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Everything posted by namman2

  1. namman2


    @ 1in1class it's for anyone who want to take a look at the models or make his custom version
  2. namman2


    Thnx for the mirror @ M1n1d0u : i'll ask him for that 1st post updated btw
  3. namman2


    no :( i dont have OA yet
  4. namman2


    @ M1n1d0u dont worry he's coming :)
  5. namman2


    Ok here's a beta wich should have no bugs (config wise :D) MaxxPro Ver 1.9 Beta i forgot to add the keys and the sign file so here they are and some screens http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/Maxx1.9991.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/Maxx1.9992.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/maxx1.9993.jpg note : i've included the mlods if any one wants to take a look at them
  6. namman2


    some more screen shots this time with different color tune 1st bullet sparks instead of dust test http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProln01.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProln02.jpg 2nd wheel damage (work Great ! :) ) http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProln03.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProln04.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProln05.jpg
  7. nice but, if the model is uvmapped you can bake AO,NOHQ,AS maps using xnormal wich will make your model looks much much better with some 2d shadows and bumb maps
  8. namman2


    idk but i'll see if i can add it but as you said i still need to polish the models first
  9. namman2


    thnx for your comments guys wip in game shots http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProLast01.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProLast02.jpg i'll try my best to make a release this week and here's an old picture so you can see the improvments http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q295/macmeister92/arma22010-03-0419-29-31-98.jpg
  10. namman2

    Improve bad Indoor lightning?

    try in o2 to select the objects/faces and press shift+e and in he lighting options choose always in shadow
  11. well you could make the hellfire holders/pylon (dont know what they are called) transparent by adding an alpha channel and then adjusting the hydra holder to be placed probably instead if 2 hellfires although the rockets may not come out of the hydra pods since they need memory points for that
  12. namman2


    Some 3ds max shots of the last version of the maxxpro http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProLast1.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MaxxProLast2.jpg and yes all the bugs should be fixed dont worry :) (those errors are there becuase i wanted realistic damage and now i got it) ingame shots should not take too long ;)
  13. namman2

    Challenger 2

    not bad for a first addon , keep it going ;)
  14. some namer mk2 buldozer shots : the model is by jake morag
  15. i dont know about marking system , i only hope i can finnish putting the new stuff in game :( anyway the new MK4 is here , it's still wip (if i ever forget to post it's still WIP then it's :( ) http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MK41.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MK42.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MK43.jpg next should be the namer mk2
  16. namman2

    rioting civilian

    well you can go to utube (for example) and search for a riot video and take the sound from it
  17. you need to select the faces that has the 2nd uv set and apply the textures to them
  18. namman2

    Sketchup to ArmA 2?

    nah the texture maping is fine , the problem is in sketchup. you see sketch up modeling is messed up ,every time i import a model from there to 3ds max looks "almost" perfect (you know some faces would be flipped) ,but when importing in o2 the real problems begins , o2 makes alot of straight/lined faces (3+ points) so when they are in o2 they make ST errors they would look perfect in o2 but in arma2/buldozer the textures will be missed up the only fix (wich worked for me) is to check the faces and fix all the faces uvmapping (nothing would change in the final result but the problem will disappear ) ,will good luck (it's a real pain in the ...)
  19. will it work if he gave it a skeleton? you know like humans and stuff
  20. namman2

    Texture on wrong side

    that's probably as Martin said the model is reversed (wrong normals when exporting to 3ds maybe?) so just select the model and press "w"
  21. namman2

    Texture on wrong side

    it's a uv problem AFAIK just select the sign and mirror on x (from points>transform 2d >mirror on x) and then press "w"
  22. Great work Myke , now Gnat will hate you for destroying his ships with those ;)
  23. namman2

    Road shadows

    have you tried giving it a shadow lod?
  24. thnx for your comments WIP on Merkava MK3D dor dalet http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MK3D1.jpg http://www.idfsquad.com/downloads/milesteg/MK3D2.jpg
  25. namman2

    RVMAT question

    yeah , that what you should since it appears that your as map has the same lay out as the _co map