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Everything posted by ollem

  1. ollem

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    TPWCAS works quite well in multiplayer games. Both AI suppression (Al will go crouched or prone, temporarilly skill reduction, search for nearby cover) and player suppression effects work in MP (a slight blurr and a very subtle shake). We are using tpwcas in all our coop MP games (30 to 40 players). ---------- Post added at 06:11 ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 ---------- Player suppression efffects can be disabled in tpwcas (serverside)
  2. Sorry - haven't updated the a2 mod yet... this is just for the A3 beta script in the link a few posts above. (though the updated A3 script might work in A2 too I haven't checked)
  3. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    I've also spent some time fixing upsmon. Haven't been able to check every feature but at least for the default settings the error messages are gone. Will share the code here later this week.
  4. related to the _dist messages: could you please try to remove the slashes ("//") around line 513 in tpwcas_bdetect.sqf to see if that solves the_dist errors? so change [ _msg, 4 ] call bdetect_fnc_debug; }; // } // else // { // _dist = 0; // _bpos = [0,0,0]; }; if( isNull _bullet to: [ _msg, 4 ] call bdetect_fnc_debug; }; } else { _dist = 0; _bpos = [0,0,0]; }; if( isNull _bullet
  5. I've seen the _dist related error message too and thought I fixed it (worked for me) but apparently not... I will investigate though part of the error rpt showing some details would certainly help (i.E. the part with the exact line number and variable causing the issue)
  6. I believe I've fixed the errors. NOTE: I've only verified on ArmA 3 Beta. Please try the following updated script code: tpwcas_a3_v02_script.zip Please share feedback: if it works well I'll also release a mod version for A3.
  7. I think i should be able to fix it: it's just a matter of proper scripting which I thought I already did but seems I missed a few entries which require spme atention. Next week...
  8. Unfortunately no time to look into this. Will look at it 1st week of august
  9. The answer to both your questions is 'yes you are right"
  10. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    Please share a simple test mission which generates this error so other people/i can have a look at it.
  11. I've already spent some time reorganizing the layout of tab1 Feedback is welcome mcc_newLayout.jpg (451 kB)
  12. I had the same issue: after long trial and error it appeared Steam was (for some unknown reason) in offline mode.. after enabling Steam again it worked without issues again.
  13. I did use the 3D editor today (using mission version) and it worked for me with today's A3 update.. I did notice I had to create at least 1 (empty) zone, otherwise the 3D editor would not show any object
  14. They should work I would say - I will have a look at it ---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ---------- The userconfig file settings overrule mission settings. You could try adding it to init.sqf as last statement after a "sleep 20;" command? Or use some other way to set this variable later. (you also need to run "publicVariable tpwcas_minskill;" in case of tpwcas_mode 2 )
  15. While learning to script, this tutorial may already help you to achieve the required using the editor..
  16. SwissMAVERICK created some great tutorials how to use the different Skirmish modules. Check E.g. Dynamic Spwan Module:
  17. If you talk about offline mode, do you mean single player mode? Single player is detected automatically and the defined TPWCAS mode is ignored automatically in that case.
  18. Please check my explanation about the 10m range in post #90: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143797-TPWCAS-TPWC-AI-Suppression-System&p=2347870&viewfull=1#post2347870 When A3 moves to Beta (which shouldn't be too long from now) I will create A3 mode package. I may (re-) add a variable for the detect range by then.
  19. Please remember A3 is still in Alpha state. In recent dev build a new fog sytem has tbeen introduced: And it looks great!
  20. Same here - arma2 must be still around somewhere on my pc but haven't touched it since arma3 We've been using tpwcas in a lot of A3 missions already and nobody reported the shooting straight up to the sky, and I haven't seen it myslef either. Only thing I can think of is skill dropped too low?
  21. You may also want to check this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147365-ArmA-3-Notepad-Syntax-Highlighting
  22. Personally I think a bit of both: the AI will be surpressed, but while they drop and try to take cover they will be harder to hit. If you believe it makes the game too easy, just tune some of the config parameters. E..g. the default setting will reduce the skill of the AI while being supressed. This can be disabled or the lowest value to which AI skill can drop could be increased. ---------- Post added at 09:55 ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 ---------- I'll try to release mod version before next weekend.
  23. Did you check my post ^^ ? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3&p=2348711&viewfull=1#post2348711
  24. Since MCC for ArmA 3 you need to 'draw' the zone with the mouse.. move mouse to zone corner position and left-click mouse button and keep button pressed. Now drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release mouse button. This should draw a zone for you.