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Everything posted by Bavator

  1. No Jagged Alliance 2 in the top 10 ? pffft....... EDIT: Rome TW no. 5 !? With RTR/EB ok, but the piece of junk that the vanilla game was?
  2. Bavator

    Thirsk Island

    Ehhh....awesome? The last pic is f****** amazing! You forgot DAC :p
  3. Bavator

    AnimalMother92 Presents...

    could be related to this:
  4. Great looking island, downloading! :D Btw, is there a way to configure the six updater to install it to a custom island folder (@islands for example)? Six updates cba, ACE, beta,vop and all of them have their own folder in the root directory but with all the islands now available at the six server my Arma install could get quite messy. :p
  5. Bavator

    (SP)ACE Road to Freedom

    There´s an already reported bug with some of the ACE SF guys causing CTDs (try it with the assault grenadier in the editor).
  6. Bavator

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    And they have the best motto of all sf units :P Btw, what kind of uniform are pjs wearing these days? I´ve seen recent pics with "old" desert bdus and some with multicam. Btw, schnaps, you definitely need a new name for your pack, black ops and desert mercs is ...uh,well... slightly misleading.
  7. The 4870/90 are the best price/performance ratio cards at the moment imo. Got two XFX 4870 1gb for 75 euros each and I´m very happy with it.
  8. Bavator

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Nice "toys". ;P With the right profile settings and ACE you can get a pretty similiar look (should have taken the gas mask+gloves, though):
  9. Updated and ready to play...six updater= awesome :D
  10. Bavator

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Very seeeexyyy (we need more winter maps, though):) Any chance for some Air Force Pararescue Jumpers once you got the eastern units done? Laser made a great pack with these guys for OpF and it´d be totally awesome to have them back in Arma II.
  11. not at my gaming PC atm, but you could try "unit" action ["ACE_GlassesBalaklava", "unit"];
  12. Any takers? I depbo´ed the socom pbo but the config.bin doesn´t contain much information :p I also tried it with getArray for the muzzle entry but all I got was "M4_muzzle" (this is a standard BIS weapon IIRC).
  13. Bavator

    RH Hk416 Pack ver 1.0

    //sorry hijacking the thread, RH Kju posted a nice little config tweak here. All you need to do is insert the values you want and pbo it. If theres interest, I can post some pics how the settings look like and what values you need.
  14. Could a kind dev please tell me where I can find the config entries (the "muzzle" part) for the m4 socoms ? I need them for rearm script and "unit" selectweapon "whatever" doesn´t work with weapons with M203s. Thanks in advance! :)
  15. @meatball+shk thanks for the classnames, really appreciated!:D
  16. One question: I made a small BHD setup on avgani with SOM features triggered via radio (transportation, arti, recon etc) a couple of days ago. Now I added some ACE features, all is working as before except I cannot get any radio options when more than +-1 km away from my starting position (there´s a funny little B-HQ icon which I certainly didn´t put there, btw :p). Without ACE using the radio anywhere on the map and calling in support isn´t a problem...So, is this a ACE feature and I´ve to take one of the radio rucks?
  17. The addon itself works (I just tested it with a RH ammobox in the editor), its prolly that the replacement pack isn´t compatible with ACE.
  18. Bavator

    viewdistance is fixed

    Is every setting fixed? If so, your user profile may be read-only...simply uncheck that box in the properties tab.
  19. I don´t think they´re searching for "potential players" atm , but for beta testers. This is a beta release and a system like the six updater is perfectly suited to keep everyone up to date. You find a bug, make a ticket, devs fix it and upload the fix to the server and you synchronize your content. Voila!
  20. Awesome beta, guys! Playing around with ACE stuff in the editor for 2 or 3 hours and I still have the feeling that I´ve only seen a small percentage of the mod... off to play some mo´ Btw, my favouite keyboard button over the next couple of weeks: "2" ;)
  21. Probably a problem on my end, but I´m getting an internal error - code 500 when I try to do the - add existing - part on the web page. I think I exactly followed the instructions given on the Quickstart page. Any help would be appreciated :)
  22. QFT. Spent the whole weekend with the MCC and I have to say its absolutley fantastic. A few clicks and you have a full-blown warzone on an island (only played it SP, but I can imagine what a somewhat sadistic game master could do with it in MP :D). Ahhhh, thats why the RH 416 ammo box was available in the spawn menu...:p
  23. Thanks for making me spill my coffee all over my desk. I can´t stop looking at he doctor in this vid....:D
  24. Bavator

    Beta patch error

    @LordHorusNL My suggestion: get a launcher. No mistakes (missing ";" and the like) and easy addon managment. I´d go nuts if I had to type mine. :D C:\Spiele\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe -mod=beta;@cba;x\oac\oac_core;x\caa1;@landtex;@misc;@islands;@proper;@weapons;@units;@sound;@ai;@new3rdperson -nosplash -winxp -world=empty -noFilePatching -showScriptErrors -maxMem=2047