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Everything posted by miraoister

  1. miraoister

    Battle Over Hokkaido Maps

    ! C:\Users\gypsyking\Downloads\BOH_Mod_Demo_1.46fix(2).zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged This is why i never installed the latest version! I kept getting this message! I forgot about this, I tried installing it last night using winrar and got the same message, anyone got this problem? what should I do?
  2. miraoister

    Battle Over Hokkaido Maps

    ahh mr zuku1, we meet again! yeah i thought i had version 1.46, i was trying to download the latest version last night to compare just incase, but ofp.info wont let me down it, i think its the only site you can download the latest version from, the japanese site only has the bug fix download.
  3. miraoister

    UAV in OFrP mod

    cheers, im finally starting to understand how to use it although its not as fun as i expected!
  4. miraoister

    UAV in OFrP mod

    its a confusing pieces of equipment, its 2 objects a control panel and the seperate UAV, the 2 need to be scripted together, but I cant find any info anywhere or missions that make an example of how to use it.
  5. miraoister

    JMSDF PS1/US1/US2 beta

    where is the island Buren?! http://ofpboh.himitsukichi.com/main_e_frame.htm I downloaded everything but I still cant find it, the only BOH maps I have are Kannon and the other one. im guessing the town in this screen shot is off Buren... http://ofpboh.himitsukichi.com/main_e_frame.htm its too big to be the town in Kanon, if anyone can help explain where I f%$ked up, let us know.
  6. http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file/An72_Coaler;43000 im looking for the the script file mentioned on the above link "trenchfeets paradrop script"
  7. Im looking for an animation file or a scrpt or somthing for a bunch of wounded civilians who have just had an a-bomb dropped on their town, so im looking for people staggering around with their hands over theirs eyes blinded. also when ever I drop an a nuke the smoke clears after a few seconds is there a script that could continuous produce smoke or fire?
  8. miraoister

    I need a kayak!

    I want to make a mission involing an insertion of SBS marines from a submarine to the shore with kayak, Im sure I sure on on the falklands 1982 page, but that page is now offline. if anyone knows where I can I find a kayak/military canoe it would be appreiated!
  9. Im trying to stop a VIP getting out of the car when the car shot at, he is meant to be escorted, but gets out of the car with is his 2 body guards and gets killed! the third bodyguard/driver stays put. I would like to know how I could script the VIP to stay in the car, and while driver to gets out of the car and engage the enemy. also I would like the VIP to crouch down in his car seat if possible, (as if he is ducking down from bullets inside the vehicle) if anyone knows an animation sqs that could help i would appreiate it!
  10. unloadincombat = true so in the initalization field if I type unloadincombat = false the ambassador wont get out of the car? wicked!
  11. miraoister


    Im looking for decent western and soviet sailors! Please help!
  12. miraoister

    Nogova Crimes

    Why dont you make an addon of GG Allin beat up women in your maifa inspired mod?
  13. miraoister

    cheats on laptop?

    i got the same problems! also how do you zoom in on the map page? with a laptop it wont let you zoom in!
  14. miraoister

    cheats on laptop?

    i got the same problems! also how do you zoom in on the map page? with a laptop it wont let you zoom in!
  15. Just played around with the Falklands mod, its wicked if a little short. I noticed recently that the "Malvinas" mod is done by a group of argies, I'm just wondering which mod people prefer, I prefer the Falklands mod but the Malvinas mod also has some great model such as the sea king (hopefully they will bring out a mission where you can shoot down prince andrew! anyway, I would really like to see the 2 groups combine and work together to produce a really amazing campaign maybe switching sides to show both pospectives. If hiddeously burnt Welsh guard Simon Weston could forgive the Argintine pilot that blew him up, then im sure both sides of could work together to combine their beta edits and pump life into the project. I wont get into 1980s politics on the issue!
  16. miraoister

    Malvinas Mod/Falklands Mod

    I just hope the 2 groups decide to work together to get somesort of really good campaign with a good story line.
  17. I need a script that will produce smoke or flames on repeat. Hopefully it will have some variables I could edit to allow for bigger clouds or thicker, darker smoke. if you know one i would appreaite it.
  18. miraoister

    what map is this?

  19. miraoister

    what map is this?

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics/sectionpics/tristar.jpg I want to know what airport this map is. it would be perfect for a hostage scenario im doing.
  20. miraoister

    I need a kayak!

    I know about military kayaks as "an uncle" of mine used to practice doing insertions from submarines using a kayak. The falklands mod is long gone! but if someone knows where I could find it would help!