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Everything posted by ollem

  1. Thanks for the feedback - will look into it. However, I'm wondering if #3 could have any effect on AI managed by the HC... my first thought is the HC managed AI is ignored by tpwcas, but I will double check. Since latest beta there are some new commands which allows to determine automatically if a client is actually HC. So I will include that in next release. PS: Integration of bDetect v0.76 is not an option yet, while I don't have it :P I've PMed Fabrizio_T for it.
  2. Thanks for this update: it's a great addon with lot's of config options!
  3. I'm actually interested about which TPWCAS settings you used. I've implemented 'experimental HC' option, but haven't been able yet to properly test it myself yet. Did you use it (i.e. tpwcas_mode = 4) or did you use the regular client-server setting (tpwcas_mode = 2), which should work for sure for HC side AI?
  4. ollem

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Never used this feature myself but please take a look at this video made by Shay: Or maybe this can help:
  5. I've been busy with other things lately but an update is to be expected for sure. Anything particular you're witling for?
  6. ollem

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Unfotunately that isn't possible. What kind of plane is missing according to you?
  7. ollem

    Do ArmA Firefights Exsist?

    You're richt Metalcraze: during development testing of tpwcas I several times thought I had found an error, to find out the AI had ran out of bullets. ASR schould help to let the AI search for ammo. Anyway, tpwcas schould for sure help to increase your firefights duration. Check some of youtube vids which can be found in my signature link or here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136304-TPWC-AI-suppression-system
  8. fabrizio_T/Xeno, Thanks for the update and info! I'll take a look at it and shall merge it with my own adjustments in future release.
  9. As mentioned above: it has been developed with ASR_AI in mind: if ASR_AI is active, some functionality will be skipped by TPWCAS and (thanks to Robalo) will only handled by ASR_AI. I'm not very familiar with Zeus AI, but in the previous tpwcas thread there has been quite some discussion about it. Your mileage may vary: Some reported it works great, others didn't see benefit of Zeus... Please read e.g. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136304-TPWC-AI-suppression-system&p=2229307&highlight=Zeus#post2229307 and http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136304-TPWC-AI-suppression-system&p=2230373&viewfull=1#post2230373 Anyway, please test and report your findings :) (If you see strange behavior in combi with mods like Zeus, you may want to start with disabling tpwcas_find_cover and tpwcas_los first) Request noted: next release all 'hint' will be 'hintsilent'
  10. There's no added value to make an AI unit aware of an enemy who's in Line Of Sight (and do all the not needed calculations) if the AI unit is already aware of the AI unit who's in Line of Sight. The 'knowsabout' value is the value that describes how much an AI unit knows about another unit already. So the 'tpwcas_los_knowsabout' parameter can be used to set the threshold above which tpwlos will skip further processing the specific unit while he is already aware of it and knows enough to leave it up to default AI behaviour to react. 'Reveal' command actually sets the knowsabout value of a unit. So a value of e.g. 4 means everything up to exact location is already known, and a value of e.g. 2 means the AI unit knows there someone out there somewhere, but doesn't know exact position. For description of "reveal/knowsabout' values, see 'TPWCAS_REVEAL' description in de config file. ---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:56 ---------- I've found the issue: I believe the hint enable/disable feature works, but it's specifically for the messages "TPWCAS 4.1 Starting..." and "TPWCAS 4.1 Active". However, the used magic 'bullet detection framework' known as 'bdetect' developed by fabrizio_T also has an hint option. When running tpwcas in modes 1 or 2, the message "bDetect v4.1 has started" unfortunately still does pop-up. In mode 3 (Dedicated server) the issue should not occur. In next release I will make it dependent on the 'tpwcas_hint' parameter value. For those who like to fix themselves: For both script and mod version, look for file 'tpwcas_init.sqf' line 265: add the following line: bdetect_startup_hint = tpwcas_hint; below this exsting line: bdetect_bullet_max_lifespan = tpwcas_bulletlife;
  11. Please try to change tpwcas_debug from 0 to 2 or the vice versa: 0 - no visual debug info should be seen 2 - visual debug info as well as messages in armaoa.rpt file should appear. Do you see difference when changing this setting? If you do see debug info, please check the log file (in directory "%APPDATA%\..\local\ArmA 2 OA").
  12. Are you using the mod or the script version? For the script version you need to adjust parameters in the 'tpwcas_init.sqf' file in stead. double check: you are referring to tpwcas_v2.cpp - the file name should be tpwcas_v2.hpp
  13. NEW RELEASE - NEW THREAD: Please continue discussion here for details and discussion of TPWCAS v4.1: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143797-TPWCAS-TPWC-AI-Suppression-System&p=2267043#post2267043
  14. Good question: The "NO MATTER WHAT" quote is not really applicable. Within the (by default) 20m a unit is considered visible if there is Line of Sight only: so enemy AI needs to look in the direction of the unit, and view should not be blocked by terrain, walls, etc. Exception are unit's with good camo like snipers/spotters: the will not automatically be seen withing this range, and especially at night, while being prone and not moving, the range should be less.
  15. Nah.. better try this early Christmas present : tpwcas4.1.zip To be officially released within the next days.. (besides previously mentioned fixes I decided to change embedded tpwlos to only trigger when 'knowsabout' value is less then userconfig parameter value (by default 2.9) - and included server keys)
  16. It is: someone who uses silenced weapon is not revealed at all.... (Note: 'reveal' command is only used by tpwcas when ASR_AI is not present. If ASR_AI is active too, it will take care of revealing units.)
  17. Silenced weapons do not cause suppression. All ammo types defined in the user config file (twpcas_v2.hpp) will be ignored: // 7 PISTOL AND SMG AMMO TO IGNORE. ADD CUSTOM AMMO (EG SUPPRESSED) OR CHANGE TO TASTE. tpwcas_mags[] = { ..... }; Bullets with initial speed less then 360 m/s will also be ignored
  18. Thanks - I confirm there's an issue with the script version - will change in next release. Fix is quite simple however by removing a "\" : Modify line 109 in tpwcas_script_init.sqf: if ( !(tpwcas_mode == 5) ) then { nul = [] execvm "\tpwcas\tpwcas_init.sqf"; }; to if ( !(tpwcas_mode == 5) ) then { nul = [] execvm "tpwcas\tpwcas_init.sqf"; }; Also better start the script by using 'execVm': Syntax: nul = [<tpwcas_mode>] execvm "tpwcas\tpwcas_script_init.sqf"; e.g.: nul = [2] execVm "tpwcas\tpwcas_script_init.sqf";
  19. I have seen those error messages in my own logs too, but can't allocate the root cause... The error occurs in "ca\modules\functions\misc\fn_initCounter.sqf" which is not part of tpwcas I checked if it was linked to the 1.62 Beta, but isn't. It may have something to do with the new tpwcas function modules: I will check === UPDATE: =========================================================== The error also seems to appear with the MSO mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136860-Multi-Session-Operations-v4-4-released&p=2206762&viewfull=1#post2206762 There they think: "It's not anything in MSO." I haven't seen any side effect either, so until proven differently let's ignore.. :-)
  20. I've made some minor changes and I'm quite sure this should be okay now. Please download and try this (test) pbo version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_dsc/tpwcas.pbo or full mod+script package: tpwcas_v4.0_RC2.zip At lower level difficulty the edge of the screen will show red indicators for enemy, and green for friendlies. As you can see on this picture, BlueFor is indicated as red, but they do no longer open fire at me. (setting independent friendly to nobody)
  21. Fixed it: pbo only download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_dsc/tpwcas.pbo Or download (updated) tpwcas_4.o RC1 in signature link below:
  22. I've just been able to reproduce the issue.... Sofar I always tested with ASR_AI, full ACE, MCC, and some Islands Then the problem doesn't appear. But when I start without Beta and no mods besides CBA, it also occured for me. Logs now show "L10: 'tpwcas_los_fnc_mainloop' - unit [C 1-1-A:1 (Test3)] - enemy: [b HAMMER:13] - Friend Value: [0]" Friend Value should be [1] though... :-/
  23. Thanks - I tested your mission - (added ups.sqf to mission dir) - but neither me nor the policemen get's killed ????? Tried with independent friendly set to OPFOR, nobody, BLUFOR.. Did you run you test with debug enabled? If so could you share your logfile? Note: I've tested with Beta 99515
  24. Thanks for testing. Could you please test with this version? Remove/rename /@tpwcas/addons/tpwcas.pbo and replace by adding this (hopefully) fixed version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_dsc/tpwcas_civitest.pbo Note: it contains additional debug log output which may flood you log file... so please only use this version to verify civilian behavior. If it's confirmed this will fix the issue I will release a new full version. (Additional log message drops the measured enemy/friend value status: .............tpwcas_los_fnc_mainloop' - unit [........] - enemy: [.......] - Friend Value: [......]" Friend value below 0.6 is supposed to be enemy. In my case the log shows (as expected) value 1 for civilians.)
  25. Hmmmm, the issue is I cannot reproduce the described effect :mad: : my OPFOR do not shoot at CIVI's with Independent set friendly to BLUFOR.. This is on local hosted MP mission, Takistan map. Could you try if the effect still occurs with TPWLOS disabled? TPWLOS only triggers for enemy units, and has some logic which triggers AI to shoot at the unit in Line of Sight, but I added some debug code to double check and (in my case) civi's are not considered enemies..?