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Everything posted by nikita320106

  1. nikita320106

    Night lighting effects

    long waiting and most needfull job) thanx alot)
  2. nikita320106

    VopSound 2.1

    sorry guys) wrong way) sound(weapons and others from voices) mod in video above is not my job) if you about eva(extended voice addon) i think in arma2 radio chat is good enough
  3. nikita320106

    CAA1 public release

    so) at finally a can say my WOW! OMG! an huge thanx for huge job)) at second 1q) how we're can disable default arma2 grass on arma1 islands?? o)
  4. thanx alot) check later
  5. Binkowski can'twaitcan'twaitcan'twait)) infantry makes all job
  6. thanx for needfull job so) what about readme???
  7. nikita320106

    AC-130U spooky II gunship

    rjtwins really great and needfull job) than alot))
  8. nikita320106

    MH-53E addon released

    @Gachopin really really great work!! do you planing CH-53 Sea Stallion or CH-46 Sea Knight?? will be great)
  9. as you seen i'm not scripter too then no basic copy-past solution you guys should be try to perform more effort and check the syntax and understand what is written two very simple solutions even for me so?? why not Is there a probability built into it that can be increased? by youself??
  10. nikita320106

    Endless Fire

    //Burning vehicles. By Maddmatt, for ArmA 2 //params: [unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] /* How to use [unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn unit: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to intensity: the intensity of the fire. Recommended to use values between 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though. time: the time that the fire started. use global variable "time". this is used to keep effects synced for JIP players lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as ling as it is dead (!alive unit). set to false to burn things like buildings and gamelogics fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying out. set to false if you want it to keep burning. (affected by rain too). If you want to kill a fire you can delete the object it is attached to. hint: you can attach a gamelogic to a moving object via the attachto command, and then make the gamelogic burn. that way you can kill the fire without deleting the object. examples: To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire: [mygamelogic,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn
  11. something like this _list = getpos player nearObjects ["AIR",1000]; {_x addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile",{_this execVM 'flares.sqf'}]} foreach units _list; but may be) i' don't now correctly you can try addmagazin "FlareLauncherMag" addweapon "FlareLauncher" and some {_x fire "flarelauncher"} foreach units _list you should check wiki
  12. nikita320106

    Driving AI fix

    thanx for just very necessary fix)
  13. nikita320106

    ArmA 2 Sound Design

    so) this is great) I'm all at support yours idea now// but// whats a secret work??? whatsuuup??? @Alex72, @Mark XIII??? what you guys hide from yours) almost a friend friend) nikita's??? comunnity waits for some info/demo/promo/videos/screens))eta/reliasedate))
  14. nikita320106

    How about documenting new particle FX?

    @Maddmatt thanx alot))
  15. just great)) can't wait)
  16. _plane fire "flarelauncher"; it's work for me try to add weapon for every air unit in (i'm add in main section(not in turret)) ======= anoter q) for those who understanding in basic trigonometry) _relpos=_v modeltoworld (_v selectionposition format["flare_launcher%1",_i]); _dirpos=_v modeltoworld (_v selectionposition format["flare_launcher%1_dir",_i]); _flare="FlareCountermeasure" createvehiclelocal _relpos; _dirpos=[(_dirpos select 0) - (_relpos select 0),(_dirpos select 1) - (_relpos select 1),(_dirpos select 2) - (_relpos select 2)]; //Calculate vehocity to launch flare at _div=abs(_dirpos select 0)+abs(_dirpos select 1)+abs(_dirpos select 2); _flarevel=[(_dirpos select 0)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 1)/_div*_muzzzlevel,(_dirpos select 2)/_div*_muzzzlevel]; we're check for direction of flare_launcher and calculate him velocity)) but/problem here/ Im want to change direction to to plane's direction!!)) can someone add here some simple solution for those who badly studied in school)) another one q)) how change particle params that he's continued to fall not losing velocity so mach)) sorry ma bad engliz)
  17. nikita320106

    INKO Simple Firing Script

    thanx for good job) check later
  18. Pauliesss i love you job for 1arma and wait for new)) and really great and so real stuff)
  19. ingenious thing) thanx alot check later)
  20. @mankyle thanx) thanx alot can you share example mission with last corrections??
  21. cool) Whether there will be customizable??