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Everything posted by olemissrebel

  1. olemissrebel

    The Middle East part 2

    altho i agree with your point that the m1a1`s battered the t72`s. Â i would like to remind you that iraq didnt lose , last i heard the fight is still going on and i think you will find that just like vietnam the u.s aint gonna win this one before they leave. i dont like that fact but as a realist i do have to air on the pesimistic side. are you seriously retarded, we aren't talking about random insurgents here, the iraqi army went from the third largest in the world to the second largest in iraq in a day. ever heard of that quote?
  2. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    you can roughly have WGL effects with any mod. Â copy the CFG cloudlets section from the WGL config and overwrite your favorite mods explosions. Â pretty simple stuff. The mod is around 1Gig after it's finally been unpacked.
  3. olemissrebel

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    Why do you need it, you don't have permission from any of the other addon makers whose work you are editing to modify them...
  4. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    anyways, so far the default units in 2.5 are acu, yes, that includes the ones in the vehicles. as far as the final version goes, i have no idea.
  5. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I never noticed if the parachutes were ever changed, but even in 20th Group we use: I will take more this weekend, as we are jumping this drill.
  6. olemissrebel

    The Soldier

    Well, considering that the OFP units don't wear body armour but rather some very basic ALICE webbing, not really. And yeah, your average GI Joe is going to wear ACU and IBA (I heard the Army has some stuff going on that if you don't wear IBA in combat missions, forget about your life insurance then). The ones who get to choose what they wear usually seem to wear 3col or even 6col. Sometimes body armour and helmets, sometimes not. Depends on the mission, and the person's personal likings. Listen, I drill with B Co. 1-20th SFG, and am a light infantryman, SF don't wear 5 color, or three color. They wear A C U's. You are an idiot if you don't wear your plates and helmet. The vest is cumbersome, and the plates moreso. I've gone out wearing my plates in my chest rig and no IBA, as there are pouches front and back on mine made specifically to hold the ceramic plates. As far as summer and winter, there are no summer and winter versions of the ACU as there were with the BDU. They are all of the same material. As far as winter goes, we just wear The white suit, with OLD ass LCE's over it.
  7. olemissrebel

    military photography

    800M from FEB drill: My Rifle Jackasses: My Unit:
  8. olemissrebel

    military photography

    These are from different exercises, and drill weekends: Jump weekend: M4:
  9. olemissrebel

    Battle Over Hokkaido MOD Ver 1.4 Demo Released!

    although i wouldn't normally randomly play as japanese, these are very, very nice units, and are totally worth the download.
  10. olemissrebel

    The Campaign

    In ARMA you can literally switch in real time in the same mission to a different persons perspective. Which, in my opinion kills the best part of OFP; just trying to stay alive.
  11. olemissrebel

    The Soldier

    obviously he didn't mean that many. Â all in all, it depends on what unit you're in. Â some CO's & PL's are anal about certain things, must are not. Â i wouldn't know, or care about how engineers wear their chest rig, as i'm 11B (infantry) Â i can guarantee you will be wearing acus, and your IBA with both plates. (this is usually checked by ones team leaders before going out) Â and no you don't just go out on patrol in a brown t shirt. (for the record, that was just the undershirt for BDUs and DCUs, the acu t shirt is tan. Â Also, the army PT uniform is grey with black 'ARMY' and 'A' on the back) Â Even the movement in OFP is laughable, the thought of wearing a full combat load moving that fast is ridiculous, and laughable at best. as for carring the ammo he or she wants in game, it's plausable, but will take some limiting, ie, speed, and def. stamina. Â also, the US are under attack on an isolated island. Â we wouldn't have the limitless amounts of ammo we've enjoyed while deployed i believe the game hidden and dangerous 2 nearly perfectly shows what should be done in armed assault.
  12. olemissrebel

    RHS release 4

    c'mon dude, have you ever noticed the big button up there that says "SEARCH" Â try searching for JAM 3
  13. olemissrebel

    RHS Suggestions for future add-ons

    Not if you just order it from Europe like I am. Check out ORCS BMP's. While they say ORCS, they were textured by manfred, if i'm not mistaken... and are of the same quality as the newly released RHS T72s (Also textured by manfred) Also check out the Urals and the Shika by ORCS.
  14. olemissrebel

    Tonal Update

    Hopefully these will be made AFTER the island and opfor itself is released...
  15. olemissrebel

    RHS Suggestions for future add-ons

    Why is this topic even open. Do you think the RHS team members are brainless and incapable of deciding what they'd like to make...
  16. olemissrebel

    Tonal Update

    I believe a little editing here and there is a small price to pay for such a large update.
  17. olemissrebel

    Your favorate OFP mood/situation?

    Seeing the "You're Dead" letters in red, and thinking to myself, "Well no shit... you don't say"
  18. olemissrebel

    My First Armed Assault Vid

    words cannot describe how...
  19. olemissrebel

    iFEEL support & 3D ironsights

    You do not hold your breath when firing. You fire during the natural pause after you exhale.
  20. olemissrebel

    Deployable HMGs?

    yea, well. john browning. anyways, we replaced the 30 cal with the m60, and the m14 took the role of the m1, m1 carbine, thompson, and bar
  21. olemissrebel

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    umm... ffur already has RHS units...only not the new ones. Â i would like to see the t72 and t80 brought back as the MBTs. Â even though it's 2006, they are still in wide use, if i'm not mistaken.
  22. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Thanks, it looks lovely!
  23. olemissrebel

    CSLA 2 Update1

    How's it progressing?
  24. olemissrebel

    Ironsight ?

    Actually looking down an m16/m4 sight doesnt look like that at all. one fires with his nose pressed against the charging handle, not that far back like that shows
  25. olemissrebel

    Looking for

    ECP has radio chatter in tanks and planes, check it out