fest. 4. If you'd actually taken the time to look around, you would have found some destroyed villages. It makes no sense to have a random totally destroyed town. Wars, mother nature, etc destroy towns, yet people usually build them back. If you want to see more destroyed towns, make your own map, so long as you don't edit my version.
  23. olemissrebel


    I'm not sure entirely about mechanized infantry, as i am a light infantryman, roughly, that's what it looks like, in the 101st. The 4th platoon in a company, and the 4th squad in a platoon is usually the weapons platoon, squad, et cetera. The platoon leader/sergeant divides it up, and places the individual weapons and their crews where they can do the most damage to the enemy. IE, 240s are generally set on the flanks when the platoon is on line. If you need any SPECIFICS, just PM me, as I might forget to check this thread
  24. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    He's right, the LSR machine guns look great, but it's a bit ridiculous to have to download nearly 200MB of addons just to get these to work, if you'd like, i'll even make a config, cameron, that uses one or the other.
  25. olemissrebel


    I have no problem with you calling it shit, but at least say what you don't like about it, there's always room for improvement