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Everything posted by nikita320106

  1. nikita320106

    Multi Language Mod?

    while/ it is impossible.. // nobody knows how it to make
  2. nikita320106

    Sound and Audio

    what about completely new sound engine? with supporting reverb, pitch, doppler effect? with supporting all x-fi_sound_features? with supporting sounds_change in dependence on distance? with separatly 1_person_sound, 3_person_sound, distance_sound?
  3. nikita320106

    SLX MOD public release

    o) thanx for really great job)
  4. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    thanx for great staff)) what you plan to make for arma further?
  5. nikita320106

    Sound intensity setting

    o) thanx)
  6. nikita320106

    Dynamic Sound AI - RC 1.0

    wow)) thanx alot for hard and long-awaited job)) downloading now)
  7. nikita320106

    AI Suppressive Fire Reactive

    can i add my 2 cent? i'm not clear understood scripting but....i read wiki too)) then// for finding cover for AI - "findcover" is not enough// it is necessary to us to find ""getHideFrom" -"Returns the hiding Position. If enemy is null it is some position in front of the object or enemy position"" //and after that send AI to cover by ""setHideBehind"-"It sets the data for hiding. objectWhereHide can be taken using findCover. hidePosition can be taken using getHideFrom."" =======can i add another 2c??)) and what about ""combatMode "YELLOW" instead of "RED" ?? when the soldier runs under fire it looks too silly even for AI// He is going to enemy to frighten him or to shoot down?)) imho "RED" mode is suitable only for check enemy position after firefight ending)) ==================================== do not try to persuade you to correct something - i'm simply seems this theme interesting and perspective in enough - will force AI's to think and to move by more_team_spirit)) then we can realize importance of machinegunners on and snipers on a battlefield// ===================================== wow))alot letters)) sorry my engliz ))
  8. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    hmmmm// this addon only my independent job)....
  9. nikita320106

    AI Suppressive Fire Reactive

    WOW) that that is necessary! thanx alot)) i'm dont have scripting skill-2q -then what about standalone addone version? - how to make it?-how add check for assigned vehicle-then run something like this LECH_dimount-then prevent for mounting under fire? once again - thanx for hard work)
  10. so) can i add my 5 cent? i want to say that for me, as I do not have sripting skill, very much satisfies replacement version, which replace default BIS missiles... thanx alot/// to william1 whether I can change class Extended_Init_EventHandlers-from class_All to separately_each_class or vehicle_name?
  11. nikita320106

    Mando Missile ArmA

    o)thanx alot sorry my
  12. nikita320106

    M1A1 Abrams by Mateck

    to xnodunitx o)yes.... sorry my engliz// I had say that the "real")) abrams should be above than BIS's default (but I have understood that while - scales same as BIS) thanx for clear reply)) to King Homer yours OFP M1 work is best_of_best)) thanx alot from armour's fun))
  13. nikita320106

    Mando Missile ArmA

    no no no not packet flares launch/// sorry my engliz instead of flares countermeasures on every incoming missiles- IR-head missiles do not have radar-then i dont want countermeasures on every incomung..//// i want countermeasures on timer(two flares every 30 sec in combat zone(or "combat" behaviour)-then at air(helis or planes) and anti-air (strela or stinger) will have equal chances both on hit and on evasion).... then whether there is - opportunity to auto flares launch - till two every 30 seconds without dependence on incomung missiles?
  14. to Zonekiller what about AI_revive_script? Can u give more details? I very badly understand in scripting) but I search for a way to add in default group_AI-medic job (then 50% killed AI mast be returned to fight (with the lowered aiming skill)) something like this plan 1-have killed AI(or havy wounded - 90% -then "moves" disabled - enable wound_anims) 2-medic throws smoke between body and enemy 3-medic comes nearer 4-medic drags "wounded" in cover (is very well realized script of search of real cover using dsfault arma engine (written by Second)) 5-in cover medic long tries to heal(very long) 6-50% success -then AI raspawn near medic - otherwise medic call to medevac -madevac vehicle raspawn and arrives only after ending firefight..... hmmmmmmmm.... about my help with all this plan- i can help only on config work)))
  15. nikita320106

    Mando Missile ArmA

    to Mandoble can u give some help? im try this and have 1q? how make that in a combat mode all attacking helis and the planes shot flares by auto (on 2 at regular intervals) and bloked packet flare's launch on start thermal head missile(like strela and stinger)?
  16. nikita320106

    M1A1 Abrams by Mateck

    How about a scale of abrams model? It should seems that abrams to be much higher than default in arma?
  17. thanx alot) -------------------------------------------------------------- Can someone prompt to me how make that in a combat mode all attacking helis and the planes shot flares by auto (on 2 at regular intervals)? --------------------------------------------------------------- the answer is received from Mandoble thanks
  18. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    to Maddmatt for myself I have made some tweaks of tank_dust, heli_dust, moving_dust// more natural then default// if you plan to continue the next version I can send you this part.....
  19. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    to Maddmatt thanx for help)) //------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry for my haste i'm just added to all Impact_effect colorCoef_string from tankdust_effect <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">colorCoef[] = {"1 + 0.02 * dustColor", "1 - 0.08 * dustColor", "1 - 0.34 * dustColor", 1}; //very nice effect ///-------------------------------------------------------
  20. nikita320106


    Can someone give me some help about command "SideRadio "msg" In WIKI is written that "msg" takes from discription.ext that is. then this is will be work only in concrete mission........ and who can knows how to add in script, in my addon, radiomessage (like " 1, underfire ") that it was playing in any missions without any additional mission scripting??? only as standalone addon?
  21. nikita320106

    fixed range nightvision

    can i add some sugesstion? could you think about add to all light sources (cars headlights, street lamps, traccer) some halo with sizes depending on light's force??[]
  22. nikita320106

    ArmA Effects

    to Maddmatt can you give me some help?? where change dust colour of grounds hits and walls hits ? I would like for myself to change white colour to brown/grey... //------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry for my haste i'm just added to all Impact_effect colorCoef_string from tankdust_effect <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">colorCoef[] = {"1 + 0.02 * dustColor", "1 - 0.08 * dustColor", "1 - 0.34 * dustColor", 1}; //very nice effect:p ///------------------------------------------------------- and do you know where i can change wind speed for clear weather?? (in ca.config speed paramether for weather change only moving speed of clouds)
  23. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    to Ateryu82 weapon and vehicle sound submitted in video has no any relation) to voice addon)) so sorry)
  24. nikita320106

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    I shall think about this/ but this is will add the same above posted problem to crews and in stealth-missions//
  25. nikita320106

    Airlift v1.51b

    wow) very very interesting) what about standalone addon version?