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Everything posted by modemmaik

  1. modemmaik

    tank config problem

    Simply ask vilas for an unbinarized version to fix this. Alternatively, the BI's BMP2 has the same problem. Is this the same behavior? Unable to look around in 3'rd?
  2. modemmaik

    tank config problem

    Problem 1: You have inherrited the loaderturret by use of the mainturret base class. This includes the mainturret's CommanderOptics, too (the 5'th position). I hope that you can remove this position by this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class loaderTurret : MainTurret { class Turrets { }; ... The second problem may be in the model. Check, if the otocvelitele2 objecs are included in the OtocVez (view LOD's and memory LOD's). @schroeder: Your problem seems to be related to a missing weapon for your commander. Same issue with the BMP-2 when in 3'rd view. We solved this by assigning a gun without a magazine to the commanders turret in the config, but it might also fix it, when you assign "FakeWeapon" as weapon and magazine, but I have not tested this yet.
  3. Just checked it. You have to replace the materials in the p3d as well. I replaced the soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat with soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat plus the wound definition: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound2.rvmat", And... they look pretty ugly  using a wound definition like this returns the plain face, when killed by headshot: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat",
  4. modemmaik

    wound textures

    I do not think that those other materials interfere with the wound textures. I also use some materials for verhicles interrior and some other elements. No negative effect on the damage textures until now. When fiddling around with BI's Su34, I had no air3 included in my CA folder. Unbinarized worked well, but binarized showed incorrect windows, caused by the missing rvmat's and paa's included in the air3 folder. O2 displays accessible rvmat's when you open the "Resource Library" window. It shows a '?' at inaccessible and a blue bowl when accessible.
  5. Well, such wound-definitions are defined in a tripple. E.g.: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound2.rvmat", Where the first show the material for undamaged, second for light damage etc. Changing this to sth. like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound2.rvmat", could result in always display the wounds. Just an idea, i have not tested this yet.
  6. modemmaik

    wound textures

    As far, as I can remember, the "osobnost" section includes head and hands. This section must include the "soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat" as material, else no such wounds get displayed. The rest of the body soldier_captive_body.rvmat as material. Have you checked unbinarized version of your soldier? The rvmat's can get tricky when binarizing without the matching rvmat's in your ca/ folder. Unbinarized versions use the rvmat's included in the games pbo's.
  7. modemmaik

    wound textures

    Are the soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat and soldier_captive_body.rvmat used as materials in your .p3d? I mixed this once. The effect is the same as you describe: No wounds  Regarding the hiddenSelections: I think that the wounds for soldiers and the damagetextures for vehicles base is the same. So I do not think that they interfere each other. But I have not yet tried to include hiddenSelections on a soldier...
  8. modemmaik

    T90. Which is the best addon one?

    I have only written the basic ERA "style" tank (based on BI's T-72) which evolved to Badger's, Maijus and Ike's version. Each of them differs a bit and I think those guys did a pretty good job. Â My priciple is "sharing is caring", which produced a bit of a mess at the beginning, because they influenced each other. But now the tanks have separate config, which resolved most of the issues. Ike's version is final (I guess), where Marijus improves his version. BR, mike
  9. modemmaik

    dead soldier shines

    Hi vilas, I have recently adapted the wounds for another mod. I have tested the wounds and on my rig, they seem not to shine. wound1.rvmat wound2.rvmat config looks like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">... class Wounds { tex[]={}; mat[]={ "ca\characters\data\us_hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_hhl_wound2.rvmat", "xxx\norm_body.rvmat", "xxx\wound1.rvmat", "xxx\wound2.rvmat" }; }; Which hhl.rvmat's exactly do you use? May be some have a too high specular value? May be you can fix this by including the hll-rvmat's into you addon, instead of using the BI-ones. BR, mike
  10. modemmaik

    SmurfC T72A ERA upgrade "style"

    I have uploaded the MLOD again on request: zShare DL-Link The only thing that I have changed is that the numbers are based on the tank's position @ init. This should enable the numbers for MP. This addon is non-binarized and it's purpose is to act as blueprint for other addon modders. have Fun, mike :edit: Credits for MP-numbering goes to raedor from hx3.de Â
  11. modemmaik

    Arm Patches...

    Check for hiddenSelections and setObjectTexture Additional information should be available via the search function. The implementation is not easy. I used it to implement some camos for the T-72 ERA "style" project. Mateck's latest version of his CH Tanks include this, too (Basic concept is from Mateck's thread).
  12. modemmaik

    1.15 beta troubles

    Do you still have a directory called beta in your ArmA-folder? I had to remove the beta directory before installing the 1.15.
  13. Well... Tested lowgrass + "lowbuildings" yesterday. I had the feeling that the FPS on an Athlon 3k+ plus Radeon 1650 do not drop below 20 any more. The feeling is definitly better now, running around in corazol. This way, I was able to activate normal shaders (usually it is on low), showing the most beautiful tanks ever seen while playing on my rig  Regarding "lowtanks" and "lowvehicles": This may be helpful to those people having massive FPS drops @many vehicles (like warfare and CTI). I do not see much chance to enable "little details" on a low-class rig
  14. Nice idea  I will give it a try when I find some time to test it  Thanks, mike :edit: vilas, yes you are right, but it should also be possible e.g. to remove the shaders from the wheeled.pbo or buildings.pbo. This way, you may be able to raise the shader's quality for the other objects or get more FPS. It simply offers you more possiblities to "tune" the system
  15. To be honest: Very much interested Actually, spec of my rig is one of the lowest around here, so it might offer me the option to try some options. Lowplants gave me the first option to improve the graphics quality. Also looking forward to reduce the "shininess". Thanks, mike
  16. Some of the items are arrays. So you only have to define the magazines like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> dexterity = 1.800000; magazines[] = {"HHx_556_30_AK_Mag"}; When you have the editing tools suite installed, you can locate a file P:\bin\config.cpp including the class CfgWeapons Default-class. This definition shows you which weapon's config items are arrays (e.g. sound and magazines and some more). <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgWeapons { access=1; class Default { ... reloadTime=1.000000; sound[]={ ... }; magazines[]={};
  17. modemmaik

    Russian KV-tanks

    What import effects in detail? But good to hear that you already test it in game The BI-samples wheeled vehicles should show some examples for curved surfaces (hummer and ural for example).
  18. I would suggest to counter-check the ingame-values by the use of HeliJunkie's Config-Explorer. I have only discovered the MP5SD (BI sample wepons) in the config where the single mode has 0.07 and the burst has 0.1 reloadTime.
  19. Same here  lately, i have set up a replacement config for a clan, including the infantry. I have uploaded the main parts to pastebin You may notice that soldierWB is derived from CAManBase. Some are derived from other classes, but the code should cover most of the infantry classes. You only need to include the items that differ from the BI standard class. Weapon replacements may get a bit tricky. I use to replace the standard weapons with their comunity counterparts. E.g.: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Mode_SemiAuto; //Extended class Mode_Burst; //Extended class Mode_FullAuto; //Extended class CfgWeapons { class GrenadeLauncher; class Rifle; class M4: Rifle { model = "theOtherModel"; }; You may find the needed info about the weapon class inheritance in custom soundmods, because they need the correct classes to replace the sounds of the weapons. BR, mike p.s.: Woops... two more posts while writing this post
  20. modemmaik

    Russian KV-tanks

    Hey Törni, good to see you back in action And I agree, nice looking model BR, mike
  21. modemmaik

    Sigma Six Vehicle Pack

    Cameron already mentioned the only issue I encountered so far using CfgSkeletons and CfgModels in the config.cpp. But the biggest pro for a model.cfg including the animations, gives you the option to check the animations using the buldozer, before checking it ingame. That is the only cause, why I am using model.cfg and it might also be useful for you to check damper animations etc.
  22. modemmaik

    Animat4ed barrel Recoil

    No problem, fabiantronc already posted the important parts. @all, I agree that GNats implementation ist the best way to implement this for the bofors gun. But can we use the same implementation for multiple turrets (e.g. tanks)? I always had to use the xeh implementation, because the reload animations did not get triggered on tanks. That seems to be the cause why no ammo belt rotation works on T-72 and M1A1, although the animations are included in the BI-samples.
  23. modemmaik

    Animat4ed barrel Recoil

    This download should include the barrel-recoil on the T-72: zShare DL-Link
  24. modemmaik

    Setting up a vehicle missile proxy

    Bad news  I have set up a T-72 and added AH-1Z's missile proxy plus according weapon for commander turret. The proxy does not pop up. I created a countertest, using a M113. The proxy performs correct, so I guess this behavior is connected to multiple turrets. Also I am unable to detect, where a proxy gets connected to a weapon. The AH-1Z proxy is named AGM114Hellfire, which pops up only in the CfgNonAIVehicles section of the air.pbo. The according proxy in the hellfire's wepon.pbo is named Hellfire_proxy  I expect that missle proxy's can be used in multiple turret vehicles, when we are able to assign the correct model proxy to the weapon. DL-link of my testcase: zShare DL-link smurfc_t72_stinger (I named it stinger, because I intended to use stingers... but hellfires match your case better) BR, mike
  25. modemmaik

    Setting up a vehicle missile proxy

    Did you already have checked MechaStalin's BMD-1? I cannot remember exactly, but I think that the proxies were OK in this vehicle (but I am not 100% sure). Alternatively, the SCUD-Launcher may be worth to check for this issue, but I have no link to this addon at the moment.