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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    If you ask me they should be jam-ified, times two. It's hard as hell to hit anything when you're all worked up. Â Much less sitting prone in the open getting shot at. Â You'd be lucky to hit your target 1/50 shots. 300M is the farthest target we have to shoot at on a pop-up qualification range, concealed, and popping up, it's hard enough for the average joe to see it, much less hit it.
  2. olemissrebel

    Island beta : P2006 (working name)

    It looks really good so far, I might possibly help
  3. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    That patch is totally worth the wait, I assure you
  4. olemissrebel

    Iraq addon in slow progress

    I'm not sure when it will be released, as I don't control the mod itself, let alone have anything to do with the actual buildings themselves being made, et cetera.
  5. olemissrebel


    No offense, but I don't see what was the cause of all of the hype for this island. Aside from the road textures, the bridge, and a couple of new objects, it's not unlike any other nogovaesq island that's been released over the years for resistance. You could have spent a lot more time working on the towns!
  6. olemissrebel

    Iraq addon in slow progress

    it's been done, and far superior to that, although unreleased... keep working at it though
  7. olemissrebel

    Xbox vs PC

    dude the xbox version blows, i tried to play that thing the other day, and after playing on a good PC with FFUR, i cant see how you could honestly stand playing that low res vanilla thing
  8. olemissrebel

    Special Forces in ArmA

    Any US Army Special forces soldier that has an MOS of 18 series are green berets. This includes 'delta force' et cetera.
  9. olemissrebel

    Special Forces in ArmA

    Are you fucking stupid? SF Killing with knives? Clearly you've seen way too many movies, and played too many video games for your own good. SF abide by the same us army regulations, so they def. wouldn't have a beard in such a place. Also, designated marksman in most infantry units have been sent to either the US Army Sniper school at harmony church, fort benning, or the national guard sniper school in arkansas. There is a difference, usually there is a designated marksman (without sniper school) who is a good shot, and in the normal role of a rifleman in a squad. They just happen to have an acog and m16a4 instead of an m4with m68. A real sniper (still without suit) will be on the so called company level sniper team. The 1SG, and Company Commander place them where needed, and they are the eyes and ears of the company, et cetera. The M24 is being phased out in the US Army in favor of the SR. Remember, snipers aren't mainly used to kill, but OBSERVE.
  10. olemissrebel

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    I wouldn't go so far as saying the mod team has thin skin, he just took it the wrong way. It's not a big deal...to us, at least
  11. olemissrebel

    Body Armor

    Okay, I haven't read this entire thread, so my apologies if this info has already been stated. I'm currently active US Army Infantry...here's what I know about the IBA, in general. Â The IBA itself (without plates) is only made to stop scrapnel, however it can withstand up to 9mm point blank, multiple impacts. Â The plates can withstand two or three 7.62 point blank, and are the only truly 'bulletproof' features of the vest. Â Rest assured, if you are hit from even afar in the plate with ANYTHING, it will knock your dickstring loose, so to speak, and you will be thrown on your ass. Â All in all, while an AK round will penetrate the soft armor on your IBA, it will do a LOT less damage than if it hit you on normal soft tissue Also, concerning the Mich Helmet, It's not made to be bulletproof, contrary to popular belief, it's merely to protect your noggin, again, so to speak. Â Although it can stop a 9mm, anything higher won't do you a bit of good, because even if it didn't break through, the impact would cause severe brain damage as a result of your brain smacking against the back of your skull. Â It can, however stop deflected rounds higher than a 9mm. Â Those are all in general, afterall, anythings possible, except perhaps stopping an RPG
  12. olemissrebel

    World War II CZ MOD

    looks nice man
  13. olemissrebel

    Tonal Update

    if someone made a mission using the old, jacked up roadsystem, would it be possible if loaded with the new system that the unit might end up going somewhere entirely different. I've noticed that in my arabia map, from alpha to beta when i re did some roads? just curious
  14. olemissrebel

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    I wasn't trying to be rude, I was merely asking if there was something I asked. No pun intended. Â My sole contribution to this community was released last week, obviously it's not as grand as I44, but I did my best, what more can one do, besides improve upon that? Also, the PKM on your site looks pretty nice.
  15. olemissrebel

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    So basically the interview doesn't say a thing concerning the release that we already don't know?
  16. olemissrebel


    Yea, I originally had all BIS objects, but I believe the mapfact ones are reasonable enough, and aren't that large in file size.
  17. olemissrebel


    find me some awesome new buildings
  18. olemissrebel

    d3d8.dll crash...

    are you using HWT&L?
  19. olemissrebel

    OFP Win XP and OFP Mouse?

    just put the pointer in the upper left and it will work regardless of nosplash
  20. olemissrebel

    Woman soldiers

    And become women just aren't built the same as men, in all honesty. Unless of course you're a manly butch woman, women aren't allowed in any combat arm branch of our army, and probably never will be, at least not in our lifetime. Infantry, Armor, Artillery, et cetera. There are, however, women aviators in the US Army, a good friend of mine is a CPT stationed at fort campbell (101ST AB DIV) and she's a blackhawk pilot
  21. olemissrebel


    I'm an infantryman, I know more about maps and images than the average joe, I'm well aware they are crops, but seeing as getting good looking, lagless grass in OFP just isn't going to happen, i opted for the next best thing. the graves are by mosques because the island originally had all BIS buildings, and there were churches there. I will figure something out, and I will try and find the name of the place.
  22. olemissrebel


    Perhaps becuase the only graves I know of are BIS, ie, christian. Just because it's an ARAB island doesn't mean it's islamic, too often the two are confused. There are plenty of orthodox christians and jews in the Arab world. I will not be adding anything else to the island, sorry. It's made from an actual sat. photo set, and I won't alter that.
  23. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I've never seen any heli pilots in iraq wear ACUs... most wear tan nomex flightsuits with an ACU chest rig
  24. olemissrebel


    Nope, I had repacked them after unpacking them awhile ago for WRP Tool, they are totally unmodified
  25. olemissrebel


    As far as looking anymore like Iraq, I can't really help you. I've been there before over a year ago, and am going on another deployment this summer, (I'm 11B Infantry, US Army) If I could only use some different buildings, ie, things such as Iraqi UC have made, as well as various others, I could make it look a ton better. There's only so much one can do with a few buildings. Remember, if it weren't for Agent Smith, you wouldn't even have those, so be thankful for what you have, I sure am.