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Everything posted by nikita320106

  1. nikita320106

    fixed range nightvision

    thanx fo you hard job) i waited something like this long time))
  2. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    to Vultar thanx for you clear and concrete offers)) I shall try to accept all reasonable suggestion and variants/ and I try change some commands and reports// but already existing config's structure and my low scripting skill will not allow to realize them all// besides/ the record of new words was not included into my plans... All addon's voices are recording by BIS and completely correspond to original characters voices/ always thanx for help and new ways search)
  3. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    to Vultar ok) thanx for permission) and any help and suggestion are welcome))
  4. nikita320106

    Sound Mod Questions

    so about - maybe negative/ cos default we're have only 1 soundFly[] = {}.... mayby i'm wrong// about - maybe possible/ but connect supersonicCrack to bullet does not give effect// cos m4,m16,m249 using some bullets class // it can is necessary try to connect to magazine??? always sorry my engliz) by myself i dot't find original way create really different sound depending on distance// as 1_person_sound/near_sound/far_sound??? somebody can help me?))
  5. nikita320106

    CSM Beta v2 quick teaser preview

    It would be interesting that will be earlier - v2 beta 1 year anniversary or final reliase? yep/ i' csm fan too//
  6. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    to andersson as i don't have broadband connection then i don't play MP and as i say this addon not tested in MP/ but you always right/ some sound file repack from default sonds.pbo to eva.pbo and no_eva_client have no way to find something// I not understand rules of MP protocol in enough //but I think that both clients and a server should have identical addons for prevent any error..... Yes/ the final version certainly will be tested more and more and have the sign and key... to Vultar [quote "TAKE NO PRISONERS". Wait a minute, how can I take prisoners while in plane? [/quote LoooL Yes, probably " TAKE NO PRISONERS " not so humanely for modern air war ) I shall think to remove this.. I do not like these long patetic cries...... but about stealth............ while that// I don't know how to block or switch to whisper) radioprotocol in stealth mode any variants and suggestion are welcome
  7. nikita320106

    DM Uncovered HMMWV

    visual good but maybe M2' place on the central rack (which you cut out) instead of on last?
  8. nikita320106

    Advanced Combat Environment

    sound good) but i feeling so stupid with my question... i undestood about ai_game_engine_limitation, but i think default ai_engine is most sick part this game(and any vehicle's addon will not correct this situation) what about AI? when ai bot receives the order "5, engage, machinegunner" he's also will rise and run forward under fire (in the single!!!! ) ??!!!!! what about ai_teamwork? ai_run_from_cover_to_cover? ai_flanking_behind_covering_fire? ai_hit_the_dirt_under_surpressing_fire? ai_taking_perimeter_and_cover_own_armour_from_enemy_rpg? ai_change_to_file_formation_in_the_city? ------------------------------------------------------------ sorry my engliz) but i really thinking about this/ and search for ways of correction of these problems.... ------------------------------------------------------------ maybe community_teamwork can help me or you? ))
  9. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    ok) thanx alot always working on this.....
  10. Maybe you can upload to another host?
  11. nikita320106

    1st Infantry Division

    to Vultar what particularly about specops?
  12. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    ok) but this is did not tested in MP what about small step_by_step_instruction for making key and sign?
  13. nikita320106

    1st Infantry Division

    to CameronMcDonald can i add suggestion? can you make in final or next version make for havy equipped soldiers new BackPack instead of default?? something like this
  14. It can is necessary to add "? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">weapons[] = {?m16a4?, ?JAVELIN?, ?NVGoggles?, "Throw", "Put"};
  15. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    to Maddmatt thanx alot))
  16. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    thanx for help and really great job) mmmm.... sorry my engliz but where is this particle count in period?? (i just want add more smoke)) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> interval = {"interval", 0.400000, 0.400000}; particleFSNtieth = 8; particleFSIndex = 0; particleFSFrameCount = 48; particleFSLoop = 1; timerPeriod = 1;
  17. nikita320106

    Advanced Combat Environment

    so) mayby UAV's and other robotic victim of progress only detain reliase very interesting mod? by myself major waiting_ACE_community - waiting for more tactical, intellegent and FSW-like or BOA-like mod/ instead of new death_metal)) toys
  18. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    Awesome staff)) all effect is great.... but how i can return back 0.6_version_smoke(smoe from vehicle on fire)??? (or mix old and new one) imo there is not enough particle....
  19. nikita320106

    Resistance Units

    to agamoth this pack replace original BIS resistance unit(RACS side) to yours Freedom fighters with some african faces just for fun)
  20. nikita320106

    Resistance Units

    can i offer small FF replacment for resistance unit? look more as african irregular militia link to FileFront always all credits to agamoth and Apocalypse team
  21. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    downloading now o) thanx for hard and really great job)
  22. nikita320106

    SQF revive script

    new option very intresting) waiting for ai-enabling script with smoke_cover and ai_real_drag_to_save_cover for heal action) o) i'm forgot about medevac) sorry my engliz and my overestimated requirements))
  23. nikita320106

    Armed Assault Armaments Database

    thanx for hard job) downloading....
  24. nikita320106

    sound file

    o) from Armaholic forum Addons and mods released / Youtube Based Sound Mod (YBSM) v1.0 by vbr666 WSS Converter wav files to ogg can be converted by any sound editor
  25. nikita320106

    RtmToolbox V2.2.1 beta

    WOW) I can't believe that I see it!! I so long waited...... Huge thanks)