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Posts posted by ollem

  1. yea, you guys this is a features of suppression if you are shooting there is a random chance thell jump or do different animations as if they are reacting to your fire. this has been embedded for over a year now. all that means is its working properly. :)


    i have to be honest some times when i get shot at i will fall strait prone or to the side depending on where i am. I could see to remove that one animation but ill wait for ollem to chime in here. 


    Just noticed your post: I haven't been around here for quite some time.

    Feel free to update/fix!

  2. It's been a while for me too :o but I think you need to set the path to "tpwcas" in stead of "f\tpwcas".

    So do not put tpwcas in subdir of your mission but in the root folder.

    Hope that helps.

    The rpt part you are showing: is that on client or on server?

    If this is on your game pc it works as designed and we would need to have a look at the server rpt.

    If this is the server rpt there is definitely something wrong while the server is not recognized as server by tpwcas...

    'tpwcas_mode = 3' will disable all client side tpwcas scripting so don't expect to see any hints or debug messages on your game pc.....

  3. I've taken quite some 'ArmA-Break time' but after just looking at the new built-in vanilla suppression details I do have some ideas to improve tpwcas to have it working much better together with the built in suppression.

    Before you start wondering or even dare to ask at the risk of being banned: It may take up to a few months - not sure yet when I will really pick up the pace again.

    I will report back here when there is something worth to share.

  4. Hey I was wondering, is there a way to make it so enemies lose skill but don't go prone at close range? It seems kind of odd when they go prone 50m in front and try to crawl away in vain. I'm not sure if that's realistic or not.

    Please have a look at your userconfig\tpwcas_v2.hpp file when using mod version or "tpwcas_init.sqf" when using script version.

    Look for the following value and adjust to your liking:


    tpwcas_ir = 20;

  5. Hello Ollem,

    are you still working on tpwcas? Any plans to improve it? I got some ideas, one thing I'm missing in Arma 3 is that AI are not covering themself when they're under fire. Some supressing animations would be really nice, eg. -

    I'm still around but haven't been able to work on tpwcas (and other ArmA stuff) for a while now.

    However, I do hope to pick up ArmA scripting soon again.

    About the animation idea: that could be an idea, but it probably would interfere with a status change animation (e.g. going prone or crouched).

    I will put it on the todo list to investigate.

  6. Hard to tell like this - at tpwcas_mode = 3 you won't see color changes for sure.

    (which reminds me to take a look at that while I believe there is a new Arma 3 script command which may actually take care of that also for tpwcas_mode = 3)

    2 suggestions here:

    - try with tpwcas_mode = 2 to see if it does work for you then

    - take a look at the arma3 log file for possible hints what might be wrong (On Win7 in C:\Users\<your windows user name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 )

  7. Test Version Signed by me for testing, With changes listed above



    If feedback here is positive I will release a signed version.

    ---------- Post added at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

    Just to make sure - skill reduction for suppressed units should work for AI firing from vehicles?

    Yes, that should work

  8. I have applied the changes proposed above. going to test and send to Ollem for packaging.. hopefully he can sign it and kick out an update soon...

    Sure! Thanks

    ---------- Post added at 06:51 ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 ----------

    Also a kind reminder to look into disabling stealth command to participating player group (whether commanded by the player, or not) :) Thanks!

    There is already a check if the leader of the group is a player.

    There isn't a check to see if there are any players in the group.

  9. Right, then it must have been TPWCAS, which we disabled recently. They must have added that as a new feature recently as I was quite familiar with it's code a year ago and it wasn't in there IIRC. Thanks for the quick reply!

    I haven't recently updated TPWCAS so I doubt the 'diving animation' is caused by TPWCAS.

    The purpose of TPWCAS is obviously that the AI will hit the deck when being shot at, but that should not be diving, unless BIS changed something.

    (Your not confusing TWPCAS and TPWMODs do you?)

  10. I'm the only one who notice a not negligible increase of bandwith outgoing ( that cause more often desync on low bandwith client ) when someone is hit? I looked at the code and I think all these var setvariable ["",true] combined with CBA_fnc_globalExecute generate an useless amount of data traffic, everythink happens is synced between all clients, even if I don't need those data ( maybe I'm 10 km away or I'm not the medic or simply don't need because I can't do anything )

    I did notice this also. Too many variables are synched to all players without any use. E.g. In case someone is hit, the exact bloodlevel is synched to all players at least once per second, but is only used by medics to see if they should apply a bloodbag.

    I've already created a version in which CBA globalExecute is replaced by BIS_fnc_MP (and is executed for specific player only) and requirement to sync values has siginificantly been reduced. Currently still testing it but will share asap.

  11. [some text deleted here]

    The LOS process runs at the server by default and will take care of all units (including those running at HC).

    By triggering this process at both server and HC they might compete handling the same AI.

    In that case better add check if unit is local to the system in 'tpwcas_los.sqf', but then LOS will no longer work for AI units local to a players system.


  12. What I noticed in some ALiVE testing this past week is that in the ALiVE terrain tool there are 5 levels of terrain detail that I can switch around. In MCC there are only 3, and the highest one is equivalent to the 3rd one in the ALiVE tool. To me this means that MCC is missing the two higher terrain detail levels, which is one of the things(maybe the only thing) causing the floating objects issue.

    MCC has indeed 3 levels of terrain detail, which are set by 'setTerrainGrid' command:

    "No grass" = 50

    "Medium grass" = 25

    "High grass" = 12.5

    Yet the wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTerrainGrid mentions a value of '10' seems to be used for MP games in ArmA3, which is higher density terriain detail then default MCC 'high grass setting".

    I will run a test later today with

    MCC_grass_array = [["No grass",50],["Medium grass",25], ["High grass",12.5], ["MP 1 terrain",10], ["MP 2 terrain",7.5], ["MP 3 terrain",5]];

    (if you paste the above in MCC Debug and trigger on all systems it will be available to test immediately)
