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Everything posted by ollem

  1. I was wondering if you made the units "Indpendent" (side =2) on purpose, or if they perhaps were supposed to be "East" (side = 0) anyway and this is a bug? I also noticed that the "Semi-Arid Officer combat" has the wrong helmet (arid instead of semi-arid helmet).
  2. Agree wil above statements/questions. Apparently you have the feeling something is missing. What kind of AI behavior woud you consider an improvement? That would help in answering your question.
  3. Please make sure you actually select them. The names should turn blue when selected.
  4. First of all great work. Lack of recon and SF units should not be an issue to create infantry groups of 8, 4, and 2 units. This would e.g. allow the units to be easily used as oponents in MCC. A replacement package to replace default CSAT units would even be better :-) i started to give it a try myself but due to lack of experience and time I got stuck.
  5. I have been able to reproduce this behavior. After a long time no more waypoints for manually assigned cycle wp. Assigning new manual wp did also no longer work (disapear after 1 second). However, after "giving the group to GAIA" by selecting and pressing the appropriate button new waypoints were assigned again. Deleting GAIA WP and assigning manual WP again worked again.
  6. AI in buildings whoa re suppressed should simply drop and after a while should recover their original stance. The 'find cover' routine should never trigger for AI in buildings, which makes me wonder if the reaction you notice is caused by TPWCAS. Are the units you place in buildings part of a group or all individuals? If they are part of a group the AI leader may request them to move to another position. Please verify with Zeus or MCC 3 Editor which will show lines between group members as well as assigned waypoints. Also please make sure you use the latest TPWCAS_A3 version, because only that version does contain the 'is-in-building-check-and-do-not-trigger-find-cover-if-so'. ---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 ---------- HC works for me with latest version ---------- Post added at 07:20 ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 ---------- Right, but please note my comment above: AI which is identified to be in a building should no longer search for cover (why should they, they are already in a building anyway). This behavior has been implemented in tpwcas_A3_v5.5 (April 29) version.
  7. And for paradrop and halo and for IED and for..... Most likely some more features
  8. i checked HC again and it still works fine for me. No tricks to be done. AI spawned at th HC and GAIA worked fine too. Please make sure to use latest MCC while there was a bug in HC config 1 or 2 versions ago.
  9. ollem

    ASR AI 3

    Please try the following setting in your asr ai config file in combinatiin with MCC GAIA: reactions[] = {0,0,0}; // Infantry groups will randomly react with basic, scripted, random actions, to detecting the enemy or being shot at;
  10. It's been a long time since I enabled the embedded LOS - thanks for reporting the issue - I will investigate.
  11. Some speculation but please note there currently might be a bug with setPos related commands in MP: The following was posted by Dwarden on Skype server admin group channel: "anyone has repro mission for that bug with setposatl (or similar) in MP vs incorrect positional info? i know there is some issue with setDir (wip on fix)" So if this is true, the result of the getPos command (used by MCC to determine the position in 3d editor) may be different to the setPos command (used when restoring by MCC). To be confirmed....
  12. Please keep an eye on TPWCAS version: - the latest release for Arma 2 is 'TPWCAS v5.51' - the latest release for Arma 3 is 'TPWCAS_A3 v5.5' -> link I do realize now I should have used a more distinctive versioning system :-/
  13. This should only be possible if you enabled debugging.. Check your 'tpwcas_init.sqf' file and look for tpwcas_debug = It should be 0. Only with value 1 or 2 the debug balls etc should appear. If you didn't change it, please download the latest version from link above (April 29th). This one has debugging disabled by default. If it does show value 0, I would like to know some more details. E.g. how do you start tpwcas (command and from whoch files, etc.)
  14. Your logs revealed an issue with HC, although I do not fully understand why this error would cause HC to stop completely. The issue has been fixed so please be patient for next release. Don't know. Did it work differently in previous versions? (Gaia has the option to assign groups to other zones. Not sure if this action can be captured though) Instead of deleting the zone it's better to fix the issue I think.
  15. I've updated the v5.5 link above so anyone who already downloaded, please do again... Link with updated v5.5: tpwcas_A3_v5.5 (April 29) Changes version 5.5: - update: player controlled AI should no longer change combat behaviour - update: added simple check to verify if unit is in building to recover to standing after suppression - change: tpwcas_minskill is no longer absolute value but a percentage of the original skill (so 0.20 means minimum value of 20% of original skill)
  16. :mad: :mad: Still no good: I missed a last minute change I made which causes the 'check if unit is in building' to go wrong... :butbut: Please ignore again and do expect updated version shortly..
  17. Please ignore v5.4. This one should work: tpwcas_A3_v5.5 Changes version 5.5 compared to v5.3: - update: player controlled AI should no longer change combat behaviour - update: added simple check to verify if unit is in building to recover to standing after suppression - change: tpwcas_minskill is no longer absolute value but a percentage of the original skill (so 0.20 means minimum value of 20% of original skill)
  18. ollem

    Data file too short Error

    Check all files in your mission directory. If there is a filename with some characters not recognised by arma (i.e. None english letters) try changing this and try again.
  19. Any units started by Mission.sqm will be created on the server by default. There is no way without scripting to get them automatically spawned at the HC. So even though mcc might spawn them on the hc, after export to mission.sqm they will quite likely be spawned at the server. To move a unit from server to hc after spawn a script based on setowner command would be needed I believe.
  20. Unfortunately I do not have access to Arma till Monday evening so I am unable to check myself now. Do the logs show any feedback about tpwcas running?
  21. ollem

    ASR AI 3

    Rapax, do you see differences in assigned waypoints by Gaia with or without ASR? You can check this by selecting the side button in mcc which displays units and waypoints or use Zeus. To verify the actual combat mode of group you can also use spectator in mcc and press Y. The colour of the smoke shows the combat mode: green is safe, yellow is aware, red is combat, blue is careless, and cyan is stealth In next release of gaia smoke will be disabled when ASR mod is detected to avoid double smoke. We will try to pinpoint and solve other potential conflicts with ASR so feedback is highly appreciated. (I don't have access to Arma for a few days so can't check myself)
  22. Yes please :-) Please note I had only limited time to test the script version and did not even test the mod version myself yet, so please share your findings: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_a3/tpwcas_v5.4/tpwcas_v5.4.zip Changes version 5.4: - update: player controlled AI should no longer change combat behaviour - update: added simple check to verify if unit is in building to recover to standing after suppression - change: tpwcas_minskill is no longer absolute value but a percentage of the original skill (so 0.20 means minimum value of 20% of original skill)
  23. Why not create the reqruired zones using mcc, use mcc save option, and at mission start time use mcc load function to recreate these zones?
  24. ollem

    ASR AI 3

    No it should not. Same for TPWCAS. GAIA is more macro management focussed and ASR more micro management focussed. Only issue might be that GAiA currently also deploys smoke but in next release that will be automatically disabled if ASR is present too. ---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:12 ---------- Thanks! ---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ---------- You may want to try MCC: this makes it easy to spawn AI on HC.
  25. It's a known bug and has been fixed but the fix didn't make it in the current release.